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Some thing to read

JNickel101 said:
blah blah blah democrats eat babies blah blah blah democrats worship the devil blah blah blah democrats are going to make you gay blah blah blah democrats have no god and are immoral heathens blah blah blah
SBrad001 said:

Hey nick buddy, if you're really in Iraq fighting Bush's war, you're being sorely duped. :looser:

Hope you can live with whatever Bush has planned for you......or maybe you'll proudly be one of George's dead babies. :looser:

Good luck!
TRNDRVR, why do you drive a train? Because you have the freedom to right? Why don'y you fly, you scared? I pray you get to keep your job... Hell you should be juming UP&DOWN thanking MR BUSH... Go ahead an ask me why.. But your so smart and know it all, i don't have to tell you right?
Osama...Obama...eh....at least I can say I trust them equally. I trust that given the chance, they'd both completely f*ck up the US.

I just love getting TRNDRVR and the dems riled up. I'm hoping once they learn to read, they'll wake up and realize what they're voting for when they vote Democrat.

Again, I think its funny that the Congress approval rating is what, less than 20% now? And the Dems have only been in control of Congress for 2 years! :roflmao: If they get control of the White House....well, "God" (Allah?) help us!

Oh ya...I'm perfectly fine with where I'm at and what I'm doing, and I support what we're doing here - in fact, I think we should be doing MORE. Everything is too sensitive though. We're worried more about fighting the most "politically correct" war, instead of just getting the damn job done. If we had rolled into the Mid East the way we rolled into France/Germany in WWII, this thing would have been over a looooong time ago.
scottmcneal said:
TRNDRVR, why do you drive a train?
It's what I do for a living.
scottmcneal said:
Because you have the freedom to right?
Nope. The conditions of my employment are a privilege. Something I don’t take for granted!
scottmcneal said:
Why don'y you fly, you scared?
I fly all the time. I'm not a pilot though if that's what you're getting at.
scottmcneal said:
I pray you get to keep your job...
Please don't.
scottmcneal said:
Hell you should be juming UP&DOWN thanking MR BUSH... Go ahead an ask me why.. But your so smart and know it all, i don't have to tell you right?
You obvisouly don't know anything about my job or who I work for. If you did, you'd really hate me.

Thanks again Mr.Taxpayer. My family and I appreciate you!
I don't hate you, i do know who.. I ain't so smart..... LOL I'm too rich to pay TAXES.... God i love you working class Dem... Keep it up.. I need more tax cuts.... ROFL.. J/K
Scott, I just checked your profile to find out how old you are. I pegged you for about 20ish by your posts. I mean busting on someone for what they do for a living seems a little immature for someone who qualifies for AARP. I was sadly surprised at the truth.
Just an observation from a objective third party.
Dude, my god... It is just having fun with people... I just enjoy reading the stuff people say... Do you belive every thing you read? Now lets think of my profile... AARP, i wish.... LOL.. Have a great day... Gas is going down to $1.00 a gal next week... Do you still think if you read it, it is true?
scottmcneal said:
Dude, my god... It is just having fun with people... I just enjoy reading the stuff people say... Do you belive every thing you read? Now lets think of my profile... AARP, i wish.... LOL.. Have a great day... Gas is going down to $1.00 a gal next week... Do you still think if you read it, it is true?
Ok, maybe not quite AARP yet, but you are getting close. Its tough to read people on the internet. If I was mistaken, Im sorry. Carry on then.
JNickel101 said:
Osama...Obama...eh....at least I can say I trust them equally. I trust that given the chance, they'd both completely f*ck up the US.

I just love getting TRNDRVR and the dems riled up. I'm hoping once they learn to read, they'll wake up and realize what they're voting for when they vote Democrat.

Again, I think its funny that the Congress approval rating is what, less than 20% now? And the Dems have only been in control of Congress for 2 years! :roflmao: If they get control of the White House....well, "God" (Allah?) help us!

Oh ya...I'm perfectly fine with where I'm at and what I'm doing, and I support what we're doing here - in fact, I think we should be doing MORE. Everything is too sensitive though. We're worried more about fighting the most "politically correct" war, instead of just getting the damn job done. If we had rolled into the Mid East the way we rolled into France/Germany in WWII, this thing would have been over a looooong time ago.

Who cares if Obama will screw us, it can't be any worse than the ass raping that the republicans have given us over the course of the last few years.

Bridges to no where in Alaska? Campaign redistricting under false pretenses in Texas. Bribery and corruption from Tom Delay and Jack Abramoff. Or any of the illegal activities from the White House administration.

Don't worry, I know exactly who I'm voting for, and it's not another Republican anytime soon.

As for your PC war. We shouldn't be fighting it in the first place. It's not PC, it's a war based on farking lies. Kill Osama, and call it quits. I don't care about PC, I care about results. I'll quit bitching when I see my troops home and Osama's head on a frakking stake.

Regardless, you just keep drinking that Republican coolaid. So long as you have someone other than yourself to vilify, won't have to face the reality that your demigods are just as responsible for the mess that this nation is in as anyone else.
Jesus...how many times are people going to repeat that rhetoric "we shouldnt be fighting this war..." - damn near every democrat out there was for the war, hell even Bill Clinton himself said that Saddam needed to be removed from power (and that was as late as 2003!!!). Yes, we should have went about things differently. It IS PC because democrats are crying "dont torture the prisoners..." "they should be treated as Americans, with the same rights we have...". Horseshit. Ask Senator McCain about torture.

And we are in a government of checks and balances. You cannot sit here and point fingers at the White House for all that is wrong with this country. Besides, you think that everything the Clinton Administration did was LEGAL ACTIVITIES? What a joke. Keep reading your leftist rhetoric.

Democrats are a bunch of hypocrits. We need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil (meaning we need to rely on our own supplies) - oh wait, but you cant tap into any of our supplies. There's a real logical arguement. If Dems hadn't been putting up this moratorium for the last 26 years, hadnt blocked every refinery and nuke plant we wanted to build for the last 32 years (yes, every refinery and nuke plant in this country is at least that old), then we wouldnt be in this situation.

And lets not get started on the other wonderful representatives of your leftist side. Wanna debate Nobel Prize winning jackass and king hypocrit of them all Albert Gore (or Owl Gorilla as I "affectionately" call him).

Get a clue...and quit believing everything you read in the NY Times...
And I'd love to hear your reason for why you think we really went into Iraq...

please say oil....please say oil....I need another good laugh today...
JNickel101 said:
Jesus...how many times are people going to repeat that rhetoric "we shouldnt be fighting this war..." - damn near every democrat out there was for the war, hell even Bill Clinton himself said that Saddam needed to be removed from power (and that was as late as 2003!!!). Yes, we should have went about things differently. It IS PC because democrats are crying "dont torture the prisoners..." "they should be treated as Americans, with the same rights we have...". Horseshit. Ask Senator McCain about torture.

And we are in a government of checks and balances. You cannot sit here and point fingers at the White House for all that is wrong with this country. Besides, you think that everything the Clinton Administration did was LEGAL ACTIVITIES? What a joke. Keep reading your leftist rhetoric.

Democrats are a bunch of hypocrits. We need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil (meaning we need to rely on our own supplies) - oh wait, but you cant tap into any of our supplies. There's a real logical arguement. If Dems hadn't been putting up this moratorium for the last 26 years, hadnt blocked every refinery and nuke plant we wanted to build for the last 32 years (yes, every refinery and nuke plant in this country is at least that old), then we wouldnt be in this situation.

And lets not get started on the other wonderful representatives of your leftist side. Wanna debate Nobel Prize winning jackass and king hypocrit of them all Albert Gore (or Owl Gorilla as I "affectionately" call him).

Get a clue...and quit believing everything you read in the NY Times...


Build nuclear power plants, research and develop new energies sources, I'm all farking for that. Never said I wasn't, but then again, I'M NOT A FARKING DEMOCRAT. Most democrats aren't against that crap either, but ask yourself who stands to profit if we don't build nuke plants. The coal industry and their lobbyists, that's who. But I suppose that neither here or there.

Sure Clinton was a douche bag, but lying about getting a blowjob from a farking fat intern never got anyone killed. I'm more ashamed that the man had NO taste when it came to who he stuck his pecker in than anything else. Shit, he was the leader of the free world and he bangs that little heifer? Embarrassing I tell you, in that light it kind of makes sense that he lied about it.

So go ahead, call me a leftist. Maybe we can Uncle Joe to come back from the dead to show this nation how to really run a dictatorship since that's where we're headed anyway.
JNickel101 said:
And I'd love to hear your reason for why you think we really went into Iraq...

please say oil....please say oil....I need another good laugh today...




I suppose someone had a real good sense of humor. :D

Seriously? I think that this administration went into office with the agenda to finish what started in 1990. I believe that Bush thought that he could do something positive in the world and leave a permanent positive mark that he would be remembered for in history. I also believe that he and his administration screwed up HORRIBLY and therefore should own up to the consequences of their actions.

Really, it boils down to responsibility. If it had been a democrat that had screwed up this badly, I would be just as f**king pissed.

But in your mind, anyone that isn't a flag touting republican is the enemy, but that isn't true.
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( blowjob from a farking fat intern never got anyone killed ) Only time you can this.. How about the rest of the people that died when they talked...How many people was it? I'll have to look that part up again..So now that will get some people going.... Have a great day.. See i just push alot...LOL Or do i????????????????????
scottmcneal said:
You all need to step back, have a beer.. Now relax, let me just say one thing... Oh hell i have nothing.. Carry on :rtm: :gag: :smootch:

Dude, there's no way that I'm kissing. . . no matter how pro-gay marriage I am. :D

Long walks on the beach while holding hands I might consider.
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