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Guide me oh great ones......stock to 4:56 gears

mako my day

NAXJA Forum User
Aliso Viejo
I have searched for months now. I am ready to go to 4:56 from my stock 3:55.
Who should I go with for install? I would want to watch if possible.

Should I attempt it myself? (I would love to.....but I'm a retard)........
What would I need to do the install myself?

d30/8.25(I think it's a limited slip...maybe, both rears spin in the deep sand)

Ready to buy everything today.
i would go with Rob @ RWKHausSupply or JeeperJohn depending on who is closer to you. Rob is also a dealer for the parts so if you went with him it would be one stop shopping. IMO i would stay away from taking it to a shop to get it done the labor rates at shops for gear work are ridiculous and both those guys I mentioned are excellent at setting up gears.
Who is the better looking one?
John's much better looking when his girlfriend is standing next to him. :)

Sorry John, couldn't resist, that is a nice piece of tail you walk around with. ;)
Whoever you go with, make sure they use a hard spacer of the right thickness to replace the crush sleeve on the pinion of the 8 1/4, or at least a crush sleeve only from Chrysler direct. The crush sleeves in the rebuild kits will continue to crush after install, and will eventually (not all that long) cause failure. Ask me how I know.

David Bricker / SYR
Rob's more of a bear, never met John so i cant say. He does good work and the price is always right. In my more newbish days I had 4WheelParts regear my Dana 30. It pains me to remember how much money I've thrown away on my rig due to ignorance.
I had my gears, set up kits, lockers etc. sitting in boxes for a couple of years.....bought everything a little at a time as money allowed and when found for a good price (picked up a used front air locker for $250!)

I already had a press, bearing pullers, dial indicator, made my own set up bearings, picked up a real nice dial type inch pound torque wrench for cheap (Amazon.com :D) and studied and read just about everything I could find.....I'd done a couple of Toyota and Ford 9"s but, they're prettty easy compared to Dana axles.

So, did the front gears and ARB on an axle sitting on stands....still quite a bit of work but, got it done, swapped out axles and sold my old one. Would have been a real bitch doing it in the vehicle, laying on my back in my driveway!

My rear D44, I did in my driveway, on a creeper....what a pain (literally)

Had the carrier in the housing (barely) for the last time (after several times getting the B/L and a pattern I was satisfied with) went to reach for my dead blow hammer (it's tight when preloaded correctly), my hand slipped and that chunk with ring gear and locker fell out, bounced off my chin and onto my chest.....I saw stars, cut my chin and was worried I would have to go to the emergency room (just lost my job and medical insurance).

My conclusion: now I know why they charge good money to do this stuff.

I'm a pretty decent wrench, always wanted to attempt this myself and couldn't afford to pay anyone now that I'd been laid off. Since I already had everything, I only spent money on gear lube and some brake cleaner :)

So, if after hearing my story you feel like giving it a shot....go for it it's a good learning experience but, if you just want it done....it's money well spent and a whole lot less painful ;)

Oh yeah, running 4.88s with 33s and love it!

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i did my last set myself, and it wasnt horrible, but it did take me a long time. Definitely worth the money to have it done if you can afford it.
I had mine done by Another Naxja Member who lives in Highland but not sure if he;s still around. Solid work and i believe i payed 150 per axle. Had to take my axles to him but it still think it was cheaper than going to a shop. Also, he's a jeep mechanic by day, so there is that piece of mind.

Good luck holmes
All I wanted was 4:56. looks like I'm going locked, geared, and chromo.

I guess my bear rug will have to wait.
That is the way to go, big money all at once, but you'll never have to look back.
........but I'm a retard........

What kind?
1. The good "Rain Man" type of retarded you can count cards?
2. The drools a lot and masturbates on the bus type of retarded?

Sorry, I couldn't resist. :cheers: