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Articles of impeachment introduced against Bush?!

winkosmosis said:
8 years in the military and you think Iraq was responsible for 9/11? Colin Powell said that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

Zero years in the military (I'm guessing, based on your arguments) and you can't comprehend simple English.

He didnt say that Iraq was responsible for 9/11. However, Iraq posed a threat and failed to comply with UN Weapons Inspectors. Even Clinton declared that Iraq must be disarmed and called for a regime change.
buschwhaked said:
Ever thought about the burden soldiers would have to carry if they "wasted" civilians unneccesarily?

Only takes one cruise missile :D
winkosmosis said:
Real issues:
Bush ignoring warnings about bin Laden's determination to strike at us, and then lying about his meetings with Tenet. He told the CIA (this is an actual quote) "OK, you've covered your ass" and twiddled his thumbs. Really, if GWB had nothing to hide, why did he only testify twice before the 9/11 commission, before only two members, with no recording or notetaking, and always with Dick Cheney at his side?

ILLEGAL wiretapping authorized by the president.

Authorization of torture (troops from Abu Graib say the commands came from the top- hard to imagine Rumsfield authorizing torture without Bush's knowledge)

Outing Valerie Plame (doesn't that constitute treason?)

Pushing faulty intelligence to justify the war (lying to Congress is grounds for impeachment).

Mismanaging the war by sending too few troops with insufficient equipment, causing the quagmire we have today. Remember, McCain spoke out against this.

How about the REAL real issues?

--Rampant illegal immigration.
--Out of control government spending.
--You drawing Social Security yet? If not, don't plan on it.
--Oil prices driving the economy down.

Yeah, let's impeach President Bush, with six months left in his term anyway, for events that happened six and seven years ago. Then the Democratic morons will spend the rest of Cheney's term trying to impeach him. Works for taking the American public's mind off of issues that we should be worried about though.
winkosmosis said:

Clinton didn't strike the 2nd time because bin Laden was supposed to be in a governor's mansion next to a mosque. The intelligence wasn't reliable, and 200 innocent people could have been killed. One terrorist is not worth 200 innocent men, women, and children.

I guess the Nürnberg and Dresden firebombings don't count huh?

Who's cooking up some more popcorn?
JNickel101 said:
Only takes one cruise missile :D

Push button killers...pansies? :dunno: :)
Forget trying to talk sense into the lib left in this country. My daddy once told me you can't argue with a drunk and you can't argue with stupid, all you do is waste your time.
buschwhaked said:
Push button killers...pansies? :dunno: :)

Navy? You said it not me....:anon:

The buttons my fellow Airmen push make much bigger KABLOOIES :D
lonecountryboy said:
Forget trying to talk sense into the lib left in this country. My daddy once told me you can't argue with a drunk and you can't argue with stupid, all you do is waste your time.

x Eleventy Billion....and four
djwright4341 said:
--You drawing Social Security yet? If not, don't plan on it.
I'm so glad I don't pay into social security. :thumbup:
karstic said:
Who's cooking up some more popcorn?
Here, help yourself.

I'm so glad I don't pay into social security. :thumbup:

i need to figure out how to get in on that program....seems ironic that i pay into it when i'm building towards a different (better) pension/retirement...through....the...government...hmmmm....:flamemad:
lonecountryboy said:
Forget trying to talk sense into the lib left in this country. My daddy once told me you can't argue with a drunk and you can't argue with stupid, all you do is waste your time.

My sentiments exactly, except about the right. I am as liberal as all get out, it's root is the word Liberty. About 230 years ago conservatives in America were called tories....Tea anyone?

Read the article, even the poster girl (Pelosi D-CA) for all the right hate spewers said impeachment wasn't going to happen. Kukenich (D-OH) does this every year and every year nothing comes of it.

Seven months left in the Presidents term, so what, the law is the law, if he is guilty he's guilty. You want to use the same excuse that bleeding hearts use when an old guy that's got six forms of cancer and aids but is guilty of murder...he only has seven months left you can't send him to jail. If he's guilty of impeachable charges then he's impeached, and Cheney becomes President. Big Deal, that's the way the law works

Rumsfeld was responsible for not giving the generals the suppport requested, who was responsible for Rumsfeld? That's right The President. Look at the mass exodus of professional military personnel circa 2003 following several generals out the door, think they knew something was amiss?

Killing innocent civilians in WWII, well the USA demonized not just the army, but the citizenery as well, just look at old propaganda.

blah, blah, blah...

So let's start thinking like Americans, don't listen to Fox News (America's Al-Jazerra) or CNN (communist news network) as gospel and start looking at the issues that are bringing this country down...lost jobs, questionable lending practices and run away debt.
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Boatwrench said:
Killing innocent civilians in WWII, well the USA demonized not just the army, but the citizenery as well, just look at old propaganda.

Just making the point that war is messy. Read "Flyboys" interesting perspective into the Japanese and WWII and how the US dealt with them.
Take away everything else and guess what, no attacks on U.S. soil and economy was great while Bill was in. Go ahead and blame it all on him, still happened under Bush's watch.
Read "State of Fear" for insight into liberal hippy democrat tree huggers and the farce that is Global Warming.

Clinton was President during the first WTC bombing in 1994. Yep, none of this was his fault! :roflmao:

Economy was great b/c he followed 12 years of Republicans. Current economy is not based on current leadership...its the result of planning by prior leadership. Everyone is talking about taxing big oil and all their "huge profits" - when actually they are about the #8 industry as far as profits. Take a look at prescription drug makers, banks and cosmetics! All make more than "big oil".

Taxing the oil companies will only further drive up the cost of gas. Wait and see. It will also hurt American investors, since oil companies are some of the most heavily invested in by Americans (mutual funds, stocks). The solution is for the Dems to back down and actually let us drill our own oil....

Lets see...complain about our dependence on foreign oil....complain about high gas prices and "big oil" not re-investing their profits into new technology/refineries...yet BLOCK drilling and BLOCK the construction of new refineries.

Yep...y'all are right, democrats are spot on about how to fix the economy....

The left can say what they want and the nieve can believe what they want about Sodom. I know at one time he had WMD. I rember the pictures from teh 80's of the attacks on his own people. W did a good thing by taking out his regiem IMHO. The middle east in general is a training bed for terrorist and terrorist training camps. I for one agree that the issues need to be adressed by congress not this wasted wich hunt of propoganda.

$10 to anyone here who can correctly state how he "gassed" the Kurds....

JNickel101 said:
$10 to anyone here who can correctly state how he "gassed" the Kurds....

Nerve gas IIRC.
Ok, but how was it employed...thats what I was getting at....sorry.
JNickel101 said:
Ok, but how was it employed...thats what I was getting at....sorry.
Bombs/Migs IIRC I rember an add in SOF for any pilot to defect.
in simplest forms....crop dusting. at that time they couldnt figure out how to attach/employ chemical weapons on a bomb/missile....so they just basically crop dusted them...