ok... so here is the story
I met up with Tim and his son Ethan at 9am at the Arrowhead Ranger Station, and after waiting about 15 minutes we decided to hit the trail. On our way there, UTurn Tim has led me down through some more interesting parts of the local community all the way down to....a DEAD END
Once we have made it to the trail, the fun started. If my memory serves me right, we have started with Dishpan Springs, where we have met up with a Red Rubi on 35's (sweet looking rig). There the rubi passed us and we caught up to it, then it passed us and so on.....
Someplace in the middle of the trail an XJ with a really nice ZJ (guy got it all built for one hell of a price, and before he got it.... well... it probably never hit the trail!). XJ was driven by Ken (IMORTL) who got on the trail to get in couple runs before his new baby gets born, the ZJ was driven by Dave, and that red Rubi was driven by Dave as well (can't remember the name of the passenger though). Someplace in all that we also ended up meeting up with Bill in a green Rubi (he got one of the first Rubis that hit SoCal...... early order
In any case, after finishing up Dishpan without much trouble, we went to Holocomb creek, where I have decided to hang my front passenger LCA and rear passenger spring on a rock. Don't ask me how, as it was a masterpiece not be easily repeated (ok... Bill did the same thing on John Bull later on that day
). A bit of hilift action, and strap on the rock and I was free. Yeah... free to hang myself again about 100 yards up on my rock rail (GRRRR... that was the most I got myself stuck ever in a sequence!!!). In any case, a bit of rocking the XJ, back and forth, wheel turning, skinny pedal action and I was moving again.
Then the fun came... the John Bull (in reverse). It actually interesting to see it from the other direction, and dissapointing to see that the first incline on the start of John Bull (when ran normally) got evened out
. Anyways, here comes the good story.... (or actually two parallel stories). As we got to couple rocks between two trees (most probably remember that one), Ethan (TBent let his son do a bit of driving that day) walked up on it after a bit of skinny pedal action and carefull guidance from his dad. Then it was my turn.... well... lets start with a bad plan, stopping so that I don't hit the tree as I was afraid that I won't make the turn, then making the second attempt while forgetting to let go of the parking brake...... Now I know that some view the parking brake as the "poor man's locker"... but not set at full!!!! As I almsot made it over, I finally gave up due to lack of power (big surprise........). By now of course I have dug a hole with one tire so some carefull planning and rocking and moving, and shifting had to be done to get through, but I made it...... then as it turns out, as Dave's(Red Rubi) coopilot was walking, he somehow has stepped with his left foot on a branch. From this point on it was all a set of unfortunate events... The other end of the branch ended up going up.. his right leg was coming down, and it got a biiiiiiiiig piece of branch embeded and broken off in the leg! (OUCH!!!!!) So after some field surgery and use of Ken's first aid kit, Dave has removed the splinter out and bandaged the leg (they were supposed to make a stop at the ER after getting of the trail to have that looked at). Ok.... now as we're coming down further, Bill gets stuck.... while trying to avoid a rock, he ends up going up one, rolling another one with his tries and does exactly the same thing I did: big rock in the front, huge rock in the rear..... So again after hilifting the TJ, moving some rocks, taking a strap to the big rock (deja vu) he was free....
Oh... I forgot to mention the Tim Bounce
..... as we were taking a sharp turn on JB, tim's rear has slipped of the side, Tim hit the brakes and his rear came up so high in the air (both tires!!!) that I could have easily drove through under neath it!! But.... gravity woke up, and brought the rear back to earth (gives new meaning to Earth to Tim!).
One more thing.... as everyone was splitting up and leaving, the last three to leave from the trail end were Tim, Dave (ZJ).... so as Tim is leading us to a gas station (he's local after all so he should know his way around LOL) he ends up leading us to a dead end and again.....a UTurn
OK... I think that about covers it all
I still have to develop my film and get the CD so that I can post pics, I see that Ken has already done so:
http://www.naxja.org/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8176 and the rest should be showing up shortly
Remi aka Kejtar
P.S. Bill from the Rubi was amazed as to how well XJ's perform and he talked about running into another group couple weeks back