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First year in a long time that I haven't gone out for new years. $70 cost to get into any bar (all inclusive) plus $80-90 cab fare round trip....no thanks. Picked up a couple bottles from the abc store and had a few friends over. It's 3am and im about to crash. 12 hour days all week caught up with me quick.

Happy new year!!

Uncc "usually don't see 3am unless I'm getting up to head to the airport" 99xj
Picked up a holiday shift today.

mac 'road trip to Ohio tomorrow' gyvr
I have a 14lbs pork butt and two racks of baby backs in the smoker. The butt has been there since 7am and the ribs since noon. Time to crack a beer and wait on some ncaa football playoffs
Nice. I wanted to smoke our turkey yesterday but I had to work and didn't think I'd have time. Plus when I saw the 15 degree temps for yesterday I figured I'd have a hard time keeping a good cooking temp in the smoker.
Good morning jeepers!


woke up at 5am this morning as i normally do. feeling very tired and wishing it was Saturday so i could get a little more sleep. i sat up in my bed but never stood up. not sure how long i stayed like that, although it only felt like a second, i now think it may have been a little while. then i snapped back and decided to lay back down. once again, not sure how long that was but i eventually forced myself out of bed and into the shower. in the bathroom, i went through my normal 'get ready for work' routine. when i came back into the bedroom and turned the lights on, my wife woke and asked me whats wrong. i said "nothing, just feel tired" she said, "why are you naked?" i replied, "what are you talking about, i just got out the shower" she then informed me that it was only 2:15am.

Right then i realized i didn't remember hearing the alarm clock go off.

has me feeling a little weirded out today
didn't help that shortly after laying back in bed after all of this was realized, my dog, who was in the living room(he NEVER sleeps in the living room) started barking a few times then just came into my room to sleep on the floor(normal spot)
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