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Are you fat?


NAXJA Forum User
Flagstaff, AZ
With all the obesity talk on the news as of late, I begin to wonder how many people actually consider themselves fat. Not so much *just* fat, but fat and/or unhealthy. I'm talking about the guys with a good body build, but eat fast food every day.

Basically, do you ever have the thoughts of, "If I dont change my diet, and health lifestyle, I will die early of a preventable disease."

I am not talking about all you fags that want to lose 5-10 vanity pounds.

I used to weigh in at 260, lost it all too quickly(185), and gained about half back.(230)

I exercised al lthe time, but couldnt get below 220. Then the wife and I changed how and what we eat just before Thanksgiving of this last year.

Now, I'm down to 195, and feel 150% better.

So, how do you consider yourself, your diet and lifestyle?
I have the opposite of what you've got going on.

I am 6'4", 165lbs. No matter what I eat I don't gain weight. When I workout (lift) I lose weight. So I don't lift often. I've tried diets to help bulk up, including protein shakes. It hasn't done much.

I try to stay healthy. I don't eat fast food more than once every couple months, if that. Instead of soda I drink Gatorade as there are less sugars/carbs. When eating food I try to consume anything with as much protein in it as possible. I rarely eat candy. I eat a lot of tuna and salmon, but not so much as to receive high levels of mercury.

I'd be happy to weigh 195lbs.

That's my life.
I'm fat.
Don't eat like I should.
Don't exercise.

I know I should, but don't.
im 6'4 235-240, i could stand to lose 20-30 lbs. Its not so much the weight its the fat. I used to be a natural six pack 185-205 lbs in college depending how active i was and if i was lifting weights. I eat out every day at lunch, neigborhood deli "belly buster" sub, italian deli thick pizza 3-4 slices and 3 crazy bread sticks, crap like that. Gave up regular pop for diet pop. Didnt matter, i need to start lifting again cause my awsome metabolism crashed. In college freshmen year i played lacrosse and wanted to bulk up, i would eat 6,000 - 8,000 calories a day (no bs i counted them for nutritional biology class) i gained like 2 lbs. LOL i used to be an eating machine and it has finally caught up with me.
GhostDakota said:
I have the opposite of what you've got going on.

I am 6'4", 165lbs. No matter what I eat I don't gain weight. When I workout (lift) I lose weight. So I don't lift often. I've tried diets to help bulk up, including protein shakes. It hasn't done much.

I try to stay healthy. I don't eat fast food more than once every couple months, if that. Instead of soda I drink Gatorade as there are less sugars/carbs. When eating food I try to consume anything with as much protein in it as possible. I rarely eat candy. I eat a lot of tuna and salmon, but not so much as to receive high levels of mercury.

I'd be happy to weigh 195lbs.

That's my life.
Same here, I'm 6'2" and weigh almost 195 pounds. No matter how hard I try i just cant seem to gain any weight, even with the food they serve here...My friend was once 250, he started going to the gym and diet and went down to 175, now he's been slowly putting on weight as well.
im kinda in the same boat as motorxityxj
all these years of eating junk food are catching up
im about 6'3" 240ish the wife tells me i need to loose weight allthe time. when we met 7 years ago i weighed like 180-190
but its hard to eat good when you go to lunch with guys from work and they are eating some greasy crap and im trying to choke town a lettce bowl.

I have been doing some research (i am in college) and have found a lot of articles pertaining to life style habits that do not get imprinted in kids at an early age. in the current generations, becasue of electronic devices like the computer and video games and the "indoor" living style (work, school, etc)many kids to not have an appreciation or "want" to go outside, run, play sports or simply go to a summer camp. A lot of schools also have cut out recess or shortened it as well. One artle i read said that 37% of californian kids go to a summer camp. I think people also look at fat and body image in the mirror with out realizing the benefits that can be achieved through diet and excersize. diet pills, looks and the mainstream media/ pop culture put a huge emphasis on the slim look. I think if kids have parents that enjoy sports and the outdoors getting kids out early and engaging in recreation can make a difference down the road. heck even PE is becoming less strict and is a joke in most highschools. Anyways you are what you eat and if people can realize that proper diet and excercise + quality habits/ regularity is easy once you get going and makes for a healthier cardiovascular system as well as bone strength, etc, etc etc america would not be the overweight capitol of the world. Out lifestyle and consumption towers over every other country and it will really take a lot of literature and work to get kids of this and future generations to engage in healthy habits and try to live a healthy lifestyle. Anyways i guess i could go on and on but getting the kids started at an early age will help establish good habits down the road and i think that is why i play sports in college as well: the performace aspect of eating and training right and trying to be the best athlete i can be. It all starts with diet and excersise: with these two anything - weight or look can be achieved. Yes i know i dont have a job and some people dont have the time to workout but it is proven that higher levels of endorphins lead to longer lives. Ok so i am not fat and i think working on my XJ is excercise in itself: sweat lifting and mental anguish sometimes gives me a better workout than hitting the weights!

ok i am done
6'3", 267# (clothed) as of last week. Subtracting for clothing (usually wear boots with safety toes, and I tend to dress a bit "heavier" than most,) I'm figuring that for about 260# even.

I know why I gained - it was that two months spend flat-arsed at the end of 2005, and I've got too much to catch up from (still!) to concentrate on slimming down. I don't look like I'm 260# (even my wife can't believe it!) and I can't float in fresh water, so I'd not really consider myself "fat" (pants 31/36, shirts 19.5x37, 52 Long jacket.)

I do want to drop a little weight, but I've always been "overweight" according to the mystics and statistics (I haven't willingly been under 220# since middle school, and I did hit six feet at twelve...) but so what? I'm not "rotund" overweight - although I do have a bit of a spare tyre, and I honestly don't mind.

My target weight, once I start getting back in shape, is about 250#. Fighting weight for me was 270-275#, but that would be WAY too much work to maintain now! 250# should be rather easier.

Anyhow, according to, well, pretty much everyone I'm overweight (I'm twice my doctor's size, but he's about a foot shorter than I am...) but I've no will to get right down to BMI weight, or ideal height/weight, or whatever - one size does not RPT NOT fit all. Besides, I'm mostly Scottish, and we tend to run large anyhow...
Lets see, in the last two weeks I've had two EKG's and a stress test. Currently weigh in at ~252 (although I've lost 4# in the last two weeks) My triglycerides were 500+, LDL 27, HDL(can't calculate cause of high triglycerides). I couldn't walk up a flight of stairs w/o a burning feeling in my chest and pain in my arms and legs. My weight is mainly in my gut, does great things for the back and knees.

Oh yeah, I turn 35 in March.

Have drastically changed the diet and have started walking 20-30 minutes/day, 4-5 days/week. I'm on cholesterol medication, we'll see how that's working in month with my next blood test. I've got nitro tabs in case things get too out of hand.

There's a history of coronary/blood disease in my family, gotta nip it in the bud now.
I'm not fat, I'm just short for my weight.
karstic said:
Lets see, in the last two weeks I've had two EKG's and a stress test. Currently weigh in at ~252 (although I've lost 4# in the last two weeks) My triglycerides were 500+, LDL 27, HDL(can't calculate cause of high triglycerides). I couldn't walk up a flight of stairs w/o a burning feeling in my chest and pain in my arms and legs. My weight is mainly in my gut, does great things for the back and knees.

Oh yeah, I turn 35 in March.

Have drastically changed the diet and have started walking 20-30 minutes/day, 4-5 days/week. I'm on cholesterol medication, we'll see how that's working in month with my next blood test. I've got nitro tabs in case things get too out of hand.

There's a history of coronary/blood disease in my family, gotta nip it in the bud now.
Sounds like my dad minus 30 pounds, it bothers me that he's got high blood pressure, stressed out, and such. Im not sure how I can get him to at least lose 10-15 pounds because every time i ask him he says he's fine and it doesnt matter even though I tell him i care. Anyone have any ideas?
karstic said:
Lets see, in the last two weeks I've had two EKG's and a stress test. Currently weigh in at ~252 (although I've lost 4# in the last two weeks) My triglycerides were 500+, LDL 27, HDL(can't calculate cause of high triglycerides). I couldn't walk up a flight of stairs w/o a burning feeling in my chest and pain in my arms and legs. My weight is mainly in my gut, does great things for the back and knees.

Oh yeah, I turn 35 in March.

Have drastically changed the diet and have started walking 20-30 minutes/day, 4-5 days/week. I'm on cholesterol medication, we'll see how that's working in month with my next blood test. I've got nitro tabs in case things get too out of hand.

There's a history of coronary/blood disease in my family, gotta nip it in the bud now.

Gah - I don't feel too bad. Triglycerides are 201 (just over the line,) but I'm hypertensive and I know why (it's not my weight, it's my mother-in-law and brother-in-law. I'm about to ship her off to Oklahoma to live with him - which will solve two problems at a stroke...)

And, I'm 34 - so we're in the same age range. What's your typical BP? I've been running ~ 160/90 for the last couple of years (and I already told you why - it's stress, not diet and weight. Started about six months after my M-I-L moved in, or about seven years ago. Gawd, I'm getting tired of this @#)(*$)@(#*!)
I was 195 in the winter of 04-05. We moved to New Mexico for a year and I watched what I ate really close (counted every calorie) and rode a combination of my mountain bike and road bike 100 miles/week, plus spent a lot of time hiking, some time swimming and lots of lifting.

By October I was as healthy as I had been since I wrestled in High School, resting heart rate was 40bpm and I weighed an extrmely trim and firm 179. Felt great too.

Then I moved back to SLC (spit) and rejoined the ranks of grad students. I'm now back to 198 and haven't been on a bike in a year, no time or money for the gym and not much hope in sight. Amazing how fast it comes back, and how much work it is to get it off.

Frustrating for us with slow metabolisims, I ate 1500-1800 calories/day when I was getting at least an hour of good cardio each day. Any more calories than that and the weight loss would stop imediately. And living on 1500 calories is tough. Lots of carrots. Boring nasty food, all the time.
When I went to college I was 6'2'' and weighted 175 or so.

6 months later I gained almost 20 lbs, but all of that is from lifting weights. My doc has a sheet that tells you if your fat or not by your height and weight, and apparently Im fat. But Im fairly fit and can lift a lot more then when I came. Being 19 with an awsome metabolism kicks ass.
6'0" 383#

I'm just sayin'...don't go there. I mean, don't let yourself go there. You think, "no time, no money, too much going on." A few years of that and this is where you end up at 47yo. My knees are starting to go and I can feel my planar facia screamin' at me.

Back in the day (when I had time to work out 2.5hrs/day) I was 210, bench pressing 300#, 100 pushups/day, 100 situps/day, Shotokan, fencing, yada, yada, yada.

Your level of metabolism plays a role in calculating your numbers, but the bottom line is less in-more out. So why did I eat that frackin' ice cream at 22:00. I don't know - it's a frackin' addiction. Every day I wake up and say "Today". Every day I go to sleep thinking "Tomorrow".

My mom and I share this affliction, although she has greater will power. Still, she is probably 15% over BMI. Nothing compared to my 182%. My dad, at 5'10", has always been 180#. My brothers and sisters inherited from him. Recently, he was telling me that he dropped from 180# to 174#. He says he started experiencing reflux at bed time. He decided the culprit was his evening snack of ice cream. He cut out the ice cream and has been holding at 174# for over half a year, now.

At 11yo, our older boy is fairly trim. He'll have some ice cream, now and again, but will as often decline. Our 6yo, on the other hand, reminds me of me, to a tee. He always wants that extra cookie, or another helping of mac'n'cheese. He's active, and at 98 percentile on height he's naturally a big boy, but he is noticably chunky and gets winded easily. That's my greatest incentive. He's not going to change if I don't.

Maybe tomorrow.
Starboard M said:
When I went to college I was 6'2'' and weighted 175 or so.

6 months later I gained almost 20 lbs, but all of that is from lifting weights. My doc has a sheet that tells you if your fat or not by your height and weight, and apparently Im fat. But Im fairly fit and can lift a lot more then when I came. Being 19 with an awsome metabolism kicks ass.

Yeah, that's the "height/weight" I referred to earlier. There's also a formula you can plug your height into (in inches) to get your "ideal" weight (in pounds.)

I was probably my "ideal" weight for my height for about ten minutes, and just blew right through it about 20 years ago. I'm thinking my "ideal weight" at 6'3"/75" is about 196#, but I'm not entirely sure - and I don't care to deal with it that much.

Considering I can't float, I attribute most of my "additional" weight to bone density - my X-rays come out very white and clear. My orthopaedist was certainly surprised...
Starboard M said:
When I went to college I was 6'2'' and weighted 175 or so.

6 months later I gained almost 20 lbs, but all of that is from lifting weights. My doc has a sheet that tells you if your fat or not by your height and weight, and apparently Im fat. But Im fairly fit and can lift a lot more then when I came. Being 19 with an awsome metabolism kicks ass.

Enjoy it while you're 19. It goes fast :D
XJ Dreamin' said:
6'0" 383#

Your level of metabolism plays a role in calculating your numbers, but the bottom line is less in-more out. So why did I eat that frackin' ice cream at 22:00. I don't know - it's a frackin' addiction. Every day I wake up and say "Today". Every day I go to sleep thinking "Tomorrow".

Maybe tomorrow.

Do it. That's what I kept telling myself. Start out slow. 10-15 minutes a day for a week. The next add 5 more minutes etc. Swtch to oatmel for breakfast. More fruits and vegetables, etc.