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Tips for first job interview?

You been given some good advice, but I do a fair number of interviews every year and I have a few additional tips:

1. Good listening is just as important as what you say. Make sure you understand each question asked. Take a moment to consider your answer - are you answering the question or just saying something? If you ask a question, listen to answer. Don't interrupt.

2. Be honest - if you don't know, say "I don't know" or "I don't have any experience with that". I have rejected many applicants for making up BS answers.

3. Interviewers are looking for a "good fit" - does the candidate have the capabilities, skills, knowledge, experience, motivation and integrity to succeed in the job? A bad fit is not good for the company or the employee. You can use this to your advantage. "I think I am good fit for this position because Blah Blah...

4. Remember that companies need employees just as much as people need jobs. If you don't feel like the job is a good fit for you, keep looking.
I will tell you what works for me....charm the pants off of whoever is interviewing you.
My job now is with a bank and when I went in for my interview...I had absolutely NO experience with money, or banking in general. hell, I couldn't even count money fast or properly, but I charmed the women interviewing me by dressing very nice and telling funny stories or making a faint little joke about something there were talking about. at the end of the interview, they told me that they wanted me to work there but ad to let their boss know and I would def hear from them in the upcoming week.

Also, even if you think the interview didn't go well, send the person who interviewed you a thank you letter...sounds cheesy but I think it helps...maybe you will stick out in their mind if something else comes up....

I don't know what you would be doing at the grocery store, but that was my frst job and it really broke me out of my shell, being able to talk to strangers and just taught me alot about who I was as a worker....

Just be yourself and dont muble or stutter as someone else has said and just make sure you are very respectful and act excited about the job and I am sure you will get it!
All went well. Got hired and am starting off at a cashier. I told here that I was a consistent A-B student who took advaced classes (not a lie) and said that I will start off at cashier and if I handle it well I'll move into the front office sometime during the summer. But hey, its a job and Im glad I got it! :D
Don't use your buddy’s resume..... My old roommate got hired with a company and came back to do interviews for that company at my school, he said a kid came in and had listed as activities SAE Baja, well my buddy did Baja while he was here so his first question was "oh cool you did Baja, I did Baja...tell me about this year’s car.." the kid got a blank stare and confessed that that wasn't his resume.... ended that interview!