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Articles of impeachment introduced against Bush?!


Look who's leading the charge in Congress to help alleviate our dependence on foreign oil:

Rep. John Peterson, R-Pa. is leading the charge Wednesday, when he'll push for an amendment to a spending bill that would open up U.S. waters between 50 and 200 miles off shore for drilling. The first 50 miles off shore would be left alone...

(Source: Fox News.com)

FYI - that uppercase "R" following his name stands for REPUBLICAN :D

The Democrat/Tree Hugger response (this is classic):

Environment Florida spokeswoman Holly Binns told the Media General news group that offshore drilling has no immediate impact on prices.
“It would take anywhere from seven to 10 years to bring those resources to shore — to have any measurable impact on supply,” Binns said, advocating renewable energy sources.
Democrats are holding their own series of events on Capitol Hill Wednesday to focus attention on global warming and energy independence, but drilling is not on the agenda. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., said Tuesday ongoing calls for more drilling "is the Johnny One-Note of the Republican Party."

Well...had they not been BLOCKING drilling for 27 years, we'd have had shit pumping for a while now and wouldnt be in the condition we're in!!! They want to focus on energy independence....but...not....drilling...our...own...oil...deposits....

yes yes..I see the logic in that thinking...LOL...idiots...

I want to know what "renewable resources" they have in mind that will make an "immediate impact" on gas prices....I want to get in Steny Hoyer's face and tell him "bitching about problems and offering no solutions is the 'Johnny One-Note' of the Democratic Party..."
I'd bet that it would not take near 7- 10 years to get it to shore.

Bottom line is....
Nah, it will take 7-10 years because Dems/tree huggers will tie up simple processes in court...file lawsuits...drag things out...and they ADMIT they will do it. Example:


Regarding approval of zoning ordinance for Hyperion (new refinery):

While conceding defeat, opponents vowed to keep fighting the controversial project on every imaginable front, pressing on with a lawsuit it filed against the county over the zoning procedures and opposing Hyperion as it applies for a bevy of state and federal permits.

"We have strategies in place to slow or delay all the permit processes," Ed Cable, chairman of the anti-Hyperion group Save Union County, said after the vote.

These same morons are the ones complaining we're not doing enough to lower gas prices...
Boatwrench said:
I am as liberal as all get out, it's root is the word Liberty.
President Bush Job Approval
Spread -37.8%
  • Approve
  • 29.0%
  • Disapprove
  • 66.8%
Congressional Job Approval
Spread -56.3%
  • Approve
  • 18.7%
  • Disapprove
  • 75.0%
I thought this was funny too...everyone talks about Bush's approval rating being so low...what about the Democratic led Congress??? :D
Here's the thing: We need to seek long term solutions for our energy needs. Drilling for more oil is not a long term solution because it is a finite resource, which means it will run out. And as oil becomes more scarce the price will go up. Demand is also increasing, not just in the US but in developing countries as well (like China). The simple fact is, we're between a rock and a hard place and drilling for more oil will not solve the long term ramifications of our dependance on it.

Whoever wins this presidential campaign, Republican or Democrat, they need to initiate a 'Kennedy-style go-to-the-moon' program to get us a viable (aka affordable) alternitive energy resource. IMO there is not a singular solution. Every new car doesn't need to run on cooking oil and smell like french fries nor should every power plant be powered by uranium, but there has to be a way we stop depending on the black gold like we do.

I don't know about the amount of resources available from off-shore drilling, but I do remember hearing it is 5 miles under ground and the ground is a mile deep in the Gulf of Mexico. So it probably will take a while to get to it. Drilling in Anwar will also take about that amount of time, but the amount of oil there does not really make it worth it. At current level of demands, even on the high end of estimated reserve there, will only produce enough to supply about a year of oil. The low end estimation is three months worth. If you adjust for projected demand by the time they can actually start bringing oil out of the ground, that time frame will be even lower. It's not a one-shot one-kill solution to the energy crisis going on in America, effective alternative energy initiative would be a good start.
buschwhaked said:
Here's the thing: We need to seek long term solutions for our energy needs...

Yes. But until you bolt the Mr Fusion to your flux capacitor, we also need shorter term solutions. Right now, all our cars run on oil.

Sayin "Wouldn't it be cool if we ran em on pixie-dust" doesn't make it happen. And no amount of govt spending is going to replace all the cars on the road anytime soon.

So for the time being, we do need oil. I for one would rather use our own oil.

buschwhaked said:
Here's the thing: We need to seek long term solutions for our energy needs. Drilling for more oil is not a long term solution because it is a finite resource, which means it will run out. And as oil becomes more scarce the price will go up. Demand is also increasing, not just in the US but in developing countries as well (like China). The simple fact is, we're between a rock and a hard place and drilling for more oil will not solve the long term ramifications of our dependance on it.

Whoever wins this presidential campaign, Republican or Democrat, they need to initiate a 'Kennedy-style go-to-the-moon' program to get us a viable (aka affordable) alternitive energy resource. IMO there is not a singular solution. Every new car doesn't need to run on cooking oil and smell like french fries nor should every power plant be powered by uranium, but there has to be a way we stop depending on the black gold like we do.

I don't know about the amount of resources available from off-shore drilling, but I do remember hearing it is 5 miles under ground and the ground is a mile deep in the Gulf of Mexico. So it probably will take a while to get to it. Drilling in Anwar will also take about that amount of time, but the amount of oil there does not really make it worth it. At current level of demands, even on the high end of estimated reserve there, will only produce enough to supply about a year of oil. The low end estimation is three months worth. If you adjust for projected demand by the time they can actually start bringing oil out of the ground, that time frame will be even lower. It's not a one-shot one-kill solution to the energy crisis going on in America, effective alternative energy initiative would be a good start.

Oil should be used for one thing - cars. Electricity should be dirt cheap, but Democrats block everything from construction of nuclear, wind, hydro and coal power plants to construction of new refineries. I have yet to hear what the Democrats have to offer as a solution to energy/oil crisis other than "we need to tax big oil even more!!!".

Still waiting....chirp chirp chirp.....

Oh and it doesnt have to be offshore or ANWAR - it could be the HUGE oil deposit in ND/MT that rivals the amount of oil in Saudi Arabia. Offshore is being mentioned b/c its probably the least objectionable by the Democrats (but they still object to it - notice, that article I posted, we have to go out 50-200 miles to drill - because tree huggers "dont want to see huge oil platforms in the scenery of our beaches")
JNickel101 said:
- it could be the HUGE oil deposit in ND/MT that rivals the amount of oil in Saudi Arabia.
Sand oils, there is plenty of energy avaiable there, but it cost more to extract and refine than would be profitable

Offshore is being mentioned b/c its probably the least objectionable by the Democrats (but they still object to it - notice, that article I posted, we have to go out 50-200 miles to drill - because tree huggers "dont want to see huge oil platforms in the scenery of our beaches")Having participated in several oil spill clean-ups, I agree no off shore oil drilling

Solar and Wind is not blocked by the democrats, it is expensive, the return on investment is low that is why it is still heavily subsidized through gov't tax incentives. Coal, there's plenty but it also is a finite source and causes heavy air pollution even with all the technology.

Nuclear is the way to go, the reason we haven't found a solution to properly disposing of the waste product is again...cost. Why research something that well, isn't needed. A chicken-egg agruement. Won't build more p/plants because of waste - won't research waste remediation because no more is being generated.

A manhattan project or man on the moon vision for energy is needed and neither candidate has the answer.

But back to the original question...

Curious, does the military know you have such an anger problem?

You know, they have diagnosis and meds for your problems. You should check into that.

It just might help.

PS The more I read your post, the more convinced I am that you're nothing but a f*cking nut. I even bet you masturbate to your picture of GW when you're alone at night, don't you? Or maybe you pictures of Rush and Hanity? :looney:
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Re: JNickel101

Curious, does the military know you have such an anger problem?

You know, they have diagnosis and meds for your problems. You should check into that.

It just might help.

PS The more I read your post, the more convinced I am that you're nothing but a f*cking nut. I even bet you masturbate to your picture of GW when you're alone at night, don't you? Or maybe you pictures of Rush and Hanity? :looney:

Just angry he didn't join a branch that sees combat. ;)
Ok without trying to repeat anything anyone has said, and to say that I am not really Dem or Rep, i take some extreem views from both sides, I will say this.

The "war" is not a "War" congress has not declared war. And if we had what is the endgame there is one to surrender and come to our terms? Sadam is dead, there is no finite army to defeat. Bush has abused the powers of being comander in cheif, bent ever rule to breaking tollerance and should be put up for public ridicule as a war criminal.

illegal immigraton, yes it's a big problem we need to adress it more then we are. And to the protest signs "we are not criminals" umm really? Last I checked you comitted a criminal act by being here illegally. That would make one a criminal, we do not solve the problem by merely making thoes here suddenly legal, but i guess Bush is proof we reward thoes who carry out illegal actions in this country. (i mean my god we actually gave him a 2nd term!)

oil prices, yes drill drill drill.... there are ways to responsably and ecco friendly drill domestically, see what happened already when we relied soley on import for a necessity? Plus the plumiting dollar doesnt help.

just my $0.02, not trying to convince any one, trying to sway ones political views is like trying to move mountains.
Boatwrench said:
Solar and Wind is not blocked by the democrats, it is expensive, the return on investment is low that is why it is still heavily subsidized through gov't tax incentives. Coal, there's plenty but it also is a finite source and causes heavy air pollution even with all the technology.

Nuclear is the way to go, the reason we haven't found a solution to properly disposing of the waste product is again...cost. Why research something that well, isn't needed. A chicken-egg agruement. Won't build more p/plants because of waste - won't research waste remediation because no more is being generated.

A manhattan project or man on the moon vision for energy is needed and neither candidate has the answer.

But back to the original question...

You need to read more. New technology using horizontal drilling is able to get large amounts of oil out of oil sand/shale and its economical.

Democrats block wind power b/c it kills poor defenseless birds AND ruins the landscape. I feel like I'm repeating myself......wind power is excellent and we should be using much more!!!

There is a huge nuclear waste storage facility in Nevada. Problem isnt that. Its the democrats who are afraid of nuclear power (uneducated) and who are afraid of the nuclear waste (more propoganda) - have you ever seen what they store it in??? They've hit these storage containers with a freight train, dropped them from buildings and they DONT BREAK.

Coal can be clean if you do it properly...or if you convert it to liquid fuel...

Re: JNickel101

Curious, does the military know you have such an anger problem?

You know, they have diagnosis and meds for your problems. You should check into that.

It just might help.

PS The more I read your post, the more convinced I am that you're nothing but a f*cking nut. I even bet you masturbate to your picture of GW when you're alone at night, don't you? Or maybe you pictures of Rush and Hanity? :looney:

At least I'm not a sex pervert like you. Disgusting.

Simple problem would be ridding the country of asshat Democrats. My anger stems from having to watch stupid people :banghead: make "important" decisions. Zero common sense in control.

Thanks for contributing yet another constructive and intelligent post. You, Sir, are quite the scholar.
Re: JNickel101

buschwhaked said:
Just angry he didn't join a branch that sees combat. ;)

We're just smarter about how we do it.

I'm fine with my role...I was smart enough to join the branch I am in :D

Don't forget who to call next time you need CAS!
SeansBlueXJ said:
Ok without trying to repeat anything anyone has said, and to say that I am not really Dem or Rep, i take some extreem views from both sides, I will say this.

The "war" is not a "War" congress has not declared war. And if we had what is the endgame there is one to surrender and come to our terms? Sadam is dead, there is no finite army to defeat. Bush has abused the powers of being comander in cheif, bent ever rule to breaking tollerance and should be put up for public ridicule as a war criminal.

illegal immigraton, yes it's a big problem we need to adress it more then we are. And to the protest signs "we are not criminals" umm really? Last I checked you comitted a criminal act by being here illegally. That would make one a criminal, we do not solve the problem by merely making thoes here suddenly legal, but i guess Bush is proof we reward thoes who carry out illegal actions in this country. (i mean my god we actually gave him a 2nd term!)

oil prices, yes drill drill drill.... there are ways to responsably and ecco friendly drill domestically, see what happened already when we relied soley on import for a necessity? Plus the plumiting dollar doesnt help.

just my $0.02, not trying to convince any one, trying to sway ones political views is like trying to move mountains.

I agree with most of what you said but....

If we're not at war, and there was no war declared.....how can you charge someone as a war criminal?

Would you define "war criminal" as someone who launches 100 cruise missiles (@ over a million bucks each) into Afghanistan, supposedly targeting terrorist cells, in order to take the attention off of a sex scandal...?

No wonder those same people attacked us a couple of years later....
JNickel101 said:
. . . Coal can be clean if you do it properly...or if you convert it to liquid fuel...

That's comedy GOLD right there! :D

Clean coal? So what do you do with all the acid water laced with heavy metal s and mercury used to scub the flue gases? It's just a few billion gallons of water a day that needs to be cleaned and treated. But it will keep me in a job for the rest of my life.
Re: JNickel101

JNickel101 said:
Don't forget who to call next time you need CAS!

Yeah, I'll call the Apache's. Less chance of fratricide.

But you seriously need to learn the difference between "Democrats" and interest groups. Enviromentalists are an interest group. So are those crazy right wing Bible thumpers that believe God caused 9/11 because of gays. There are extremes on both sides. There are normal, working class Americans on both sides of the isle that are equally respectable. Lumping me as a Democrat with some dude who lives in a tree IOT save it isn't the same thing. Part of the reason we can't have a decent discussion on issues is because people get too caught up in labeling and bringing up extremes in both parties.
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