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someone send them some rubbers!

That's a lot of kids, but truth be told, my grandmother (dad's side) had 18 kids! I've got an uncle that's only 2 year older than me...
those kids are going to grow up messed up i bet
buzzbombxj said:
those kids are going to grow up messed up i bet
I was thinking the same thing.
hey as long as they can support them all, whatever works.

save the rubbers for ethernopia or another third world country with more pressing population control needs...
copbait said:
save the rubbers for ethernopia or another third world country with more pressing population control needs...

I dunno about that man.

I'm all for keeping the number of Arkansonians down!
I agree Remi, put a sock on the pickle!

They are probably Catholic....

'Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great, if a sperm gets wasted, God gets quite irate'
Yeah, and there is no feeling in the process that preceeds that too.....

It's like throwin' a hot dog into a hallway at this point....

gearwhine said:
When I think about that many kids, all I can think about it how the mother probably has no pain in the labor process anymore....gross.
Id forget about half of em'. Wouldnt even remember i had 16 yougins.
Id forget about half of em'.
That's probably why those breeders named 'em all beginning with 'J' - they don't have to remember the names that way. After all, they were stupid enough not to remember sex ed and how not to get pregnant...
buzzbombxj said:
those kids are going to grow up messed up i bet

how so? from what I have seen and read they seem like a very strong, loving and spiritual family with great values that works together as a team to make their household a success.

If the parents can support all those children financially and emotionally, more power to them and I wish them the very best!
MyJeepXJ said:
1) 2) I can hardly afford *1* kid, what kind of job that joker got??!!

I think he ran for congress and lost, and is planning on running again soon.

Hey, At least they're all with the same chick...
PhunkXJ said:
If the parents can support all those children financially and emotionally!

I do not beleive it is possible for them to support all those children financially and emotionally.

I am married, work a full time job, go to school full time, and own a Jeep. I do not have kids (yet). I barely have enough time to wipe myself never mind spend individual time with 16 kids. Let us see....

Johnny has soccer, Pam has softball, George needs to go to speech therapy, Remi needs a hair cut, Timmy needs a new uniform for Karate, Ron has piano lessons, etc....


BTW. I wish them the best of luck too.