You are correct. I am hanging out with the ICr. AKA the Inebriated Chapter, where the main concern when scheduling an event is "is it a public enough place that we'd get cited for public intoxication?"
Really caught me off guard given it's based in Utah...
But in all seriousness, I'm broke. I've got a house we just bought that we stripped down to bare studs almost everywhere. It's only about halfway finished now and my wife is getting tired of not living in it yet. There's way too much to do to the Jeep in a relatively short amount of time to really be comfortable taking it that far alone with the family. Our babysitting resources have kind of dried up, and there's no way I'm taking our 7 month old on a 7 day camping trip in a bumpy Jeep.
I'd love to be there. I will be there eventually, but not this year. Tell me how it goes.
