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Friday morning I have my first real job interview in four years. This may end up preventing me from taking a vacation after this tour is over.
Good luck on Friday, Matt...... don't dip into the homebrew for liquid courage first......
Glad you made it Randy!

Good luck Matt!
Live from Oklahoma City.
We had dinner with the Okies.
Travis is now an Army man!
He is on his way to his first assignment in San Angelo Texas.
I have never been prouder of anything in my life!
seanR said:
Live from Oklahoma City.
We had dinner with the Okies.
Travis is now an Army man!
He is on his way to his first assignment in San Angelo Texas.
I have never been prouder of anything in my life!

Awesome! I'm proud of him.

Pinch him on the butt for me Sean.;)
My first view of him,

Travis and Lar

He and I
Wow, thats great Sean and Lar
I am happy for your family
great pictures

Congrats Sean and Lar! You have a good reason to be proud. That uniform places him among the best of his generation.

If you ever have any questions about the Army, or how the military works, let me know.
sgtmack said:
If you ever have any questions about the Army, or how the military works, let me know.

:wantyou:now there is an oxymoron if i ever heard one. and i can poke fun since i did serve.

congrats, i believe everyone should do at least one tour in our nations military.
Rev Den said:
Very cool Sean.

Randy you suck

That is all




And why does Chicago get a snowstorm every time we get back from Hawaii?
At least I didn't have to shovel, like last year, and the two previous times...
seanR said:
We are home now.
75* in OKC, 50* in Cuba Mo 30* here.
No snow south of I-88
Remind me why I live here?

'Cause in the summer it's hotter and stickier than here?

It's either that or you are actually a Salmon at heart and always return to your spawning grounds ;)

I like the trees. That and our nastiest nasty is a tick.
