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Another shooting....

"I'm confident that there are some steps we could take that don't require legislation, that are within my power," Obama said at a White House press conference today.

Obama said that stronger background checks and control of high-capacity magazine clips and a ban on assault weapons were proposals that he believed made sense.

Regardless of the fact that all data proves the complete opposite result, Obama is still willing to push forward on this, even bypassing the Congressional legislative process outlined in the US Constitution.

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

These words mean nothing to Obama, as he has repeatedly proven that he has no intention of keeping this Oath.
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the revolution is coming, look what NY is trying to pull this week, limiting to 7 round magazines, basically making every hand gun and rifle out there illigal to own since they do not have them for them.
the revolution is coming, look what NY is trying to pull this week, limiting to 7 round magazines, basically making every hand gun and rifle out there illigal to own since they do not have them for them.

with a drill, roll pin and some JB Weld any mag can be made into a 7rd mag. that's how cali guys do it on AK mags.
i always laugh at people who think small mags make guns safe or some shit, look at this guy. granted he's been practicing for a while but it's not hard to reload like this. no one wants to ban revolvers.....
this skill can be practiced for hours a day without even firing a single shot
sure it takes some time to reload but if you're shooting at people who aren't shooting back it's not a problem, just don't let them get close
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Safe is a relative term.... it depends on the owner (that includes guns, cars, anything really). I never wanted to ban guns, I wanted to see a better gun owner.

and what laws are going to make better gun owners? that's what everyone here is asking of you. what do you think will make things better?
more straw buy prevention..... H O W? explain how to stop that. really, i want to see what your idea is.

if you want to have more regulations on guns because they are "dangerous" and "kill people" then you have a lot of other things to go through before you get to guns. that's the real problem, people think they are "murder weapons" and "mass killing machines" but..... they are almost never used in murders. then when faced with the FBI facts of how little they are used and that gun crime has actually been GOING DOWN ever year since.... well i forget but the mid 90s? maybe. people still want them banned or what not.

the federal Assault Weapons Ban expired in 2004 and...... no rise in gun crime, still went down.

Yon don't say you want "more regulation" or what ever, say what exactly will prevent someone else from shooting someone, other than some magic way of making all the guns disappear.
it's a culture thing, everyone says to look at Sweden (maybe?) every house has an actual Assault Weapon in it since they all have to serve in the military. A real full auto Assault Weapon in pretty much every home and government funded shooting time on the rifles for all citizens, they have the LOWEST crime rate of any country in the world i believe. now i do think a small reason for that is the guns but 90% of that reason is the cultural differences, i bet their movies, TV, books, music or what ever aren't filled with shootings, killing, murder, the "news" over there probably isn't full of death either. now i am not blaming media for this but it shows the cultural differences between the US and a country with a lot of guns.

saying the shooters from Colorado, AZ, or here in CT are gun owners is just like saying anyone who goes to church or temple is just like the Westboro Baptist Church.
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I've actually thought, if they ban them of making some like this but figuring out a way to make the pin inside break away if I pushed hard enough. That way when the zombies come I can push the rounds hard enough that they snap through the breakage and allow me to stuff more in it.
I've actually thought, if they ban them of making some like this but figuring out a way to make the pin inside break away if I pushed hard enough. That way when the zombies come I can push the rounds hard enough that they snap through the breakage and allow me to stuff more in it.

So you put a roll pin in the bottom to keep you from adding anymore rounds. But what if that roll pin was made out of something that could break if you pushed really REALLY hard?

Enough to make it legal but not enough to fix it in an emergency.
A simple pin is not generally the approved way to make a low capacity mag in California. The law expects permanence, pop-riveted blocks, etc., have been floated and those who fight these laws have advised against it.

I think 10/30 mags are generally useless and silly. About the only time I accept them is like an FS2000 where you you need the extra magazine length so you can actually grab the magazine to remove it.
I forget if I've linked this here or not. http://www.motherjones.com/environment/2013/01/lead-crime-link-gasoline

Banning guns won't do anything to stop violent crime, IMO. We've been back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth again on that and neither side is going to change their beliefs, that much is obvious. We can argue in circles all day long and it will change nothing.

That being said, lead in the environment seems to be related to crime rates. Is it causative or merely correlated? I'm no expert, but it seems causative to me, the data is quite solid and lead has been known for many years to cause many of the psychological and mental problems seen frequently in criminals.
So you put a roll pin in the bottom to keep you from adding anymore rounds. But what if that roll pin was made out of something that could break if you pushed really REALLY hard?

Enough to make it legal but not enough to fix it in an emergency.

then it's not a 10rd mag, it has to be permanently modified.
not sure how the "preferred" method is but something like i said above. you can make any mag into a 10,9,8,7 or what not with something to block the follower.

just like the barrel length restrictions or AWB stuff for pinning a break onto a barrel.
Remember when the NRA was vehemently opposed to video games that glorify gun culture? Well they just launched a shooting app. Admittedly, it's not violent (unless you feel offended by coffin shaped targets), but it does paint a picture of - ever so slight - hypocrisy behind this organization.
Gun lobby releases 3D shooting game app

However, I feel that’s just a small taste of hypocricy to come:
3D printers could force the NRA to beg for government regulation
There is a huge HUGE difference between an app where you shoot at targets and a game where you shoot, stab, tear the throats out and tea bag other humans

Nice try but it's apples and oranges. For the record I think the NRA is barking up the wrong tree over video games anyway.
Did they come out with a game that depicts killing random people or every person you see? Shooting a coffin shaped object is not the same as any of those games.

How would the 3d printer even be close to napster? Napster gave you the exact same music where as the 3d printer does not give you the quality and craftsmanship of a well built gun.. Thats a dumb arguement and is really not well thought out..

Those are two insanely inaccurate articles. Obviously written by people who have little to no grasp on reality
The point is that app is tacky in light of the Newtown situation (and "slightly" hypocritical), so kindly take your shadowy little insults and cram them where the sun don't shine. I myself, said, it was a non-violent app, so READ.

the 3d printer even be close to napster? Napster gave you the exact same music where as the 3d printer does not give you the quality and craftsmanship of a well built gun.. Thats a dumb arguement and is really not well thought out..
They're starting to use 3D printers to make replacement organs for humans, so I think it's safe to assume we'll see gun parts in the not too distant future, and guns within decades.
There is a huge HUGE difference between an app where you shoot at targets and a game where you shoot, stab, tear the throats out and tea bag other humans

Nice try but it's apples and oranges. For the record I think the NRA is barking up the wrong tree over video games anyway.

Now THAT is a sick game.