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72 yr old tazed


NAXJA Forum User
29 Palms, CA
But she dared him to do it. :D
Video from Today Show
MSNBC article
Grandma pulled over for 60 in a 45, driving a new Tundra. Officer writes her a ticket and tells her to sign. She refuses. He tells her again. She refuses. He warns her that she will be arrested if she insists on not signing the ticket. She tells him to go ahead and arrest her. She steps out of the vehicle, but is standing rather close to the roadway, so the officer gives her a little shove to get her away from the road when she refuses to comply. She yells at him and sidles back over to the roadside like an angry 4 yr old. He tells her to get over or she will be tazed. He tells her like 3 times. Now she's willing to sign the ticket but the cop isn't having it anymore. He tells her to stay where she is. She says she's getting back in her car. This happens twice. He warns her again that she will be tazed. She keeps pushing to get back in her car so he tazes her. She falls on the ground and screams. He tells her to put her hands behind her back.

Afterwards, she files a complaint saying she was mistreated. She wasn't being combative, vulgar, or in any way unpleasant. Dash cam footage is released. She shuts up and hires a lawyer.

To me it's good to see that the department is standing behind the officer and supporting him, saying he handled the situation appropriately. Although I know 8Mud will chime in and claim that the cop should've defised the situation without tazing her because now she hates the police and will join an underground militia. :D
She's definitely a dumb**, but he could have easily cuffed her without all the screaming and theatrics. That being said, yeah, I'm glad he tased her anyway. Stupid cow, that was probably what, a $200 fine and a point or two?
She's definitely a dumb**, but he could have easily cuffed her without all the screaming and theatrics. That being said, yeah, I'm glad he tased her anyway. Stupid cow, that was probably what, a $200 fine and a point or two?
If he hadn't tazed her, I guarantee she would've fought back and resisted being handcuffed, and that would look even worse on the side of the road, young strong officer wrestling a 72 yr old woman, likely dropping her fairly hard in the process. She gets a broken hip, and what could've been easily resolved with the taser (like it was) turns into a badly injured old lady who has the court of public opinion fully and securely on her side. Very justified tazing in my opinion.
OWNED! The old bat deserved it. No matter who you are a cop is a cop and he can arrest you no matter your age, ethnicity, or gender! It would have been funnier if she had said DON"T TAZE ME BRO!
He kicked her but..I am so tired of these people doing what they want, thinking they are going to get away with it...I hope she gets 1 year for being dumb
He kicked her but..I am so tired of these people doing what they want, thinking they are going to get away with it...I hope she gets 1 year for being dumb

Yeah like people with money literally getting away with murder!
Then we have the 88-year old man that shot and killed a security guard at the Holocaust Museum.

Just because someone is old doesn't mean that they're not a threat.
I'm thinking if a Cop can't figure out how to subdue a 72 year old woman, especially one half his size without tazing her, he needs to find a new vocation.
In all likelihood she will hire a lawyer and develop heart trouble or nerve spasms and die rich.
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,100,000 English pages for police brutality. (0.22 seconds).
Video, Results 1 - 10 of about 16,700 for police brutality (0.10 s).

I say turn about is fair play, the next time a Cop gets mouthy he gets tazed.
The cop was perfectly fine, she just had to sign the ticket and be on her way. Everything there after was decided by her actions.