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Congrats Craig! Got my baby niece here right now and making me realize i really wanna be a dad sooner rather than later.

And good luck John you have quite the quarry to dispose of lol
Congrats Craig!

And congrats John!
Yay everyone!


Had Madeline's 4th birthday party today!

Good to see Ben and Suzi and their 1.5 kids!

mac 'peppa looks like a hair dryer' gyvr
I dont like my kid watching that show. Tell me those heads are not drawings of dick and balls. The dad even has scraggly facial hair that looks like ball hair
We are finally closing on the lake house by Wednesday, its about damn time. I have never dealt with a more incompetent group of people. I could have had this place half finished by now if we would have closed when originally scheduled.
Us Empire guys will be in Rush, KY this weekend off-roading if anyone wants to join.

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We are finally closing on the lake house by Wednesday, its about damn time. I have never dealt with a more incompetent group of people. I could have had this place half finished by now if we would have closed when originally scheduled.

Congrats to you also. What lake was that on again?
Thanks Rew, Table Rock Lake, the cabin is by Eagle Rock Marina, Eagle Rock, MO. Its about a 5 minute or less drive to the marina by road, 2 minutes by boat. I just put in for a dock for 2017. I should have a year lease on one pretty easy they said. No more towing the boat back and forth!
Had another good interview today. The interviewer said I was one of the finalists for the job. It doesn't have the interesting challenge the last place I interviewed, but it would pay better and be in line with my experience and education.

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Congratulations Craig, John and Tyler!!!

Got the XK back last week, runs most fantastic!! Changed a noisy blower motor and found out why it was noisy.


Had the past 11 days off, most of which I spent with my son from BC Canada, my daughter Ash and Cameron and my two grandchildren from San Francisco, the youngest is Charlie, 6 weeks old and Tuesday was the first I met him.


Last Wednesday was the first time in three years all three of my kids were under the same roof at one time.


Saying goodbye to them as they return home wasn't easy. I'm getting sappy.
A lot of thinking to do this week. Had my interview with the ford dealer. Wants to put me in parts for close to the same pay as I'm making now. He basically said the job was mine if I wanted it. I told him I have to think about it for a few days.

I know that if I stay in the industrial field, I can continue to build onto my career and climb the many ladders this field has to offer. Potentially making more than double what the ford job is offering and ultimately get the shift I want.
I know that with ford I can fall into an easy job, surrounded by people you can consider good friends. Have weekend and holidays off to spend with family and be home every night to have dinner with my wife and kids. All while laying in bed with my wife every night.

I also know that with industrial, I'll be busting my ass, risking my life, working shity shifts, nights, weekends, holidays, long days, unemployment spurts, and overall tough work.
I also know that with ford I'll have asshole bosses questioning every little thing, annoying customers and un-needed stress, along with a dead end job with pretty close to zero chance for advancement.

As of right now I'm 85% sure I'm sticking with industrial career. Just need a few days to think I guess.