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I want to set up a web page for tech articles


NAXJA Forum User
I want to do some write ups on some of my builds and stuff as well as post pictures from wheeling trips. Is there a good web page designer or host that is free and works well/easy to use. I just need the basic abilities to post some pictures and write some text along with it. What ones do you all use for your home pages. Thanks.
CAVE said:
I want to do some write ups on some of my builds and stuff as well as post pictures from wheeling trips. Is there a good web page designer or host that is free and works well/easy to use. I just need the basic abilities to post some pictures and write some text along with it. What ones do you all use for your home pages. Thanks.

I'm keen on supermotors.net, but that may not necessarily fit into what you're looking for.

The best advice I could give you would be to do a Google search for 'free webpages' or 'free hosting'. Try a few, see which ones you like, and go from there.
CAVE said:
I want to do some write ups on some of my builds and stuff as well as post pictures from wheeling trips. Is there a good web page designer or host that is free and works well/easy to use. I just need the basic abilities to post some pictures and write some text along with it. What ones do you all use for your home pages. Thanks.

I use Geocities for the moment - I don't have enough volume to justify a "special" account somewhere, with my own email and all that rot.

If you want, I can help you do some designing (nothin' fancy - I'm not into that - just simple and informative) and maybe even host some tech stuff for you in my tech section. You'd keep copies of the "final, posted" version so you can also put it somewhere yourself if you like, and let me know if you want to host it yourself and take the version I host down - I'll link to it instead.

You can check out my site (link in sig,) and hit me backchannel (either way - PM or 5-90 AT naxja DOT org) if you want to discuss this further.

Ahhh, free hosting ...

If you just want to post pictures and movies, I guess one of the Free image hosting services would work. Perhaps a myspace account. This works for 99.9% of the folks who just want to throw up a few pictures.

Web Pages:
Geocities would work if you want a subdomain on someone elses machine, though if I recall, the editor software was pretty basic and you had to purchase it. Perhaps that has changed. There are a few other "Free" web hosting outfits and the story is basicly that you have to put up with ads in your space.

Web pages work on HTML ( HyperTextMarkupLanguage) which is a fancy way of saying text with "tags". The language is easy to use and you can write and test a webpage on your own computer with any text editor and use your favorite browser to look at it.
I recomend a book called "HTML"(insert latest version)"for Dummies" if you want to get started at it.

Otherwise an honest to bejevas HTML editor programs are $. MS Frontpage is a good basic HTML editor and has templates for PhotoAlbums (that with a little perversion can also show movies :D )

From there it snowballs. You spend all your time messing with your website. You then rent space on a server so you can get rid of ads and store more info/pictures. You loose interest in the real world and your wife/girlfriend sees you rairly as you are bent over your computer trying to find a new set of "Bling" code which will separate your site from the rest of the masses. Maybe some dancing Badgers...

Zuki-Ron said:
Ahhh, free hosting ...

If you just want to post pictures and movies, I guess one of the Free image hosting services would work. Perhaps a myspace account. This works for 99.9% of the folks who just want to throw up a few pictures.

Web Pages:
Geocities would work if you want a subdomain on someone elses machine, though if I recall, the editor software was pretty basic and you had to purchase it. Perhaps that has changed. There are a few other "Free" web hosting outfits and the story is basicly that you have to put up with ads in your space.

Web pages work on HTML ( HyperTextMarkupLanguage) which is a fancy way of saying text with "tags". The language is easy to use and you can write and test a webpage on your own computer with any text editor and use your favorite browser to look at it.
I recomend a book called "HTML"(insert latest version)"for Dummies" if you want to get started at it.

Otherwise an honest to bejevas HTML editor programs are $. MS Frontpage is a good basic HTML editor and has templates for PhotoAlbums (that with a little perversion can also show movies :D )

From there it snowballs. You spend all your time messing with your website. You then rent space on a server so you can get rid of ads and store more info/pictures. You loose interest in the real world and your wife/girlfriend sees you rairly as you are bent over your computer trying to find a new set of "Bling" code which will separate your site from the rest of the masses. Maybe some dancing Badgers...



I don't know anything about the Geocities editor - I hand-coded all my pages. I didn't like the artifacts that MSWord and MSExcel kept trying to stick in there, don't have FrontPage, and haven't gotten the hang of PageMill (and I learned HTML with hand-coding anyhow. I like it - gives me more control, and makes it easier to fix when it breaks, since I know how it all is supposed to work.)

As far as 'site bling,' I just don't bother. Check my pages out - I try to make them simple and informative, and so they'll work on anything. Another advantage to hand-coding, leaving out CSS, Flash, Shockwave, and all that other crappola that I don't have time to deal with. Make it simple, and you don't spend a lot of time working on it (although I do need to simplify my "pricing" page, since the damn copper market won't hold still. Neither does petrochemistry...)

I may have to take you up on your offer, but I would like to set up a simple page as you did for myself. I agree that I don't want to spend too much time at it as I have many better things to do with my time in the garage. However, I'm sure I could easily be sucked into the snowball effect if I'm not careful as I love messing around with new things. Is setting up a geocities site free or do you have to buy some software or something as was mentioned above? Thanks for all the help guys.
5-90 I was kidding about the bling.
You're spot on. It takes up bandwidth, is annoying as hell and slows teh loading of the page. K.I.S.S. is the name of the game with webpage design.

They make free and not so free.

After you create an account and do the basic setup stuff, like what you want to call your domain, you can upload and manage your webpage without the use of any fancy tools.
You can sign up here:

Here is a link to their web design software:

CAVE said:
I may have to take you up on your offer, but I would like to set up a simple page as you did for myself. I agree that I don't want to spend too much time at it as I have many better things to do with my time in the garage. However, I'm sure I could easily be sucked into the snowball effect if I'm not careful as I love messing around with new things. Is setting up a geocities site free or do you have to buy some software or something as was mentioned above? Thanks for all the help guys.

If you like. I'll help you where I can.

There are two books that have proven invaluable to me - HTML 4.0 for Dummies and the smaller, comb-bound "quick reference" they put out.

Geocities offers a front-end for coding HTML, but I've not used it. HTML can be "hand-coded" (the way I did) using Notepad or a similar text editor. When you go to save the file, change <Save as type> to "All Files" and add <.html> to the filename to save it as an HTML file.

"Hypertext" simply refers to the fact that the text can be considered "active" - that's what all the tags and such are for. The tags just instruct the browser - whichever one is in use at the time - how to handle and process different things. They identify links to other items/pages, what colours to use for what, where images go, how big they are, and the like.

One of the smartest things you can do when learning it yourself is to go to some simple web pages, right-click anywhere in the field of the page, and select the "view source" option on the menu you should get. Print the page and the source, and then sit down with both printouts and your reference of choice. This will allow you to see a completed source file, a completed end product, and have a reference on how things work while you're about it. An HTML reference won't cover Java/Javascript and will give a passing nod to "Cascading Style Sheets" - but you'll get basic HTML going in your head, and I find it easier to pick something apart than to create something from whole cloth when I'm first learning.

You don't need to "upload" HTML pages to anywhere in order to test them - just check them on your local hard drive. Hell, you don't even need an Internet connection until you go to "up" the pages, or to test offsite links.

Geocities also has a fairly simple front-end for file handling (uploading, updating, and organising) that is resident on their server, although you can use a local FTP client if you want to do more than the site offers (they give the information for setting up FTP - I use CuteFTP myself, but I've been using it for years.)

Do go ahead and review some "fan sites" - since they tend to be fairly simple - and if you want to see the source for some of my pages, I'm willing to share. You can then do the same thing - compare the source file with the output file, and pick the source apart until you start to understand what's going on. It should make it easier for you to understand.

check out godaddy.com I use them and I have my own domain. Fairly cheap and you can use some of there web design tools also. I use frontpage 2003 edition. I just haven't had time to finish my site, and I am buying into a company at the beginning of next year and I have an all new page waiting to go up. If you need any help along the way let me know.
Thanks for all the help guys. I am going to keep researching a little more before I decide how to go about it, but I agree with the simple for stupid(me) method.