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This really pisses me off


NAXJA Forum User
Effort, Pa
Churches Start Offering Sanctuary to Illegals
Oakland Tribune
, 2007-05-10
By Peter Prengaman, Associated Press

LOS ANGELES -- Churches gave sanctuary Wednesday to two men from Mexico and Guatemala to protect them from deportation and launch a nation-

wide effort to pressure lawmakers to create a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

More than 30 priests, pastors, imams and rabbis blessed the men during a raucous ceremony attended by 300 people at Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church in downtown Los Angeles.

We are here to raise our voices for those who cant raise their own, said Pastor Cesar Arroyo of San Pablos Lutheran Church in North Hollywood, which will house the man from Guatemala.

Each of the immigrants had two children in tow as they sat in front of the altar.

The Guatemalan, a gardener who only gave his first name as Juan, said he worried about what might happen to his young daughters if he were deported. Both girls are U.S. citizens because they were born in this country.

I want to ask the politicians to see the suffering of the immigrant families, he said.

The 44-year-old Mexican, who only gave his first name as Jose, will live at the downtown church. He sat next to his two teenage sons wearing the latest American fashion and speaking more English than Spanish. They are also U.S. citizens.

Jose said he had been in the country 17 years, working as a cook at Los Angeles International Airport until he was injured and his immigration status was revealed.

After the ceremony, he went to his room in the church, which has a single bed, sink and toaster oven.

Im going to stay here until this is resolved, he said, referring to his deportation order.

Organizers dont believe immigration agents will make arrests inside the churches.

The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency has not tried to arrest Elvira Arellano, an illegal immigrant who has taken shelter at a Methodist church in Chicago since August.

ICE spokeswoman Virginia Kice declined to say if agents would attempt to arrest others who take sanctuary in churches, but said agents have the authority to arrest those who are in violation of our immigration laws anywhere in the United States.

Organizers said churches in more than 50 cities nationwide are planning to join the sanctuary effort.

Participating faith groups in San Diego, Seattle, Chicago and New York wont initially house illegal immigrants. Instead, leaders will provide legal council, accompany people to court hearings and prepare plans to house them in churches if authorities try to deport them.

Anti-illegal immigration groups called it misguided.

The faith groups dont seem to realize that they are being charitable with someone elses resources, and thats not charity, said Ira Mehlman of the Federation for American Immigration Reform, which favors limits on immigration.

We are talking about illegal immigrants taking someone elses job, filling up the classroom of someone elses child, he said.

In New York, religious leaders gathered at the Roman Catholic Church of St. Paul the Apostle and said their promise of sanctuary included financial assistance, legal help and physical protection, if necessary.

For us, sanctuary is an act of radical hospitality, the welcoming of the stranger who is like ourselves, the stranger in our midst, our neighbors, our friends, said Rabbi Michael Feinberg of the Greater New York Labor-Religion Coalition.

Two families facing deportation stood with the religious leaders. Jani, a U.S. citizen who did not give her last name, said her Haitian-born husband Jean is facing deportation because of a 1989 drug conviction in the U.S. that put him in prison for 11 years.

She said the family would take refuge in a church, if necessary, rather than be separated.

The New Sanctuary Movement is loosely based on the sanctuary movement in the 1980s, when churches harbored Central American refugees fleeing wars in their home countries. Several activists in a handful of states were arrested, often while transporting illegal immigrants from one place to another.

The plans come as immigration reform legislation has been stalled since last summer, and tens of thousands of an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants have been detained and deported in stepped up raids in recent months.

The churches sought immigrants who wanted to take part and were screened to make sure they paid taxes and didnt have criminal backgrounds, said Rev. Alexia Salvatierra, executive director of Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice, an interfaith association spearheading the national plans.

They chose the Haitian man because his crime was 20 years ago and since then he has totally reformed his life, she said.


Associated Press writer Karen Matthews in New York contributed to this report.
Well holy shit batman, you should have thought of that BEFORE you came here illegally and HAD KIDS, unless someone held a gun to your head and said 'F&&&$HER till she's pregnant' TWICE. So if I were to rob a bank and then have kids can I use the same defense against going to jail, You broke the law, end of discussion... this is not a political issue, it's a legal issue. The catholic church loves it because attendance is up 300% as most south and central americans are catholic or mostly christian.. A convicted drug felon, here illegally, served 11 years and his wife is worried, well honey, go with him back to his homeland, you married him for better or worse unless you did not know he was an illegal.
You know what I want, I want some politicans who are PRO CONSTITUTION, PRO BILL of RIGHTS, pro gun, pro law, PRO USA, yea I know, I'm dreaming... instead our politicians more closely resemble eggo's....as in waffles...
Preach on Rich!!! 100% agree with you!
RichP said:
So if I were to rob a bank and then have kids can I use the same defense against going to jail

That right there is the point. It don't matter! You're illegal!! Your kids aren't - they can stay.

That's what they were yammerin' about at their marches last week. "What about our kids?" Well, thanks. We'll take good care of them, seeing as how they are Americans. You have a nice trip home. bye-bye.
If an immigration official is acting in accordance with the duties of his office in pursuing the arrest of an illegal immigrant, aren't you, by attempting to harbor the fugative, interfering with a Federal Agent in the performance of his duties?

I think there should be two deportations and at least two arrests.
I agree guys. I don't believe this crap about sanctuary. Go in and get them or bait them out like you would any other criminal.

Hell I heard once from a comedian that said "We should take over mexico. We have to live with them so we might as well take the land that goes with them."

It pisses me off that they think they are above the law and for the most part are since they can rob us blind but god forbid we tax thier under the table pay that they get most of the time.
I saw some priest talking about "keeping the family together," as the kids are U.S. citizens. Well, if the family thinks it's that important, they can all go back to Mexico with the father. Just because you made it in here illegally and managed to have kids shouldn't mean that you get to stay forever.

We need to enforce our laws, including punishing those who hire illegals. But illegal immigration is good for the rich, but hard on the poor and lower middle class. So nothing will happen unless enough people get pissed about it and demand that our politicians do their jobs.
Churches gave sanctuary Wednesday to two men from Mexico and Guatemala to protect them from deportation and launch a nation-wide effort to pressure lawmakers to create a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

It seems to me that the path to citizenship is clear. Go home. Apply for residancy. Move here legally, then apply for citizenship just like every other immigrant.
RichP said:
...You know what I want, I want some politicans who are PRO CONSTITUTION, PRO BILL of RIGHTS, pro gun, pro law, PRO USA, yea I know, I'm dreaming... instead our politicians more closely resemble eggo's....as in waffles...

I AGREE 100%.
Won't ever happen, but I can still dream I guess...

If you're illegal, you are ILLEGAL. No question about it... you broke the law now go back!
It clear that the legal American public is not being represented by our government. The existing laws regarding immigration are not being enforced, officers who attempt to enforce them are being sued, tied or legally neutered.........the big question is, WHY?

It's very clear to me.

Ask yourself these questions, you connect the dots..........

  • Who is penalized by the flood of alien invaders?
  • Who benefits by their presence on US soil?
  • Why are banks offering credit to alien invaders?
  • What is the purpose of our elected officials?
  • Why is there so much talk about the seperation of Church and State, but no movement to seperate State and Business?
  • Why is it illegal to bribe an elected official, but not illegal to lobby and contribute to their campaign?
What is not clear to me, is how WE, the American majority can change the direction our country is headed?

30% voter turnout isn't going to help, nor is complacently accepting the lies that are being perpetuated by the press and those in power with a clear anti-American, anti-Freedom agenda. We are being invaded and overthrown from within; tolerance becomes acceptance.
Let's say I break into your house

I dug this one outa an email I received awhile back... it's been around, but makes a few good points.

Editorials Email said:
A woman wrote this letter in the Editorials of a local paper.

Her point:

Recently large demonstrations have taken place
across the country protesting the fact that Congress
is finally addressing the issue of illegal immigration.

Certain people are angry that the US might protect its own borders, might make it harder
to sneak into this country and, once here, to stay indefinitely.

Let me see if I correctly understand the thinking behind these protests.

Let's say I break into your house.
Let's say that when you discover me in your house, you insist that I leave.

But I say, "I've made all the beds and washed the dishes and did the laundry and swept the floors. I've done all the things you don't like to do. I'm hard-working and honest (except for when I broke into your house).

According to the protesters:

You are Required to let me stay in your house
You are Required to add me to your family's insurance plan
You are Required to Educate my kids
You are Required to Provide other benefits to me & to my family

(my husband will do all of your yard work because he is also hard-working and honest, except for that breaking in part).

If you try to call the police or force me out, I will call my friends who will picket your house carrying signs that proclaim my RIGHT to be there.

It's only fair, after all, because you have a nicer house than I do, and I'm just trying to better myself. I'm a hard-working and honest, person, except for well, you know, I did break into your house.

And oh yeah, I get a free education, where you have to pay your own way through college.(TEEHEE)

And what a deal it is for me!!!

I live in your house, contributing only a fraction of the cost of my keep, and there is nothing you can do about it without being accused of cold, uncaring, selfish, prejudiced, and bigoted behavior.

Oh yeah, I DEMAND that you learn MY LANGUAGE. So you can communicate with me. And don't forget to make sure your forms are in MY language - I need to understand them...

Why can't people see how ridiculous this is?! Only in America…
Share it if you see the value of it.

If not blow it off......... along with your future Social Security funds, and a lot of other things.
No only in America, come to Czech republic or whole Europe, where moslims, gypsies and other garbage are more than europe original inhabitants :flamemad::skull2:
The lady in the article makes a good point. Yes Latins and other illegal immigrants to provide a lot to this society working the fields and hard/cheap labor that nobody else really wants to do... but c'mon, we've got enough juvies and other such people who could easily take their spots and teach them a thing or two. They reap so many benefits it's disgusting. This is the "landy of opportunity" of course, a place where dreams come true.. even sneaking into American and taking all you can get, and then some. They are those who screw it up for the rest of the people who want to come to America... the legal way. I was down in Nicaragua for awhile and people were always pissed at how we Americans can get a Visa so easily and just come waltzing around their country but if they want to come to the States it's really really really hard and it's through a lottery system... Why is it like that I ask them? Because there are thousands of illegals already there that's it starting to turn into Latin America.

On my way to Nicaragua I was in the Miami airport... what do you know, the L.E.D display screen that shows what time planes are arriving and other news comes out in Spanish first... same with the overhead announcements... What happend to America? The English speaking one...

It's pretty sad that these churches are trying to get this wide spread across the states to help illegals. They should be arrested to like stated before. Same thing happens in a murder case... If you even know that somebody killed someone and you don't tell, and later evidence comes out that you knew and didn't do anything or tell you can be held liable, even as an accomplice. Why not the same with illegals?

I like the idea of just taking over Mexico... we can get cheaper fruit that way! And more delicious tacos.

I say we send Larry the Cableguy back and for reals take over Mexico..
Fine, you want a "path to citizenship" for illegals.

Then they get flagged by the IRS for double income taxes, to represent the money they didn't pay taxes on when they made it, or the money they didn't pay taxes on when they sent it home (either way, increasing the tax load on the rest of us.)

Fair is fair, I think. If they don't like paying double, we could always offer to have them pay triple - I think the bitching will stop rather quickly...
RichP said:
Well holy shit batman, you should have thought of that BEFORE you came here illegally and HAD KIDS, unless someone held a gun to your head and said 'F&&&$HER till she's pregnant' TWICE. So if I were to rob a bank and then have kids can I use the same defense against going to jail, You broke the law, end of discussion... this is not a political issue, it's a legal issue. The catholic church loves it because attendance is up 300% as most south and central americans are catholic or mostly christian.. A convicted drug felon, here illegally, served 11 years and his wife is worried, well honey, go with him back to his homeland, you married him for better or worse unless you did not know he was an illegal.
You know what I want, I want some politicans who are PRO CONSTITUTION, PRO BILL of RIGHTS, pro gun, pro law, PRO USA, yea I know, I'm dreaming... instead our politicians more closely resemble eggo's....as in waffles...

Bla, Bla, Bla...
Are you done yet?

1st The US adopts a "catch and release" program at the border.
2nd The US uses words like "Amesty" which seems to encourage more to make the trip.
3rd The US does nothing about the Mexican Govts movements to encourage illegal imigration.
4th The US does not enforce their own laws because they are afraid of what Joe Hippie and the Press will do to them after Wacko, TX and other FBI lead Press blunders.

I go back to #4.
The Church knows that the INS will not pull these folks out of the Churches.
The INS has publicly stated that the concept of "Santuary" has no meaning in the US, however, they have still failed to arrest that Illegal living under "Santuary" in the Chicago church. That sets a poor precident. That is the same as the President mentioning the word "Amnesty" and mixing up the message.

"What we have here is a Failure to communicate"

Yes, I understand fully what is going on and sympthise somewhat with the Illegals.
They are poor folks looking for a chance to improve their lot. Who wouldn't want that and which one of use, given the same circumstances would not do the same?

The US govt needs to start meaning what it says, then backing that up with force if needed.
If we are to protect out borders against invaders...and these folks are, invaders, then we need to get serious. We can not allow the Press or agents of another Government to control our Government, our Military, or our Local Police.

I had a whole list of positive steps to take to eliminate this problem... But it started to look like a formula for a Facist Regime we fought once, so I put it asside.

How far are we willing to go to eliminate this problem?
I think that we as Americans are under attack. End of story. I say no more. I have my constitution made of gold and it will stay with me to the day I die. Die either of old age, or die in prision because I followed my rights. Hey I might even die defending my rights and others, you never know!
It's not just Latin people, just one guy said about Europe. Sometimes I work in manhattan in NY and almost no one speaks english or spanish . I make a comment and just get a blank stare and then a nod. Funny but they cant speak the english but know how to get on all sorts of government programs. My youngest daughter is in colledge. One day she asked me what giggy and section 8 where. Found out from Dominican people that they are programs they are on where they get there rent paid. Up to about $1800 and they only kick in about $20. They get there utillities paid too! The neiborhood is where I keep my work van (commercial garage). The buildings are crap, the people don't use garbage cans, but they all drive new Hummers , Lexus, etc. When I tell people the gov't doesn't give them money it's the working they get mad. Everything is centered on the Mexican's , but there are plenty of others living off of us. I'm puerto Rican , my parents grand parents where born American but we never got welfare. If things where bad you just took on a secound job , just like anyone else. I have 3 kids in colledge, it's expensive. I know one who owns a construction company and makes alot more than I do with my bussiness. Does he pay for his kids to go to colledge? No he doesn't. He filed a fake bankrupcy, sold his house for a loss (on paper only) and they go for free while he and his wife drive new cars and go on expensive vacations. That is not fare to the leagal working guy whose kid could really use the help with tuition. He doesn't see it that way and couldn't care less about anyone .By the way he's also the type that will duck out on you if you do a job for him. You have to chase him down for the money.
Just venting. My wife works the the state of NY. In the colledge system. Her boss is Indian (not native). He's trying to ship out all of the work to India because it will save the state alot of money. So the state saves money, Americans pay tuition , school workers lose there jobs and who wins? The Indian boss. Well my wife is union(read American union job). The Union got envolved and the boss and his father are the owners of the company they were planing to send the work to in India. Most of these countries with loss standards of living are that way because there gov't and the rich are corrupt. Personally I would never go to any South American country because they ussully have four or five armies beside the corrupt gov't one. Wouldn't want to be abducted into the army that is fighting the army that conscripted my wife . LOL
Repeal the law that lets a child born to illegal immigrants become a US citizen.
Another alternative - if they don't want to pay extra taxes, they have to serve a hitch (four years or so) in "hot zones" before they can become citizens.

Prove to me you're not here because you think this is where the "gravy train" picks up riders, and I'll let you stay. Otherwise, you'll bounce twice when I throw your arse out...