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I have no sympathy for folks who work and get paid for overtime.

We all make choices in life. Either you continue to work for it and you put up with the bullshit or you leave and put up with some other bullshit.

Just because the grass is greener on the other side of the fence doesn't mean it doesn't have to be mowed.

Josh, you and I get the same OT pay huh? :D I have not seen a dime of OT since 1995. I figure my day job helps with the benefits and retirement, the farm pays for itself (and only my one mailbox for bills, no government checks here boys other than my biweekly paycheck I earn!), and my extra efforts/inputs to the farm will pay out in labor savings or ease of chores later. Its more of a labor of love (and hate) at times. I am a firm believer in being a good steward to the land and it will pay you back, whether it be in a good production aspect, or a return on investment when sold at a later date.
I went to the local tech college for my autos degree, paid every cent. Was a mechanic and while working at the dealership I became the 'trainer' for all the new quick-lane guys and any 'fresh' mechanics. Got me thinking that there had to be more out there so I made the decision to go back to school and become a teacher. Worked full time as well as several side jobs while in school and still have about $30k loan debt. I've taught now for 5 years in 3 different districts (1st district was just getting a teaching job, 2nd was moving back to WI, 3rd was moving back to hometown area). Wisconsin's educational system is changing and I feel sometimes I spend more time with creating paperwork justifying why I'm teaching than actually teaching my students. I'm currently working in a department of 4 and we're all 29-34 years old, been teaching 2-6 years and have industry experience. Lately we've all been tossing around the ideas of heading back to industry because what the system is becoming is not what we went to school for.

Meanwhile my wife graduated with a teaching degree in broad-field history 4 years ago and since she didn't have any minor certs she still hasn't found a teaching job. She has about $45k loan debt. I'm starting to believe we'll never own our own home...
No adjunct teaching jobs at the local community/technical colleges? I got paid pretty good money to teach a warehousing class a couple nights a week for the staff instructor. Being an adjunct instructor meant no chance of being hired full time and no benefits, but I also didn't need a teaching degree.

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New shoes on the DD.
I need a parts train from Dans up in Michigan to Chicago. Anyone headed that area soon? I need to get a bumper down here. I gotta stop selling parts off my jeep withough repacements. Almost sold a driveshaft last night
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As far as industrial goes, I know what I have to do. Find the place I want to work at forever and wait until it's my turn on days. I understand that it will likely take years. Hopes would be to find a larger place that has specialist instead of just maintenance guys to really bring home some money. So I know it boils down to sticking with it and striving for advancement. The dealer job was really just an added bonus that was very recent. The 1st part of my post was the jist of my head games. The dealer would have to offer a boat load of money and even then, I'd know that that's what I'd make for decades with little chance for advancement. Definitely not looking for sympathy as I know I don't have the hardest job or really even the worst hours. In fact when I'm not working ot it's just a 40hr work week. The only part that gets me down is the fact that it feels like I never see the family. Most of the things my kid has done this summer I saw through Snapchat. But this year I have made a lot of money and have spent it everywhere.
I read it all. Almost didn't. So your place is hiring huh...

Dealership life sucked.

I haven't seen a listing on indeed yet but we are down 2 guys. I know they wanted a very experienced guy to replace the guy that's sick but not sure what they want now since they need 2
Nothing some welding won't fix.