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72 yr old tazed

ok the dog attacked the cop its not like the cop had a hour to figure out which weapon to use. yes i agree a little over the top but when all the time you have is just to react then insticts come in a take overand you dont havbe time to think. and the dog had a history of being aggressive. its one thing to have a dog get out and just hang around but another to have an agressive one do the same. imo
Wow you must hate dogs. Especially the 12lb wiener dogs roaming around like a wild pack animals. My dogs get out of my yard every now and then, I could see the dog catcher being called but not a trigger happy F***kin Pig!

Actually I love dogs.
ok the dog attacked the cop its not like the cop had a hour to figure out which weapon to use. yes i agree a little over the top but when all the time you have is just to react then insticts come in a take overand you dont havbe time to think. and the dog had a history of being aggressive. its one thing to have a dog get out and just hang around but another to have an agressive one do the same. imo

But why waste a bullet when you could just punt it like a football?
But why waste a bullet when you could just punt it like a football?

i agree with that, thats probably what i would do, but then again i am not a trained police officer and i don't carry a gun with me everywhere. or have a protocol(?) to follow. The report says that thats the policy of the department. so idk
i agree with that, thats probably what i would do, but then again i am not a trained police officer and i don't carry a gun with me everywhere. or have a protocol(?) to follow. The report says that thats the policy of the department. so idk

Hmmmm, I'd think that firing a bullet at something that small and moving would make hitting it more difficult as well as the possibility of a through shot deflecting off the ground hitting somebody or something else too.
I always ask myself the same question, "WAS IT NECESSARY?" and secondly, was it worth the risk? How the heck did the Cop know she didn't have a pace maker or heart issues. Possible death for speeding seems extreme.
I think maybe the Cop has Mommy issues.
Is it really idiocy to try and discourage the confrontational attitudes of many Cops. To advocate using process instead of force. To encourage the Police to be responsible and self Policing, before it gets way out of hand. I'm not against Cops in general, department policies in many cases are IMO, wrong and self defeating. The prison population keeps right on growing and the Cops keep right on keeping on with the same old policies and techniques.
If they Tazed a Guantanamo detainee, would it be considered abuse? America, the moral leader of the world, we Tazer old ladies because they are mouthy.
Where is it written that a police officer needs to put himself at any greater risk than necessary to handle a situation? Let's say the officer didn't pull his tazer and instead physically subdued the woman when she resisted arrest. Tell me you wouldn't cry brutality at that too.
Did you watch the video? The woman was confrontational the whole time. She refused to sign, refused to step back from the road way, refused to be handcuffed, refused to allow herself to be arrested. She yelled and cussed and gave the officer attitude the whole time. The cop stayed pretty calm all along. He gave her multiple warnings. She ignored them all. The best option was the tazer.
Where is it written that a police officer needs to put himself at any greater risk than necessary to handle a situation? Let's say the officer didn't pull his tazer and instead physically subdued the woman when she resisted arrest. Tell me you wouldn't cry brutality at that too.
Did you watch the video? The woman was confrontational the whole time. She refused to sign, refused to step back from the road way, refused to be handcuffed, refused to allow herself to be arrested. She yelled and cussed and gave the officer attitude the whole time. The cop stayed pretty calm all along. He gave her multiple warnings. She ignored them all. The best option was the tazer.

All of what you say is true. Except for the last sentence.

This was over a fawking speeding ticket, ok? Hello?

Tasers are not safe, people have died, and others will die because of them.

Chances are less so than if someone caps their ass, but the same decision chain has to be undertaken: tasers have the potential to kill someone.

Now are you gonna tell me it's perfectly OK to SHOOT someone over a speeding ticket?

There are a LOT of good officers out there, but it seems lately, or because of video, we get to see a lot of some of them that should not have made it onto to force, either because they are Momma's boy, or slightly "off" in the head department.

How much trouble could it have been to handcuff this lady? Oh wait, she could have been a Terr'rist packing TNT... so it's ok.

People have been getting their heads pushed up their own :moon: with all this fake fear sh*t.
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This was over a fawking speeding ticket, ok? Hello?

You're absolutley wrong, this had NOTHING to do with the speeding ticket and EVERYTHING to do with obeying the law. There aren't degrees breaking the law, you either are or you're not. Just because you're breaking the law over a minor traffic offense doesn't mean it's less serious than any other situation, it just means you're really stupid.

People have been getting their heads pushed up their own :moon: with all this fake fear sh*t.

"Fake fear sh*t"? Let's hear you say that if you were a cop :roflmao:
Or try telling that to the guy that got shot by the 80 year old at the holocaust museum as mentioned earlier. Or anybody that's been the victim of a violent crime for that matter, ask them how fake it is. And while you're at it ask them if they saw it coming... if they're still alive of course.
I'm sorry to hear that you live in fear.

Lemme translate that for ya: you have no balls.

Not only does the fear bypass your brains, but it bypasses that part of you that knows what's right for the situation.

And because of this, you agree with the "Authoritarian" mind set, instead of being a fully aware, Sovereign human being that upholds the community's welfare.

You've outsourced personal responsibility when you rely on Law. (As has anybody else who relies on it.)

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"Fake fear sh*t"? Let's hear you say that if you were a cop :roflmao:
Or try telling that to the guy that got shot by the 80 year old at the holocaust museum as mentioned earlier. Or anybody that's been the victim of a violent crime for that matter, ask them how fake it is. And while you're at it ask them if they saw it coming... if they're still alive of course.

I hear you here, btw. No contest on dealing with psychos, or any other mindless, violent crimes by peeps that are bent, not-quite-human, in distress, etc, etc.

But look: if this lady gave you lip at Walmart, because you had 13 items in the 12-items-or-less checkout line, would you have reached to your side wishing you had a 1911 or a tazer?

Ok, the context is different, she knows she's on the hook for some minor bucks for a speeding ticket, but you have to wonder: are we to expect that people go that nuts over a freaking speeding ticket vs. the checkout line?

Have things gotten that bad?
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I want you to prove that any one has been killed by a taser. Its a fact that most taser deaths are not caused by the taser but other underlying health issues.
I'm sorry to hear that you live in fear.

Lemme translate that for ya: you have no balls.

There's a big difference between "living in fear" as you put it, which I made absolutely no reference to whatsoever, and having a certain amount of fear. Only fools and future victims live in blissful ignorance of the potential danger around them. To quote Hannah Arendt:

"Fear is an emotion indispensable for survival."

... and I do plan on surviving.

Not only does the fear bypass your brains, but it bypasses that part of you that knows what's right for the situation.

I think you're confusing fear with panic. Besides, if you train regularly, you'll know exactly what to do when the time comes.
There's a big difference between "living in fear" as you put it, which I made absolutely no reference to whatsoever, and having a certain amount of fear.

I was speaking in general, not referring to anything you said (I didn't make that clear), but yeah a little fear is helpful, but only to keep you alert. It's different if it takes over and colors your very actions.

Only fools and future victims live in blissful ignorance of the potential danger around them. To quote Hannah Arendt:

"Fear is an emotion indispensable for survival."

... and I do plan on surviving.

Can't argue with that.

I think you're confusing fear with panic. Besides, if you train regularly, you'll know exactly what to do when the time comes.

Your distinction is spot on, too, although fearful people tend to panic quicker, and not see clearly.

Being prepared for any eventuality, or training like you say, is key to remaining aware whenever the sh.t hits the fan.

I want you to prove that any one has been killed by a taser. Its a fact that most taser deaths are not caused by the taser but other underlying health issues.
She got what she had coming. Sorry.

I hear you here, btw. No contest on dealing with psychos, or any other mindless, violent crimes by peeps that are bent, not-quite-human, in distress, etc, etc.

But look: if this lady gave you lip at Walmart, because you had 13 items in the 12-items-or-less checkout line, would you have reached to your side wishing you had a 1911 or a tazer?

Ok, the context is different, she knows she's on the hook for some minor bucks for a speeding ticket, but you have to wonder: are we to expect that people go that nuts over a freaking speeding ticket vs. the checkout line?

Have things gotten that bad?
This is an absolutely ridiculous comparison. A Taser is a very different device than a gun. A Taser is pretty safe. Consider how many people are tased on a daily basis compared with how many deaths result.
I'm sorry to hear that you live in fear.

Lemme translate that for ya: you have no balls.

Not only does the fear bypass your brains, but it bypasses that part of you that knows what's right for the situation.

And because of this, you agree with the "Authoritarian" mind set, instead of being a fully aware, Sovereign human being that upholds the community's welfare.

You've outsourced personal responsibility when you rely on Law. (As has anybody else who relies on it.)

You are personally responsible for following the law. Choose to disobey, pay the consequences, whatever they may be.
You can't tell me that woman wasn't operating under the assumption that the cop would eventually give in to her simply because she was old. I know elderly people who try to play their age card to gain sympathy or to get out of situations. I am tired of people using their SUPPOSED disadvantages in life to try and gain favor. Race cards, age cards, gender cards, it's all irrelevant bullshit. Take the age factor out and no one has a problem. Point being, I dont care who you are or what you are doing, if you are acting like a troublesome teenager, prepare to be treated like one.
You can't tell me that woman wasn't operating under the assumption that the cop would eventually give in to her simply because she was old. I know elderly people who try to play their age card to gain sympathy or to get out of situations. I am tired of people using their SUPPOSED disadvantages in life to try and gain favor. Race cards, age cards, gender cards, it's all irrelevant bullshit. Take the age factor out and no one has a problem. Point being, I dont care who you are or what you are doing, if you are acting like a troublesome teenager, prepare to be treated like one.

And I say again, "was it necessary ?". People just get tired of being screwed with. I can almost guarantee you, she will never vote yes on any bond issue to help out law enforcement. Who cares if the cops drive 15 year old junk heaps? She will likely perceive the Police as the enemy and share her feelings with anybody willing to listen. Old people are often political, wanna bet what her new pet peeve is? Have you ever dealt with a vindictive old lady before? Add her to a very long list of dissatisfied customers. Always keep the thought in the back of your mind, no matter how bad ass you are, as a Policeman, you are still out numbered about 300 to one and out of that three hundred there are typically 45 dangerous ones, 9 psychos and around 190 that can be swayed one way or the other. When I was in training, Sociology and Psychology classes were required, many of you guys must have slept through those classes.
One thing about being old, in many situations you can honestly say "been there done that" and you can often see trouble brewing years before it actually hits.
To answer Darky's statement about me being retarded, even if I'm half as smart as you are, I've likely had twice as long to get it right and am at least bright enough not to be blinded by my arrogance.
Sun Tzu, "you can win every battle and still loose the war." or maybe to put it more subtly, think about the difference between wining and succeeding?