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Did you get your air conditioner lined out Brian?
yup got a new one installed, a guy came over and said it would cost about 900 to fix it so I got a new one that is quite a bit more efficient.....I hate having to do unscheduled sheet like that.
Can possums run? I thought they just waddled. Last night something was getting into our trash, so I opened the door to scare it off, and a white fur ball took off across the deck. It was too fat and low to be a cat, too fast for a possum. Albino raccoon? There is a trap on the deck tonight, kind of interested to see what is going to be in it in the morning.
yeah they can run. kinda. they arent fast. there are such things as abino coons. theres been a few come through the fur shed i work for in the winter. no market for em. people come in thinking they really have something. but theres not enough of em around to have a market.
Albino skunk? :scared:
anybody going to the Drag Races in Joliet?

Me and Tater and her sister Linda are going tomorrow.

Emmmm make some stew with it, WTF, is this the Beverly Hillbillies?
You don't eat possum, you run it the hell over. On a nearly related note, I noticed I've got a quasi-albino rabbit with normal coloration except for a white face living in the pine trees on the edge of the yard. Or maybe I'm drinking too much. I'm not really sure, and I don't care. That rabbit freaks me out.
Headed to Jellico in the morning for XRRA East Coast races 3 and 4 this weekend on Saturday and Sunday. I don't believe there is live coverage so I will be updating as I can on facebook.

mac 'PM Pat, Hellyes, or Sean R to get my facebook info' gyvr
Is there anyone in the Kalamazoo area, or going through that would like to pick something up from JCR for me?
Well... the whale pod next door has done the old moving truck at midnight trick...

So now the slumlord's army of denizens and hilljacks have descended on the house and are carting everything left to the curb. The pile of crap now stretches down the curb and in front of my house. The damn village nails me for a bag of trash out there before 5pm on Sunday... but they can make it look like a cheap flea market???

And of course the next round of 'idiot neighbors of the month' gets to start now...

I need to sell and get out in the country with no neighbors.
I need to sell and get out in the country with no neighbors.

best decision I ever made...that and I hated one of my neighbors so much that I was threatened w/ criminal charges for spraying him in the face with a garden hose while he was mowing his lawn and blowing his grass in my wifes sunroof..intentially!! If he was not 70 I would have whooped his ass, but even the Cheeseman has to draw the line :D
Anyone going to the Indy Airshow Sunday? If so let me know and we'll meet up. I'll be there taking pics for the local paper, one of my regular assignments for them, only this time I'm taking help....my GF (yup, she's back :) and her little sister who adopted me as her dad...)

Anyone going to the Indy Airshow Sunday? If so let me know and we'll meet up. I'll be there taking pics for the local paper, one of my regular assignments for them, only this time I'm taking help....my GF (yup, she's back :) and her little sister who adopted me as her dad...)


I haven't decided yet. I am staying up at my buddy's place in Indy today and we are tossing around the idea of going to the airshow niether of us have ever been to an airshow. I'll be wearing my black MWC shirt. I'll post up again if i decide to go!