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wtf is the right thing to do?

Ben H said:
Really man, you can get a lot further with sugar than salt. Ask him why he did it? And let him know how you feel about it.

And then hand your balls back to God.
Beej said:
What does it mean to be bothered by homosexuality? To me, when someone is offended by it, bothered by it, or holds any position other than accepting it, THEY ARE UNSURE WHETHER OR NOT THEY ARE GAY THEMSELVES. If you are certain of your own sexuality, then why would you be bothered by someone else's?

Dikasun, what would you do if it was one of your non-gay friends/acquaintances? Whatever you would do to them, do to this guy. Don't treat him differently just because he's a Vito Spatafore...

So based on this the answer is to scream "DUDE, WHAT THE F***!"
a few times really loud then start drinking again.
You passed out on the couch so you're fair game. You now need to retaliate in some way. A friend of mine once passed out on a couch so we lifted him off with a wedgie. I'm still waiting for retribution.
theslacker said:
You passed out on the couch with a bunch of queers so you're fair game. You now need to retaliate in some way. A friend of mine once passed out on a couch so we lifted him off with a wedgie. I'm still waiting for retribution.

fixed it for ya.......
im gonna get flamed for this but i really couldnt care less.
Find him, tell him what you think of that. Tell him loudly, but not in public, and refrain from words that are NOT expletives, HOWEVER, do not use any discriminatory gay names for your own sake, and because its not about the fact hes gay. Pretty much stick to the lines of you think you can touch my ******* balls bla bla bla.

If he gives you lip beat his ass. Dont 'hate crime' me i dont care.

If he is like more and more poeple these days and went legal with it, any pending lawsuit would get compromised fairly quickly when you counter to put his ass in jail and slap a sexual offender tag on him.

Im sorry, and i know the flaming is gonna come but thats not cool. And yes, it is different when its your buddies, not a random gay dude.

Try doing that to a girl you dont know and see what happens.

I have nothing against gay people, my brother is openly gay. I have no fear of gays, no stereotypes of gays whatsoever. Id say this is above a homosexuality issue, its decency. In fact, smacked your ass I'd laugh it off. Touched your juevos, its time to go Chuck Norris on his ass.

If coppin a feel was an okay and socially acceptable thing to do i think happiness ratings of american men would go through the roof.
goodburbon said:
Stop getting drunk and passing out on other peoples couches.

Then calmly tell the gay guy you didn't appreciate what he did. He will say it was all in the name of fun. No need to get all butt hurt over it, An overreaction will make everyone think you're a closet homo.

Yep. It's a widely accepted fact that if you pass out while the party is still going that you ARE going to get fawked with. Don't drink to the point that you pass out and are fondled by gay men.
Prior to her giving you the wine, where had the neck of said bottle been? :wierd:

Next to cucumbers, wine bottle neck are a girl’s best friend.

Good Lord people! I go away for a few hours and you've added, what? 2, 3 pages already.

The neck of that particular wine bottle had no feminine scent, more's the pity.
johnlv6 said:
Yep. It's a widely accepted fact that if you pass out while the party is still going that you ARE going to get fawked with. Don't drink to the point that you pass out and are fondled by gay men.
So dont get hammered at my house or you might get hammered at my house ;)
As far as what to do:

Consider youself lucky and move on. I couldn't begin to describe the crap I've seen done to drunks. Consider who thinks up that chit - OTHER DRUNKS! Believe me. you got off lucky.
XJ Dreamin' said:
As far as what to do:

Consider youself lucky and move on. I couldn't begin to describe the crap I've seen done to drunks. Consider who thinks up that chit - OTHER DRUNKS! Believe me. you got off lucky.

So its good luck to get your member handled by a gay dude?

Anything you want to tell us:D
jpars said:
So its good luck to get your member handled by a gay dude?

Anything you want to tell us:D

Calling me out on that won't do any good 'cause there ain't no pictures, but:

I'll give you just one - and remember - the ladies thought this one up. They handled the dude's clothes and his Johnson. We just did the heavy lifting.

I don't say he didn't have it coming - he was the loudmouth jerk of the dorm - and, remembering the ladies thought this up - we stripped him naked, laid him out spread eagle, face-up in the hallway with a little Babie doll tutu and wig (supplied by the ladies, who thought this one up) on his Johnson (the ladies handled that part). He was discovered by the Resident Assisstant making his rounds at ~0400. The RA kicked him awake and sent him off to bed. The dude showed up for breakfast, hung over like the rest of us, ate his pancakes and eggs and went off to class. Nothing ever came of it. We just kept on partying. As far as he was concerned, he was pretty proud that all the ladies had seen his Johnson. Who knows - maybe he got some action out of it.
XJ Dreamin' said:
Calling me out on that won't do any good 'cause there ain't no pictures, but:

I'll give you just one - and remember - the ladies thought this one up. They handled the dude's clothes and his Johnson. We just did the heavy lifting.

I don't say he didn't have it coming - he was the loudmouth jerk of the dorm - and, remembering the ladies thought this up - we stripped him naked, laid him out spread eagle, face-up in the hallway with a little Babie doll tutu and wig (supplied by the ladies, who thought this one up) on his Johnson (the ladies handled that part). He was discovered by the Resident Assisstant making his rounds at ~0400. The RA kicked him awake and sent him off to bed. The dude showed up for breakfast, hung over like the rest of us, ate his pancakes and eggs and went off to class. Nothing ever came of it. We just kept on partying. As far as he was concerned, he was pretty proud that all the ladies had seen his Johnson. Who knows - maybe he got some action out of it.

See, thats colllege, thats getting shamed and thats awesome.

Distinct difference then a gay guy taking advantage of your state to get a feel on your nuts.

Thats cause for an ass whooping.
You have to be arab to go jihad on his ass, dont take that from me.
actually what i was really asking was if i kick his ass... would it be considered a hate crime just because he's gay?

oh, but thanks for all the other irrelevant opinions too. haha

Well then I call bullshit....you NEVER mentioned hating it in the beginning.

I think Beej should come in here and use his psych abilities on you to determine if your really in the closet with Paul Lynde and Jim J Bullock.

ALthough I suspect the majority of our posters have got you pegged as being a :flame: .

Tell Liberace hi for everyone.
Ramsey said:
You have to be arab to go jihad on his ass, dont take that from me.

jihad -

definition: Going out on a saturday night to the nearest gay bar.

No wonder those arabs are so hung up on this word.
goodburbon said:
I can jihad anybody I want!

If you don't believe me, you'd better kill me now or I'll put a jihad on you too.:eeks1:

America, F*CK YEAH!

Comin' again to save the muthaf*ckin' day yeah!