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XJ 25th Anniversary Celebration photo contest

Handlebars said:

This is a great image.

It leaves the impression of going somewhere versus just conquering some rock pile.
We have some good shots here, keep them coming for a chance to win. The contest will run till the end of June, and the winner will get a free event T-shirt and a hoodie.

A couple more days to get a few more pics posted up, the contest is over June 30th. Get your rig on the event shirt, and get some free stuff. :)
Fred said:

Not Moab, but same climate. :)

take any trips to Pismo dunes lately?
Well, this picture contest is over. Thanks to everyone for submitting their pictures. We'll be going over them, and I'll PM those of you who we think have the best shots so you can e-mail me a copy of the picture. I'll work with the shirt artist and we'll see who the winner is. No guarantees when we'll know who wins, but when we get it worked out we'll let you know.

Thanks again, and I'll see you all in Moab!
I'm finally getting time to go through all of these pics and pick some finalists, so watch your PM box for a request to e-mail me a copy of your picture.

Good luck, :)