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"Bring back the Jeep Cherokee" Petition

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not a bad idea... but..... I think I signed one or two of those already in the past and they were slightly more involved: as in more text :) If I am on the other end of this petition and I get such petition I really don't care how many people sign it as it's the $$ and exposure that count.... you might want to talk more about it's capabilities in comparison to others currently on the market, it's potential and what should/could be change (within reason.... if you say you want it 8" lifted stock with compressor, front rear d60 and lockers they will laugh and move on...).

FYI... I see some DC prototypes every 6 months or so and there is something kind of resembling a cherokee... unfortunately they tool all the good things that made a cherokee a cherokee and removed them :(

get ready for every jeep vehicle to have IFS fronts within the next few years. a petition wont stop that either, just as much as it wont bring the cherokee back in the same form it left us.

mac 'dig it' gyvr
If the petition works they'll probably just re-brand a "Heavy Duty" version of the LIberty as an XJ. :puke:
Come on guys, we've had a couple hundred people sign the petition in less than a day. Help post the petition in as many places as you can, and maybe we can get somewhere! I know it's a long shot, but it sure can't hurt anything to try. After all, other vehicles have been brought back by popular demand, so why not the XJ? Maybe it'll work, maybe it won't, at least we can say we're trying.
Raptor.. as I said... unfortunately this was already doen as they were stopping production and then couple months later again and then I think a year after that as well.... they were a lot more "sophisticated" petitions and they didn't help... if you want yours to be more "powerfull" as I said... rewrite it and you might get further with it....

Geez, you people in this forum are pessimistic. None of the other forums are like this.

Don't you want to even try to get it back?
You must not really care that much about the XJ, if you won't even try to help get it back.
Kejtar, each individual's comments on the petition are what make this petition powerful. DC will get to see many points of view. Nothing else is needed in the description of the petition. It says the XJ's are irreplaceable to us and we'd like it back, and that's the main point. The many other reasons for why we'd like it back are shown in each person's comments.
and i'm sure once they see the petition, they rush right out and spend the hundred-million re-tooling for the production...based on the hundredTH'S % of the crowded market

Is your understanding of maufacturing and business really this weak?
Beezil, then there's A LOT of people that have lost touch with reality.
And I don't know why you say this, because it IS possible to get it back. Like I said, other vehicles have been brought back by popular demand before.
How can you call yourself a member of the NAXJA Association, if you won't even keep trying to get the XJ back??? That's pretty lame if you won't try.

Everyone else who really DOES want the XJ back, please sign it. Thanks.
No, I didn't say they'd rush right out and re-tool it after seeing this. This is just one piece of the feedback that needs to be given to DC to get them to make it again. It could only be a drop in the bucket for what's needed to bring it back. Or it could be the last thing needed to take it over the edge for them to bring it back. Or maybe they will just ignore it. But we don't know what they'll do. And that is good enough reason to try. Doesn't anyone here in this forum want the XJ back? Oh, and I'm sure they didn't scrap all of the tooling. Anyway, they were making the XJ for many years, so I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard for them to re-tool the rest.
its not possible, its a wet dream to those with a lack of business understanding and savy.

but if you insist, why don't you bring back the CJ? Why not? because the TJ is being produced?

Welp, the XJ has as much chance of being reproduced as the CJ.....The KJ is being produced.

You can be a devoted XJ enthusiast wether or not you can by a brand new one.

your analogy is facile.
No, I'm not pessimistic, Raptor, just realistic. Chrysler doesn't care how many petitions it gets, or how many people sign. These things are a waste of time and effort. If 10,000 people had gone out and bought new Cherokees back in 2001, then MAYBE that could have saved it.

In other words, money on the table is the only thing that's going to get Chrysler's attention, not signatures on a petition. Sorry, but that's the way business works.
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