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trashed XJ in Nashville

Oh and in regards to the brother, that would not fly after the first time. I'd be parking it at a friends house or something. If he's really that determined to "borrow" it, I'd be in contact with the authorities. Echo: seriously not cool.
mark the dist. and change 3 of the wires around, See if he can start it then.

Lol one of my buddies did something similar when we were at a party. I walked outside to see my taillights fading away, so i took the liberty of taking his 04 TJ for a spin :D parked it somewhere he couldnt find it, didnt tell him where it was till 7 the next day
don't bother marking it, 15 36 24 is cast into the intake manifold... too young, too old, just right. Swap the wires around and call it a day.

Or get the police involved next time he does it and stop putting up with his jackassery.
$165 later.

I still can't figure out how someone can take grizzly Addams jeep and live to tell about it
I think you should remove a critical component, e.g. starter so he'll have to buy a new one to get the Jeep running.

After a few trips, you could get some good new parts.
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I used to work a job where I was away from home a lot, and my brother would always ask to drive my Jeep. He was used to driving lowered Acura's and BMW's and had a pretty bad driving record... bad enough that it was affecting our whole family's insurance.

I told him I had liability only on my Jeep. If he wanted to drive it, that's fine, but anything happens to it and he's paying the full replacement cost for it and everything on it. I was willing to take that risk when I drove it (second car for me) but was he? Then I added that the brakes were subpar, and that I'd had a stalling issue and manhandling the Jeep to the shoulder with no p/s is not very fun.

He never touched the damn thing.
In all the wheeling pics, it's obvious that your buddies couldn't wait till you got the Jeep running again. They were all just where you left them...stuck!