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Vendor row


NAXJA Member #120
NAXJA Member
NE Indiana
Goatman and I discussed this on the phone. What is the thought? $200 in raffle prizes to set up a booth on Friday afternoon/evening before and after the dinner? Do it another time that week? Another place? Another price?

What about chapters that want to donate the preferred amount in swag to the raffle? Or make it less for the chapters? Some will probably want to sell some of their stuff out there? Maybe?

mac 'this forum needs to be blowing up' gyvr
Are we doing a show and shine at the park? I think that would be a great place to have a vendor showcase.
As for chapters SoCal will have a store on-site in Moab. I am also going to get a SoCal Chapter banner made up.

Personally I wouldn't charge the chapters for the pleasure.
Fri night is the best time for vendors, but they can be offered to set up both Thurs at the park and Fri at the dinner. I'm open for suggestions on how much of a raffle donation will get them booth space. We also have to figure if it would require a specific contribution to the 30th event raffle, or how their annual sponsorship contributions would apply. Doing this will be more work for those working on sponsorship, since a flyer would need to be made up and sent out to vendors, and then followed up on. A flyer probably needs to be sent out anyway, there would likely be vendors who would provide something for the 30th event raffle that don't do the annual sponsorship program.

Would we also give credit for vendors who have donated to the XJ?

Need some thoughts.
I would say that the vendor booths be open to those that contribute specifically to the Moab raffle separate from the annual sponsorship dues.

I could see allowing vendor booths for those that contributed to the giveawayXJ, but we want to make the general raffle as big as possible so we need to try to make it special to have a booth. Those that donated to the giveawayxj are already going to have their wares displayed on the giveawayxj.

If we are sending out a flyer or letter to the vendors about coming to Moab to set up a booth...we should be doing that asap.

Also, I was thinking more about the chapters and I'd say if they donate some swag to the general moab raffle, then let them have a booth, lets not put a dollar amount on it.
Here is a quick thought...

My Brain said:
Booth fees may be paid by donating product to the Fall Fling raffle. This arrangement is separate from any existing NAXJA Sponsorship agreement you may have. Credit for booth fees will be given based on the full retail value of the item(s) donated to the raffle excluding sales tax and shipping. Promotional products, while always welcome, will not count as credit toward booth fees.

Of course we will need to define what a booth is, consider whether we want to have multiple sizes available, and figure out how much.

Now to expand on the them lets talk banners. Currently in the sponsorship program Titanium level are the only ones allowed to fly a banner at major events. For the banners how about this:

My Brain said:
Banners and signs up to 8' x 2' may be displayed in your booth. Titanium-level NAXJA sponsors and GiveawayXJ sponsors may display a banner at the event whether they have purchased a booth or not. While we will work with vendors event leadership has sole authority on placement of banners.

Just quick off the top of the brain.

PS - How big is G&G's booth going to be? :laugh3:
Where will banners be hung at the event? I assume at each booth, they have to identify themselves somehow. I would figure the best place for a banner is inside the Fri night meeting room, but there must be a means to hang the banners. Banners could be hung at the park, but again there needs to be a way to hang the banners.
We hung some banners up behind the stage for the 2006 raffle. While the option to fly banners has been around forever it hasn't been taken advantage of much. Personally I'd love to see a ton of vendor support and banners, it would really make it look like a major event.
To bubble this one back to the top I propose that land use organizations (Tread Lightly!, BRC, etc.) be allowed a booth free. Any thoughts?
Relative to Vendor Row, there was early discussion regarding Vendor sponsored trails. Has this idea been nixed or did it die on the vine?
BTT on this subject. This could bring in more schwag for our raffle!
Definitely. The word has to get out and contacts made. This is the weekend after Offroad Expo so it could be a natural for some vendors to stop in Moab on the way home.