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Water Crossing Tips

why doesn't it say anything about going as fast as you can to skip across the surface?

thats what i always do:gee:
An overly cautious article to be sure.

There are damn few of us who carry a tarp with us just to cover the front of the vehicle.

A slow, but steady pace get's you though every time. Being aware of what your vehicles submersion depth and where the engine air intake point is priority. The XJs stock intake location 87' and up is behind the left blinker.

Yah, you should be aware of gear lube contamination, but it's on the bottom of my list. You can get home on wet gears, but if you hydro the motor, it'll spoil your whole day.
and don't wear new shoes and your good clothes, or make dinner reservations right after that in a town far far away and not being able to change into anything dry....and get laughed at when you walk in and towards your table while people are pointing and starring and giggling and....lol

G.Q. Jeeper said:
and don't wear new shoes and your good clothes, or make dinner reservations right after that in a town far far away and not being able to change into anything dry....and get laughed at when you walk in and towards your table while people are pointing and starring and giggling and....lol


Only in Canada would someone add this comment. We folks in the lower 48 would have better sense. Thanks!!
I also use the blinker for a depth guage. Had my deepest water crossing ever last time I went out. Was just above the lower body line on the doors and a little bit up on the blinker. I was a little nervous but made it just fine. Evidently have some damn good door seals as not a drop got in. A friend of mines XJ wasn't so lucky, he radioed in that his carpet was floating lol.
ManBearPig said:
I thought inlated tires would make the vehicle float. It works with my little arm floaties :rolleyes:

If you roll up the windows and turn on the A/C you can pump enough air into the vehicle to make it float, I promise, now go forth and try it?;)
DrMoab said:
That mud is weird. You drive through it once and it's sticky...like mud. Then it just turns to liquified sand and you get right to the bedrock.

I really hope Fall Fling is a little dryer this year.
Here is another vid from the same week.

what ever happened to the guy on the bike?