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California takes a step backwards!

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You sound like a "born-again".

What was your rock bottom? Drug addict? Alcoholic? Gay?

Anybody who preaches like you do, is usually a born-again, and in my book, you're the worst of the worst.

You were probably a better person when you were a drug addicted, alcoholic fag.

Sorry got to say this, that is the most ignorant thing I've heard in a long while.
Who is to say his crimes were passive and you aren't reaping the benefit of his transformation? It's liable to be your daughter or wife who doesn't get raped, your brother who doesn't get three pumped in his chest or you with broken glass rubbed in your eyes, trying to argue with him.
I'd be thankful he found something to believe in and it preaches being a positive force, instead of a negative force.
Attack his belief system enough, shake his faith and the results just may be worse than the bible thumping.
Born again Christians are just as likely to be up and dangerous, as they are to be down and out.

You sound like a "born-again". What was your rock bottom? Drug addict? Alcoholic? Gay? Anybody who preaches like you do, is usually a born-again, and in my book, you're the worst of the worst.

You were probably a better person when you were a drug addicted, alcoholic, or a fag.

Wow Mr. Train Driver, them some very presumptive words there! Face to face you probably would get a broken nose talking like that to the wrong person. I guess the Internet leads some to believe they are some sort of bulletproof solider of fiction and can speak what ever they fancy without any serious repercussions. Lucky for you I know the difference between ignorance and insult.

I'm perdy sure only Drug addicts, Alcoholics, or Homosexual would think I would be better like one of them, so which one are you?

And one does not necessarily have to hit rock bottom to come to faith in Christ. I was at the top of my game at the time. I was doing everything I had ever wanted to do. A master skydiver, accomplished rock climber, and Navy EOD Diver. My major problem was pride, not drugs, alcohol, or perverted sex.

And one on one, I don't preach much at all. You would probably even like me if we met, and you did not know I was a Christian, and I would probably have no problems being your friend as well. :)

8Mud said:
Sorry you got to say this, that is the most ignorant thing I've heard in a long while.
Who is to say his crimes were passive, and you aren't reaping the benefit of his transformation? It's liable to be your daughter, or wife who doesn't get raped; your brother who doesn't get three pumped in his chest; or you with broken glass rubbed in your eyes for trying to argue with him.
I'd be thankful he found something to believe in and his preaching is being a positive force, instead of a negative force.
Attack his belief system enough and shake his faith, and the results just may be worse than the bible thumping.
Born again Christians are just as likely to be up and dangerous, as they are to be down and out.

Probably some truth said here for sure. But I know for a fact when some bully picks on a child and that child's father gets wind of it, all Hell will break lose on the poor sap that did.
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Trail-Axe said:
And one on one, I don't preach much at all....did not know I was a Christian....

I call BS on that one :D
Trail-Axe said:
Probably some truth said here for sure. But I know for a fact when some bully picks on a child and that child's father gets wind of it, all Hell will break lose on the poor sap that did.

My dad just gave me permission to go to school the next day and whoop the bully's ass...he say something like "If you get suspended for it, I'll call the principal myself and take care of it..."

There was a reason he started teaching me to box and wrestle when I was 5. So I could stand up for myself and not need "daddy" to step in.
Trail-Axe said:
I'm perdy sure only Drug addicts, Alcoholics, or Homosexual would think I would be better like one of them, so which one are you?
All of the above.

Just don't tell my wife, kids, or my boss. It's a secret lifestyle the very few people know about. :gag:
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JNickel101 said:
My dad just gave me permission to go to school the next day and whoop the bully's ass...he say something like "If you get suspended for it, I'll call the principal myself and take care of it..."

There was a reason he started teaching me to box and wrestle when I was 5. So I could stand up for myself and not need "daddy" to step in.

Sounds good to me, but the father I was referring to is my heavenly Father. With Him there are some battles I can not and should not engage in. Its more of a spiritual realm, and not necessarily a physical one that God protects his children in (though He is capable of doing both). I have known some enemies of the Lord to drop dead without any warning, and some lost all they had. -At the time I never wished it on them, though they had it coming.

Please do not think I am in any way threatening anyone. I actually pray for God not to bring destruction to those who have assaulted me, or hate me without a cause. I know God well enough to know that when He is asked to hurt others, He usually ends up giving the spanking to the one doing the asking, or He relents from bringing forth His rebuke on that person because He does not want us to take pleasure when He does rebuke someone.

As far as standing up for our selves in a self defence situation, the defence of another, the defence of our nation, or a law enforcement situation; then I believe 100% we are to do all we can to train ourselves for that day of battle. After the day of war is over, then I will give thanks to the Lord my God for the victory! :)

Prov 21:31:
The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but deliverance is of the Lord.
Prov 21:31:
Do your best, prepare for the worst — then trust God to bring victory.
Trail-Axe said:
Sounds good to me, but the father I was referring to is my heavenly Father. With Him there are some battles I can not and should not engage in. Its more of a spiritual realm, and not necessarily a physical one that God protects his children in (though He is capable of doing both). I have known some enemies of the Lord to drop dead without any warning, and some lost all they had. -At the time I never wished it on them, though they had it coming.

Please do not think I am in any way threatening anyone. I actually pray for God not to bring destruction to those who have assaulted me, or hate me without a cause. I know God well enough to know that when He is asked to hurt others, He usually ends up giving the spanking to the one doing the asking, or He relents from bringing forth His rebuke on that person because He does not want us to take pleasure when He does rebuke someone.

As far as standing up for our selves in a self defence situation, the defence of another, the defence of our nation, or a law enforcement situation; then I believe 100% we are to do all we can to train ourselves for that day of battle. After the day of war is over, then I will give thanks to the Lord my God for the victory! :)

Prov 21:31:
The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but deliverance is of the Lord.
Prov 21:31:
Do your best, prepare for the worst — then trust God to bring victory.
Yep.....born again wack job!!!

Do you take meds too, or just believe in your fairy tail character/imaginary friend for your day to day ramblings?

Your rock bottom wasn't your pride getting in the way, there's more that you're not telling us. Spill the beans mr. zealot.
Neither of you are adding anything positive to this discussion. I would recommend that if you have nothing positive to add to this thread, that you find another thread that is more to your liking. Surely you have better things to do with your time. :)

Good day!

The lips of the wise disperse knowledge, But the heart of the fool does not do so.
(Prov. 15:7)
This has gone from a thread about 'gay marriage' to one of a debate of the existence or nonexistence of god.

Really, you can quote scripture all night long and it won't prove the existence of god. You can't seem to debate your belief in outside of biblical scripture. Which is fine, but I would rather debate this topic with someone who can rationalize theology outside of the bible. Even your scripture quotes are pretty weak. Hell even the new testament tells us to put to death adulterers. I would even go so far as to say that you too are an atheist, I just happen to believe in one less god. :)

Believe me, it's been a challenge to not be more of a smart ass or disrespectful of your beliefs. I mean hell, they are your beliefs. If they make you happy, go for it. Just hope that you can allow people to find their own paths in life and not subjugate them to your path by voting for legislation that is prejudice or exclusionary.
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