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Articles of impeachment introduced against Bush?!

Re: JNickel101

JNickel101 said:
At least I'm not a sex pervert like you.
Well you got me here. I have no shame to admit, you're right.
JNickel101 said:
I take it you're one of those zealots that only have sex to procreate? (I'll let you in on a little secret, sex is fun!)
JNickel101 said:
You, Sir, are quite the scholar.
Your claim, not mine. I would just say casual observer. :eyes:
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JNickel101 said:
Coal can be clean if you do it properly...or if you convert it to liquid fuel...


Actually we can get coal to gas for like $60 a barrel, that's refined Gas not Crude btw.
JNickel101 said:
I agree with most of what you said but....

If we're not at war, and there was no war declared.....how can you charge someone as a war criminal?

Would you define "war criminal" as someone who launches 100 cruise missiles (@ over a million bucks each) into Afghanistan, supposedly targeting terrorist cells, in order to take the attention off of a sex scandal...?

No wonder those same people attacked us a couple of years later....

Ok fair point, then what about just criminal against humanity. Plus we impeached clinton didnt we? Bush has done far more sins, but because it wasnt a "scandal" it's ok.
and it's not to say there arent terrorists we shoulndt be after, but as Barack Obama (and not OSAMA) wants he never said bring every troop everywhere home, if you really read up he says we dont belong in Iraq. But we need to re focous on Afghanstan, and watch Iran, North Korea, and the like.

There was no such thing as "al queda in Iraq" till we were there BTW Sadam had that country on lock, and the UN had him on lock, he wasnt really doing anything or going anywhere... Bush just had to finish up for daddy.
I'm not gonna argue again Bush vs Clinton - but your boy Clinton (and actually Osama/Obama too) called for/voted for regime change in Iraq. The way we initially went about it was wrong, but again, due to faulty Intel. We are just getting our intel community and military back in the direction it should be, after Mr Clinton cut the defense budget more than any Prez in US history.

I'm tired of arguing with "civilians" regarding the war. Come visit this part of the world and then form an opinion. We are fighting muslims as a whole. Someone stated that earlier....quit diversifying between borders, because I can tell you, they sure arent seeing any. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan...our enemy is all over, and their support is coming from all over. You are getting your "intel" from CNN/Fox/MSNBC. You know about 0.001% about what's going on.

And yes, my "comedy gold" as Brad called it is the coal to gas refinery, like the ones South Africa uses and the one we want to build at Malmstrom AFB. If you "recycle" the byproduct, it only produces 4% more greenhouse gas than a traditional oil refinery. Which is pretty good for coal.
Re: JNickel101

Well you got me here. I have no shame to admit, you're right. I take it you're one of those zealots that only have sex to procreate? (I'll let you in on a little secret, sex is fun!)
Your claim, not mine. I would just say casual observer. :eyes:


You truly leave me at a loss for words dude. Yet another productive, intelligent post.
Re: JNickel101

ehall said:
They are an interest group that controls Democrat policy

x Eleventy billion...thank you :cheers:
SBrad001 said:
That's comedy GOLD right there! :D

Clean coal? So what do you do with all the acid water laced with heavy metal s and mercury used to scub the flue gases? It's just a few billion gallons of water a day that needs to be cleaned and treated. But it will keep me in a job for the rest of my life.


depending which community you side with....

the one i side with is the one that isnt out to strike fear in society with the farce that is global warming.

the amound of "greenhouse gas" that humans produce is minute in the grand scheme of things. Termites produce more than humans do worldwide. If in fact the Earth's climate is increasing, its because of the sun, not our actions. 1974, scientists said we were on the verge of another ice age. 1989, everything was reversed. WTF, are you kidding me?

at one time, there were no polar ice caps on this planet. I guess dinosaurs were burning a shitload of coal huh? :roflmao:

but....keep believing Owl Gorilla if you want...afterall, he did invent the Internet....:lecture:
Re: JNickel101

JNickel101 said:

You truly leave me at a loss for words dude. Yet another productive, intelligent post.
I'm flattered. Thanks!

Here's a Gumby for you.......

(you're going to be fun)
I am NOT angry, don't read it that way

JNickel101 said:
You need to read more. Really! you cite wikipedia? Read it on the net, must be true

New technology using horizontal drilling is able to get large amounts of oil out of oil sand/shale and its economical. Well that all depends on what your source of info is. Interesting coincidence I listened to a conservative radio talk show today and the guest on there stated it is not profitable to go after the sand oils. This contradicted the morning drive show on a liberal station that stated the US had plenty of shale oil and with a little investment could end the reliance on mid-east oil

Did you know Indonesia dropped out of OPEC, they do not produce enough oil to remain a member, their resource is running out

Democrats block wind power b/c it kills poor defenseless birds AND ruins the landscape. Yes, but the fact of the matter is it is not profitable, the return on the investment is poor and it's heavily subsidized.

I feel like I'm repeating myself....You are, and your still incorrect..wind power is excellent but not PROFITABLE enough to be taken seriouslyand we should be using much more!!!Agreed

There is a huge nuclear waste storage facility in Nevada. Yep, Yucca Mountain, just because it stored there doen't mean it's inert. You missed my point, I'm pro nuclear energy I just believe there won't be any hard study into refining the waste unless there is a need, again it is more profitable to just store this waste than invest in finding a solution of how to refine for other uses once expended

Problem isnt that. That's exactly what the problem is

Its the democrats who are afraid of nuclear power (uneducated) and who are afraid of the nuclear waste (more propoganda) As well as everyone should be, it's bad stuff.- have you ever seen what they store it in??? YesThey've hit these storage containers with a freight train, dropped them from buildings and they DONT BREAK.

Coal can be clean if you do it properly...or if you convert it to liquid fuel...Nasty by-products


Oil is just cheaper than all the others from drilling, to refining, to delivery, best return on investment (profitable).

BTW: Frt skid still sitting on the shelf waiting for you to get home.

Spelling in this post is probably all incorrect as I rushing to get the "yikes" car pool home.
JTwthaXJ said:
Honestly, what's the point of impeaching him NOW! I agree with the comment about the jackass and addressing real issues. I can barely afford to pay my student loans with the price of gas being through the freaking roof...

Yeah, I mean if I killed someone last year, or defrauded thousands a few years ago, or committed any crime before, say, yesterday; what the hell? Why arrest or prosecute me today? The past is the past, sheez, get over it!

DWK said:
Yeah, I mean if I killed someone last year, or defrauded thousands a few years ago, or committed any crime before, say, yesterday; what the hell? Why arrest or prosecute me today? The past is the past, sheez, get over it!

I turned it off after the black people saying it was dems who gave them rights...The democrats had a very long history of oppressing blacks and voting against giving us equal rights. I figured if they want to use that bit of misinformation, who knows what else they're fudging...
Boatwrench said:
I am NOT angry, don't read it that way

Oil is just cheaper than all the others from drilling, to refining, to delivery, best return on investment (profitable).

BTW: Frt skid still sitting on the shelf waiting for you to get home.

Spelling in this post is probably all incorrect as I rushing to get the "yikes" car pool home.

I cite wiki b/c its a quick and easy search...and usually easily explainable. None of the info I'm talking about is from there.

First and foremost, my brother is a petroleum and natural gas engineer. He's working with a company pioneering new drilling techniques, including one where they drill into coal beds before they are strip mined in order to pull out the natural gas pockets that exist in the coal beds. That way, they dont just strip mine and let the gas float off.

I'd like to see where wind power isnt profitable. Where I hunt in WV there are TONS of these that provide quite a bit of power to DC. There are also large amounts of them to the east of El Paso, TX. I liken this to the way we buy jets. Sure, if we only buy 100 F-22s, they're going to cost us $200 mil each....but if we'd buy 200 of them, the cost per jet goes down considerably.

Similarly, if you buy 5 wind generators, yeah, sure, you're not gonna get much out of that. But if we start building farms of 100 of them, well....I think we'd be better off. Again...there are people attempting to put these up - my point isnt whether or not they are profitable - the point is the IRONY of the democrats - they are calling for renewable energy, yet turn around and block it, citing killing birds and/or ruining landscape.

Yet again...still waiting for a democrat to state what their solution is to the "energy and economic crisis"

I have a feeling i'll be waiting for a while. at least republicans are trying things - democrats are so quick to point fingers and call out flaws, yet offer ZERO alternative solutions. You REALLY think that taxing windfall profits from big oil is going to lower gas prices or help the economy? Better yet, lets impeach Bush, that will solve our issues w/ oil prices and the economy!!!! What a joke....

IndyXJ said:
Bush and his NWO cronies will be bombing Iran before he leaves office.

Happy to be free of the left/right paradigm trap.

No, we're doing all the can to NOT do that.

Trust me, the plans for that type of op exist, but the aftermath and results are not pretty....
whoops, all that we can to NOT do that...
JNickel101 said:
I cite wiki b/c its a quick and easy search...and usually easily explainable. None of the info I'm talking about is from there.

First and foremost, my brother is a petroleum and natural gas engineer. He's working with a company pioneering new drilling techniques, including one where they drill into coal beds before they are strip mined in order to pull out the natural gas pockets that exist in the coal beds. That way, they dont just strip mine and let the gas float off.

I'd like to see where wind power isnt profitable. Where I hunt in WV there are TONS of these that provide quite a bit of power to DC. There are also large amounts of them to the east of El Paso, TX. I liken this to the way we buy jets. Sure, if we only buy 100 F-22s, they're going to cost us $200 mil each....but if we'd buy 200 of them, the cost per jet goes down considerably.

Similarly, if you buy 5 wind generators, yeah, sure, you're not gonna get much out of that. But if we start building farms of 100 of them, well....I think we'd be better off. Again...there are people attempting to put these up - my point isnt whether or not they are profitable - the point is the IRONY of the democrats - they are calling for renewable energy, yet turn around and block it, citing killing birds and/or ruining landscape.

Yet again...still waiting for a democrat to state what their solution is to the "energy and economic crisis"

I have a feeling i'll be waiting for a while. at least republicans are trying things - democrats are so quick to point fingers and call out flaws, yet offer ZERO alternative solutions. You REALLY think that taxing windfall profits from big oil is going to lower gas prices or help the economy? Better yet, lets impeach Bush, that will solve our issues w/ oil prices and the economy!!!! What a joke....


Dude, you really listen to too much Rush Limpooh.

If Bush committed a crime, then he needs to be impeached. Just like CLinto was impeached for lying before a grand jury except Bush's possible crimes led to the deaths of thousands of US servicemembers and untold civilians.

As for your exhausting anti-democrat rants about how all these problems are their fault, give it a rest. The republican party has had more than it's fair share of scandal in the last 7 years. Given a chance to show the country true integrity and a positive change, they instead have put us in to the BIGGEST deficit in our nation history, started a questionable war, and overseen this economic turn down that will be left to the next administration to clean up.

You really are starting to remind me of a extreme zealot. Do you really think demonizing democrats in total this is an accurate description of democrats.

It would be like me saying that republicans are greedy, corrupt, coporate XXXX loving, homo(this is a Senator Craig referance) twits that care for no one but themselves. Sounds pretty silly doesn't it?
JNickel101 said:
Yet again...still waiting for a democrat to state what their solution is to the "energy and economic crisis"

SBrad001 said:
Blah blah blah your guys suck as bad as our guys suck blah blah blah

Yeah, there's assholes on both sides, but that's not what he was talking about.

He was asking about actual solutions. And while the right has completely screwed the pooch trying to actually implement anything (mostly because they let the left run the show), I haven't heard anything out of the left that sounds like a solution at all...
