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THe NAC Lots-O-BFG KO2 Thread

Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread

adam you want an even shittier job? you can have mine
Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread

Does it pay more than what I'm making now? I could deal for a while.... Lol
low six figures. as in, barely six figures.

you WILL hate your life within weeks. I am not kidding you. I would rather make half as much as I do here and work <40 hours a week within 10 miles of home than do what I am doing right now.
Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread

I don't get it. Are you making fun of Lucas or the people from MiniBaja...?

From what I've seen:

People who have met him a few times, heard about him, or know him through wheeling think the sun shines out of every orifice.

People who have met him from Baja think otherwise. Not saying he is a bad person, I just won't be on my knees in front of him anytime soon.
Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread

I've never actually met him nor do i bow down to the guy, but I'm all about rooting for a guy in KOH that lives 5 minutes from me.

Plus i think he does some pretty good work. Who cares if his cad file was missing some tube years ago, no one was born with every piece of knowledge.

So really, you're making fun of a guy who worked his way into KOH while you sit here with 3 shitty jeeps? I don't even know him but it just seems funny :laugh:
Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread

I've never actually met him nor do i bow down to the guy, but I'm all about rooting for a guy in KOH that lives 5 minutes from me.

Plus i think he does some pretty good work. Who cares if his cad file was missing some tube years ago, no one was born with every piece of knowledge.

So really, you're making fun of a guy who worked his way into KOH while you sit here with 3 shitty jeeps? I don't even know him but it just seems funny :laugh:

We'll have to talk sometime, much easier to explain in person. And personally, I could care less if someone lives close to me just because they are in some race.

No, not everyone was born with every piece of knowledge, except that he thinks he was. And he is very keen to let other people know this fact.

Whether he worked himself into KOH or not, doesn't change simple facts about him. And how the hell does me have 3 shitty jeeps have to do with anything? Just felt like trying to work in something there to get a little jab in?
Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread

Damn Ken... I hate my job and I make nowhere near 6 figures... I'll trade :laugh:

And yeah, I spent some time over the weekend digging up and starting to update my resume. Hopefully I have better luck landing a job this time around compared to back in '08 when I sent out resumes and made phone calls 8 hours a day, 5 days per week for 2 months straight with no luck. After that reached the end of the line and literally couldn't find any other jobs to apply to so I just gave up and spent like 5-10 hours per week applying to jobs.

Speaking of sending out resumes my boss just walked in. I kinda feel like I should let him know I'm job hunting so he can prepare to get a replacement for me... at the same time I don't think I'm going to do that so he doesn't find a replacement for me until I'm ready to leave.
Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread

i think mark stole it

Damn Ken... I hate my job and I make nowhere near 6 figures... I'll trade :laugh:

And yeah, I spent some time over the weekend digging up and starting to update my resume. Hopefully I have better luck landing a job this time around compared to back in '08 when I sent out resumes and made phone calls 8 hours a day, 5 days per week for 2 months straight with no luck. After that reached the end of the line and literally couldn't find any other jobs to apply to so I just gave up and spent like 5-10 hours per week applying to jobs.

Speaking of sending out resumes my boss just walked in. I kinda feel like I should let him know I'm job hunting so he can prepare to get a replacement for me... at the same time I don't think I'm going to do that so he doesn't find a replacement for me until I'm ready to leave.

yea lol i think id trade hate for hate for more than twice the salary. job hunting SUCKS.. i landed what i have now through a friend of a friend. before that i was full time sending out resumes... not just on LI, but CO,UT,NM,AZ,NV...