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Buckin Tattoos. ink by Buck.

I think Matt's saying your client is clearly angling for such a seat -- a jesus slingshot isn't all that subtle! LOL. No sweat man, some like it hot. If'n I'm wrong in my beliefs, I'll be sitting next to him with warm, flat beer a good view of the abyss anyways... Great work, BTW, whether its my taste or not!, and Mike's is f'n sweet.
I think Matt's saying your client is clearly angling for such a seat -- a jesus slingshot isn't all that subtle! LOL. No sweat man, some like it hot. If'n I'm wrong in my beliefs, I'll be sitting next to him with warm, flat beer a good view of the abyss anyways... Great work, BTW, whether its my taste or not!, and Mike's is f'n sweet.

Thank you.
When you are in the tattoo business, you can't really tell someone what to get tattooed. You can only give your opinion and do your best to make it a beautiful piece of art work.
Some people may not like the tattoo. But it's not about what Those people think.
It's about the art work. If the one who has it likes it. That should be all that matters.
It's all good. People can think what they want. People believe I should go to hell because I tattoo and get tattooed. Lmao.

Besides. Heaven has clouds. Not awesome lava rocks... Where would I go wheelin? Lol

At least I will have a few people on the bus with me. Hahaha
Perhaps I should have ended my last post with 'lol'.

Cody, I apologize if I offended you, that was not my intent. I am completely OK with anyone getting or giving tattoos, to each their own. I hope that if I ever want a tattoo, I could ask you to do it.

And to agree with Chris, great work! Even though I don't agree with the subject matter.

Thank you!
I just have a lot of respect for each and every client that comes to me for ink.
I wasn't offended.
I just stick up for my clients and my art work!
Haha. Even his mom said she wouldn't talk to him if he got the tattoo.
She was bluffing. Lol.
She saw the tattoo and said. "Even though I don't like the subject matter in the tattoo, its very well done and it is your body"

I gained a lot of respect for her after that.

Its kinda like the old saying. Never judge a book by it's cover.
Well this is more like. Don't buy a tattoo for face value.

A tattoo like this not only represents his favorite artist. H.R. Giger. But it also represents his life.
Even though the devil has had a big role in his life (doing bad things/ bad things happening) he always bounces back. He always pulls through.
His family didn't understand the piece at first. Until he explained it.
His family has a strong belief in god.

With Jesus in the middle.(sling shot). And the devil being bigger.
This piece represents how so many times he has been pulled down. He has pulled himself back up.
With help and love from family and friends he has survived.
And will continue to do so.

Again. There is usually more to a tattoo than there appears.
Hints. Never buy a tattoo for face value.
I'm not going to hell, Catholics go to Purgatory. :D And yes, I have a tattoo of purgatory on my arm because I'm fairly certain I'll there. It was also a way of pointing out the hipocracy of the established "church" as it was a off the coveer of a pamphlet title "Why God Doesn't Want You to Go to Hell"

All they did was take a single sentence from the bible and then put a paragraph under it that was just a rewrite of that sentence some how explaining how God doesn't want you in hell. There were several "examples." :rolleyes: It was retarded and lacking any real substance. Besides, obviously God doesn't WANT you to go to hell. If he did he wouldn't of told you what the 10 Commandements and 7 deadly sins actually are. He would've left you guessing and laughed as you inadverdantly ruined your chances of an afterlife.
Haha. If you go to hell for a tattoo, sign me up, and ditto for drinkin, and well you get the idea! It's not about what ya do it's about a relationship. That's it!

That's all I have to say about that!

Lol did you hear the forest gump ascent?

Hey Cody btw is mine not good enough for NAXJA?
Haha. If you go to hell for a tattoo, sign me up, and ditto for drinkin, and well you get the idea! It's not about what ya do it's about a relationship. That's it!

That's all I have to say about that!

Lol did you hear the forest gump ascent?

Hey Cody btw is mine not good enough for NAXJA?

Sorry man. Been slacking lately.
It will be up soon!
Jd's tattoo

Added some to my arm. Mostly green and blue. self inflicted. Lol

Live to ride. Snowboarding piece.

I randomly drew this one last night. my buddy decided to get it today.
Here are the lines.


Adding some color to Clarks Aspen branch.



Cover up.

Cover up on other arm.

Random bio mech sleeve I designed the other night.
What the zombie nurse will look like!!! 100% freehand. From my mind to paper. Colored with colored pencils.
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Live to ride the chairlift?

No. Lmao.
But when you go snowboarding, you usually spend a lot of time on the lift.
Kinda hard to explain but it represents snowboarding all day(marks in the snow) and taking the lift back up for the last run of the day. (sun setting)

It was a fun tattoo!! I enjoyed the challenge of getting the snow to look right.
Hey man, Need to get some more work done soon for sure. Hopefully in next few paychecks. Ive got the bug again. People keep commenting on and askin about the one you just did, they love it, as do I, Thanks again
For my left arm/bicep

"Americans can sleep peaceably"
Zombie/Skeleton Soldier in DCU's carrying an M249[IMG]
"because US Soldiers stand ready"
OIF 06-07

Show me what you come up with. :D