Yawn, since 85’ I have been paid to, install vortec (first and second gen) in everything you could think of including 86 conquest with 400 trans (my own), modifying turbo cars from the day when that was a trip to the fish store to modern ECUs. Grafted OBD-1 Q45, into OBD-2 Q45 with active suspension and traction control, so not really impressed with the AW4 TCU stuff, but good for you.
I build custom regulators and high tech alternators for US and other military around the world, custom built industrial charging systems for industrial equipment not available in the US and designed and built high amp alternators for the Japanese police. Designed, built and installed thousands of dual, triple, and up to 12 alternators on one vehicle, in all types of vehicles. Designed and build obsolete rectifiers that the original manufacturer (Motorola) could not build.
Only company in the world with 4 alternators in a Grand Cherokee, only company on the world to fit 3 alternators in the 4.0 XJ W/O removing AC. Currently building harness for 99’ Grand Cherokee 4.0 engine and trans / transfer into 97 Wrangler with 4 cly, had a hold up on hardware development with Novak since has never been done before – yup BCM to non BCM and just to make it fun remove SKIM and factory gauges, I know cake walk. Oh and Mega-squirt a snow blower, just to see if it could be done.
Not that we are having a pissing match, but i can write my screen name in the snow and well.....
Sorry on the “3 parts to pot” trying to dumb it down, did not realize I was talking to an expert. But can you blame me? OP is in need of a sending unit and does not want crap, I suggest a rebuild and you start talking about rust??? Sorry I got lost in your wisdom.
Never said anything about resistor board replacement, said clean it, if you can’t clean it is junk, that better? But now you are finally getting around helping in the guy, see what I am saying? “I have a bad sensor”, “oh you have rusted tubes”, OK thanks for the help. Guy could have said blah, blah, blah, and you could have said banana and it would have been just as helpful.
Your final paragraph, great advice, but it is still cheap aftermarket or super expensive OEM, NOS or reproduction, and we are right back to square one.
So sorry for trying to help the guy, Jmeti000 install new fuel lines, problem solved.