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2020 SierraFest Raffle Proceeds

Sounds good Jeff! The cheapest monthly plans would be ideal since we want to keep cost down.
understood. Ill message you with what i find.
I think aaron would be fine . We still have extra shirts too

I can look into the options for satellite comms if you like.

Thanks Jeff!

Also for everyone - Skipper sent me this link as an option with a monthly subscription and text only but also option to SOS call to a response center 24/7 for when someone via text is unavailable: https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/p/561269

As another general update, I spoke with Brie this morning (who will be taking over Aaron's duties on the OHV team). We discussed the continued effort to contact the South County Trail Riders who have adopted the trail from the El Dorado side to understand what their involvement is.

Brie will also follow up with me on if there were 3 or 4 more formal campgrounds that we can place fire rings at.

Other projects at Hermit Valley would be: Painting the restroom - the forest service would provide paint and materials and we'd provide the labor.

For Picnic tables, they'll send me a general spec and it was proposed to use a steel picnic table as a separate department just ordered some for another project so she'll get those specs and send them over.

For the road between the day use staging area and the trail-head, it was proposed to make the road more formal that whenever we're up there to do the next project (Spring likely) we can drive back and forth as many times as we can to make the road already in existence more broken in as there's currently light tire marks there and this would make it known its a formal road to connect the two areas.

Lastly, to happen in 2021 due to COVID 2020 issues hindering this.. we would be able to sign a formal volunteer agreement with the forest service which would ensure we are covered by Forest Service liability insurance on top of our NAXJA organization liability insurance during any volunteer work~ :woohoo: On top of that, we'd also help the OHV team formally rack up hours volunteered for their district which would give them more weight when applying for grant money for projects which would be a win-win for them and us to help bring in some more federal dollars to the Stanislaus National Forest District for various improvement projects, maintenance and access projects in the area. This agreement is good for two years and encompasses the whole club + any non-club attendees who sign in each volunteer day.

AND I got an address to send Aaron a 2020 shirt and note on behalf of the club, it was mentioned he'd certainly appreciate the 2020 design!
Awesome thanks mike.
Awesome update guys. I look forward to discussing these items further.
Hello everyone, today I sent this note below to Aaron along with a shirt, coozie and stickers. Alboyxj97 is sending two more shirts and two more coozies from Reno so we can get all the right sizes to Aaron and the two others on his team who were there at the fire ring install as a part of a greater “thank you” to them.

Mike, great idea in sending t-shirts and the get well/thank you note. Thanks for doing that. Gestures like that really show how dedicated the Sierra Chapter is in working with the NF to keep the trails open, not to mention the volunteer hours you guys/gals already put in and are offering.
Mike, great idea in sending t-shirts and the get well/thank you note. Thanks for doing that. Gestures like that really show how dedicated the Sierra Chapter is in working with the NF to keep the trails open, not to mention the volunteer hours you guys/gals already put in and are offering.

Thank you Art, but its an idea from us all that I'm sure will be well received along with everyone's tremendous efforts!
Yeah we are pretty stoked to start working with the forest service more and more in the coming years
Hello Everyone, as an update I’ll be sending these two letters and checks to the Rubicon Trail Foundation and Blue Ribbon Coalition this afternoon!


Thanks Mike !
Hello All, another update.. this past week I received a thank you letter from the RTF folks and a bunch of stickers I’ll save for our May Renofest trip to pass out to everyone, they’re very thankful for the donation! I’ll write back about the swag for our next raffle and keep that part a surprise!

Merry Christmas everyone!


