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Um the dealer has money to gain by ripping you off. Also the mechanic is probably getting paid book hours so if he can get a 6 hour book job done in 4 real hours by cutting corners and not doing all the work he makes more. Alot of the parts that dealers are getting for older cars come from your local auto parts store they just mark up the price 10 times. Jeep doesn't even make half the parts it used to for XJ's or have the original sources for them. They are what they are STEALERSHIPS
Dirt said:
Hi! I'm 2008. Things have changed.

Please at least quote me in context and dont make out like I didnt already acknowledge that I know my info is old.
I said:
"Granted, that was some 17 years ago"
"Maybe its changed now or maybe different manufacturers do it differently. If so, I stand corrected, but this is my experience"
Back before I knew anything about anything that went on with my Jeep (about 1000 miles into it, after buying a 33,000mile lease) my front brakes went. The pads must have been ready to go when it came off the lot, not good, but fine, whatever. I took it back with my mom to get it looked at after some vibration in the pedal. They look at it and tell me I need new brakes up fron, rotors, pads, the works. Fine, ok I say, if it needs to be fixed it needs to be fixed. $700 later I leave the dealership. 1000 miles down the road, same problem, vibration in the brake pedal. I go to the goodyear shop around the corner. They pull the rotors and pads off. Apparently for $700 the dealership had machined the warped rotors, and forgotten to replace the pads which were now nothing but metal. I wanted to bash their heads in with my old rotors. Also, same place had me come in at 10AM finished the car at 11:30 (alarm system issue) and then forgot about me until after lunch ~1PM...then tried to charge me an extra $250 because they made remotes for the factory keyless system not the alarm system that they sold it to me with...
Alternatively, I recently made a trip to another dealership for some rear brake issues that I could not look at or fix because I'm at school. New shoes, adjustment, machined rotors, 1 brake cylinder and a few hours later and the bill is $300, the most expensive part being the ~$130 cylinder. And they decided to throw in a 10% discount because it took 4 hours...but hey whatever at least they were nice and did the job right. Its hit or miss, but they certainly take advantage if they can, and if you get the wrong person. While I'm here I might as well ask, the Volvo dealership told my gf's mother that when a headlight blows they have to replace both because the blown one causes the good one to draw more power and consequently causes damage, any truth to that?
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BlackSport96 said:
different, but here's a tram getting pulled out by an AAV right behind on my unit on Pendleton...I was pulled by the same AAV shortly thereafter
Just realized I quoted myself because I apparently missed the deadline for editing... d'oh!! :doh: