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BANNED for 7 days

I have been here since then. And you did not "step in" I contacted you myself. Then you asked me to drop it with Ian and I did didn't I? Now because I chose to ban a person who had nothing but drama and negativity to wards TORc you all want to jump on me. So what if I did ban him? Does that affect any of you? NO! Let Flores talk, he knows EXACTLY why he was banned, he was warned no less then 10 times that he was about to be banned. I even refunded him his full years membership out of my own pocket even though he was a member for 8-9 months. So if you want to talk trash talk it, but you better be ready to back it up. The people who know me know that I'm easy to get along with and TORC is NOTHING like other site who love to ban people for no reason. I'm no more childish than any of you by the way. Some of you should talk a long look in the mirror. And if what I am saying doesn't apply to you then ignore it. There are several people here who are friends of mine, and they know who they are.

As far as Flores, Mischiefman, and xxxmidianxxx go- here's your sign :bawl:

The first time you and eflores went at it I did step in and say something. And yes the second time you, flores and Ian went at it, you did contact me but on the other hand you already took matters into your own hands before I could say anything or do anything.

And speaking of that... The PM you sent me that Ian sent to you never mentions your daughter directly. On the other hand if his reference to a super soaker was the so called reference to you daughter... and then you would know about the whole scenario before hand. I have to say I do not agree with your parenting skills.

As for the friends you have on here, I understand that. We share a lot of the same members but on the other hand, YOU are a "LEADER" of another club and YOU should act like one. It is very rude, disrespectful and just down right childish to come over to this site and start your "baby mama drama" with the same members you had a problem with over at your club site. It shows a lot about you and the way you represent your club as the "leader". And from I have heard, from very good sources, the way you handled the Flores thing over on TORC wasn't very leader like either. You don't sit there and argue back and forth and carry something on.

You just can't keep your drama to yourself.
damn and i thought i was post padding, yes d you refunded my money...thanks, no your election didnt hang on my vote, just dont konw why you started being a dick to me after i poked at you one night after a fwe beers, not like i said i was gonna do you or your \family harm....all i said is my jeep is cooler than your shami and that i could park on top of it :D

Flores, all in all I don't hate you or anything. The worst thing you have done to me is irritate me. I could sit next to you in a bar and be civil. I however don't feel that way about your buddy. So if you don't want it to come to that don't make the remarks about what Ian said about my daughter. It's a bullshit story that even if it were true does not involve my family, it would be the ranch ex ranch managers family. So let's drop it. He is banned, he is a big boy, he doesn't really even care about being banned.
so then I come over here and see that even he is talking trash about me, and he is supposed to be in a position of leadership here am I right? So, good example for your members there xxxmedianxxx

if a guy made sexual remarks about your daughter you would be just as pissed off as I am.
anyway, I'm done with this conversation. Like I said, if anyone wants to talk to me about it (817) 822-5131

once again...for the record IT WAS NOT ABOUT YOUR DAUGHTER! That is your assumption man....and I've told you it was an incorrect one. Can I make that any more clear? Seriously? Do I need to make the story public knowledge to let others knows that I never said anything about your daughter? As I told you in the PM, I have a lot more class than to do such a thing though.

Yano....midian is not the only person who has been left to make assumptions about my ban from TORC...but once again, I REALLY DON'T CARE THAT I WAS BANNED FROM THERE!
ok lets go through this again he didn't say my daughters name, but he doesn't know her name. He said "the young girl who lives there" insinuating my daughter. His is smart enough to avoid something that could get him in legal trouble like slander.

Whatever dude, I said let's drop it so either drop it or ban me or do whatever you want. I told you I would be good and I was, I even ignored people talking trash. Then you had to talk trash yourself when you only know about 10% of the background of the story.

you talking about my daughter and my parenting skills is gonna get you in trouble dude. I know there are two female who live here, my daughter and my wife. Making up bullshit stories about either will get your ass kicked I can promise you that. The story is crap, but the fact that he said it to piss me did piss me off. And you did nothing about it. So I kept my mouth shut. Until now.
ok Ian, I said your story was bullshit, regardless you said it. Who was it about then? xxxmedianxxx and Flores have already put it out there now.
MischiefMan said:
Let me learn ya sumptin'.....

No Dennis, new money does not mean you're stuck up. It means that you have come into money and do not have the social graces and class to go with it.

Let me give you an example:

If I were new money I would have shown how classless I was and made it public information when I learned of a certain young man from Lake Dallas named Taylor who helped his grandfather do some work on the Horton Angus Ranch (he drives a black Trailblazer and his grandfather a Hummer if that helps you remember who they are). Well, this young man told me how he made a certain female on the ranch do a great impression of a Super Soaker. He told me how she was a squirter and left a huge wet spot. I'm not new money though. I have class and decorum and did not make that public knowledge.

As for your threats to me. Dennis, you do not know me, nor do you know what I am capable of. Can you inflict damage on me? Maybe or maybe not. Can I inflict damage on you? Maybe or maybe not. Do you REALLY want to find out? Is your way of life REALLY worth it to you to test me? I will point one thing out for you to consider when making this choice: Go back and look at my posts. You get no emotional response from me what-so-ever. My responses are calm and calculated. I strongly suggest that you think long and hard before you decide to enter combat with me. No good can possibly come of it.
there, now everyone can decide for themselves. If you were reading this would you assume he was talking about your daughter?
ok lets go through this again he didn't say my daughters name, but he doesn't know her name. He said "the young girl who lives there" insinuating my daughter. His is smart enough to avoid something that could get him in legal trouble like slander.

Whatever dude, I said let's drop it so either drop it or ban me or do whatever you want. I told you I would be good and I was, I even ignored people talking trash. Then you had to talk trash yourself when you only know about 10% of the background of the story.

you talking about my daughter and my parenting skills is gonna get you in trouble dude. I know there are two female who live here, my daughter and my wife. Making up bullshit stories about either will get your ass kicked I can promise you that. The story is crap, but the fact that he said it to piss me did piss me off. And you did nothing about it. So I kept my mouth shut. Until now.

I am sorry I know a little bit more than 10% of the story... I have talked to a few of your TORC members about it. I didn't say anything bad about you for banning Ian... I just asked why. I don't believe just because you have a personal problem with some one means you should ban them from a public forum... One reason you weren't banned. Oh and BTW the first time I have ever had anything to do with you was when you contacted me about Ian was talking shit about him... remember that?

You want to talk about my leadership skills? I think I am a lil more diplomatic about this than you are. And I don't loose my temper every time I get questioned about something.
OK...just for the record...and reading pleasure/amusement of others....I think the complete story needs to be told here; so here's my version:

Some time ago, on TORC, someone, Flores I think it was, made a comment about needing a D44 to run 35's. This started a debate about the NECESSITY of a D44 to run 35's. There was a difference of opinion...things got outta control....Mr. Reddish took something I said the wrong way and took personal offense to it.

Not too terribly much longer, I asked another TORC forum user got tattoos on his forearm. I asked a question about his future plans. I did so without much forethought and actually asked it in a very tacky way. It was not my intention to be rude to the guy and I apologized, publicly, for the way I asked and clarified my position.

Flores was banned from TORC in the meantime. Mr. Reddish talked trash about him on :NAXJA: and other forums. At some point I made comments to Mr. Reddish on RRC. In accordance with these forum by-laws, I took my comments to private message.

The story that was quoted above was not sent via TORC, but rather by PM here. Mr. Reddish's apparent personal grudge against and disdain for me is the only reason that I am aware of for my ban from TORC. That's fine. I was not a paying member of the forum or club. If the president of that organization wants to project that type of image for their club by weilding his power over the forum to satisfy his personal hatred for me and make himself feel better, who am I to argue?