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Back Tire+Parking lot=bye bye firebird fender


NAXJA Forum User
Aight, so i was in a tight parking lot space...and a firebird parking too close to me. I pulled out and aparently my rear 35" tire decided to climb up on this guys left fender on his firebird. :doh: Soooo i gotta get this guys shat fixed. Just wonder if any guys on here would know a fair price that it's gonna cost me to fix it. I know the fender it gone...it looks like i might have pushed his bumper down on the corner. So i was just wonderin if you guys have an idea of what it's gonna cost for Left fender+painted and maybe a bumper(i seriously doubt his bumper is trashed) he's gonna get an estimate so i'll see, i'm gonna call around to some body shops on monday so i can get an idea. But in the mean time just wanted to see what ya'll thought....

Oh yeah before the dude came up i snapped some pics...so i'm gonna try to post them.



And not a scratch on the ol' XJ
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Sawzall his fenders and put some TJ fenders on it and call it done.
mmmkay325 said:
And not a scratch on the ol' XJ
You must be so proud.

I think I see the parking line and it looks like he's within it. Being an owner of a big vehicle, you should know how to drive it.

Afterall, it was your "rear 35" tire" on the 'ol XJ.

If you can't navigate out of a parking spot, maybe you need a full-time spotter.

How much it costs? Maybe you'll get lucky with someone else who's run over another Camaro's fender, but it seems like you're just trying to show off with your post.
mistake #1 you stopped you shoulda kept going and if anyone saw you tell them you didn't notice a thing. but I agree with terry on this one I don't understand why you guys cant drive.
Okie Terry said:
You must be so proud.

I think I see the parking line and it looks like he's within it. Being an owner of a big vehicle, you should know how to drive it.

Afterall, it was your "rear 35" tire" on the 'ol XJ.

If you can't navigate out of a parking spot, maybe you need a full-time spotter.

How much it costs? Maybe you'll get lucky with someone else who's run over another Camaro's fender, but it seems like you're just trying to show off with your post.

I concur in spades.
If you can't handle parking, you must be a gem on the trail.
naw i'm not that much of a tard. The parkin lots spaces are tight and i was pullin out in front of some people and i just cut it to close. It sucks cause my azz is gotta pay for it, i just thought it was kinda funny how happened. the dude was not gay bout it...he thought it was funny. I was just postin' to get an idea on an estimate. Didn't mean to for the post to be sooo serious. any ideas???
mmmkay325 said:
any ideas???

Buy a Geo, or a bike, or a pogo stick.
This is another fine example of where wheeling is headed.
##### with 35" tires who can't figure out how to pick a line at the Safeway.
Good luck.
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Do you mean long travel shock or arm?

As far as the arm is concerned, I heard that it's ok to use pipe because all the forces are along the axis of the arm. Is That correct? Or do I really need to use Moly. 'Cause I really can't afford the moly right now.
Beezil said:
go long travel pogo or go home.
Have you seen how bad longarm pogos unload?
mistake #1 you stopped you shoulda kept going and if anyone saw you tell them you didn't notice a thing.
You sir, are a true ######.
Unfortunately, true ##### aren't a rarity anymore.
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i drive a wrangler with full size axles i have never hit a car backing up and on top of that you hit the front fender with the rear tirehow does the rear hit the front backing up it loks more like u were aiming and the last time i aimed at a car i wnt over the top of that honda and the driver laughed at me and said bye as far as the fix 200 for the fender and installing it and a nother 500 for paint and prep and labor so total on a good day i could do for 700
Some of you guys are a bunch of asshats! Like you never made a mistake! Chill out and give people a break! i'm begging to wonder what is happening with this site..... it use to be so nice and friendly. If I watn a buch of over egoed tools I'll post on PB! :shocked:
Ghost said:
Some of you guys are a bunch of asshats! Like you never made a mistake! Chill out and give people a break! i'm begging to wonder what is happening with this site..... it use to be so nice and friendly. If I watn a buch of over egoed tools I'll post on PB! :shocked:
Well, I guess I'm an over-egoed tool since I can pull out of a parking space without driving over someones vehicle.

I hear JU is nice and friendly.