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I am your President, and wish to continue.

Are you sure it isn't yellow?
Was taking responsibility of a Facebook page with NO BOD vote a proper action in your mind? If so, can we expect more of the dictator way of running things?
I am an admin of the mwc fb page. I will do what needs to be done if it needs to be done. I haven't changed anything, just doing what needs to be done.

Dictator? That's funny coming from a guy that took the fb page and made radical changes without any bod approval.

I would like to see one example of how I've abused my authority or have let the chapter down.

You don't like how I'm doing things, you still have the opportunity to run for the job.
Re: Re: I am your President, and wish to continue.

Got your timelines messed up again Dan, maybe you need to check your notes.

Not sure what timeline you're referring to.

Are you still bitter because I told you to enjoy your mini club?

Don't like the choices for president? Do something about it.
Was there a BOD vote to take on the FB page? No. Was it a private members page before you became admin? Yes. I did not need BOD permission to do anything to a private page. You however did need BOD approval to take it over, but you just did it,
The owner gave you permission to admin it....HOWEVER, the BOD did NOT vote to take over the page and handle admin duties.

So when was the BOD vote??
I will make a request to the recorder for the results of that vote.

As a member I am entitled to that, I am sure the rest of the members would like to see it also.....BEFORE you took control.
Whoops...no vote BEFORE you assumed control as a chapter representative.

What do you care? You will win again and then you can have all your "special friends" on the BOD.

On 7/8/13, President Dan (Fore Wheeler) Wheeler began discussions of the MWC Facebook page. Concern has risen from other chapters' issues regarding their Facebook pages and their issues prompting the discussion.

In order to maintain a great level of civility and ensure BOD control of the MWC Facebook page, the following rules were brought into discussion.

1. The Facebook page shall have at least 2 MWC BOD members to function as admins.
2. Austin Lee shall be owner of the page and have admin rights until such time that he decides to relinquish that right, or until his membership shall expire. At that time the MWC BOD shall assume full control of the :NAXJA:-MWC Facebook page.
3. Users shall not post any inappropriate content, including but not limited to, pornography, vulgar language, racist comments, or anything else that the majority of members would consider offensive. All posts should fit within the spirit of the :NAXJA: forum rules.
4. Users of the Facebook page will be limited to those currently registered on the forums, with no regard to chapter or membership. Those already part of the Facebook page shall be grandfathered.

On 7/15/13, Director Matt (MacGyvr) Rowland called a vote on the Facebook motion. Also on 7/15/13 the motion passed.

Aye - 5
Nay - 0

**Please note that these rules are subject to change or be amended at any time the BOD deems necessary.