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Sierrafest 2010

Sierra trek for the weekend (which everyone could attend) and then head to rubicon for a sunday to wed run

Attending a large run like that just doesn't sound like much fun to me. I ran Fordyce a few days after the Sierra Trek run in 2006. The trail was stacked up big time, and there was shit everywhere. Not cool at all.

The whole point of planning Sierra Fest is so that our club members can have a low cost fun run for us to attend. No need to pay the money for the big runs when we can organize it ourselves. The jamborees and Sierra Trek are cool for people who have nobody to wheel with or are very new to wheeling.
What other places do people want to get to this year?

Matts Snow Run on the 2nd.
I am not sure if SharkMark is going to host his Dear Vally run in late June this year or not, with his rig and all.
Swamp is late Aug. most years.
Goatfest is in November.

Anyone want to host a run in your area or show people up your favorite trail?
I haven't made any definitive plans yet but I usually will do a couple runs a month in June-Sept. I will give a few weeks notice when dates are more firmed up.

I'm not sure when I'll go but I want to run Fordyce when my junk can get across the water crossings, I've not done the trail yet and it's high on my list for trails I want to do.
"cool for people who have nobody to wheel with or are very new to wheeling"

Actually quite the opposite is true. Sierra Trek is one of the original organized runs and they have some folks that have been running it for 20 -30 years. Most of the attendees are very experienced club members from such clubs as the Sierra Treasure Hunters, etc. Further most of the clubs have been around for some time and have long histories of participation.

I agree with the fact that the costs are getting out of hand though. Take WFF10 for instance, I figure it's going to cost me close to $800 for the entire event (Hotel, gas, registration, etc.). Yikes!
$800 Ouch, but some priceless memorys.

I agree with you the Sierra Trek is a very origanized run, seems like it has been around forever, lots of the old timers run it but it is also great for new wheelers. They put spoters and rock stackers on all the hard parts of the trail to try to make sure no one breaks, gets stuck or rolls it over.
"cool for people who have nobody to wheel with or are very new to wheeling"

Actually quite the opposite is true. Sierra Trek is one of the original organized runs and they have some folks that have been running it for 20 -30 years. Most of the attendees are very experienced club members from such clubs as the Sierra Treasure Hunters, etc. Further most of the clubs have been around for some time and have long histories of participation.

I agree with the fact that the costs are getting out of hand though. Take WFF10 for instance, I figure it's going to cost me close to $800 for the entire event (Hotel, gas, registration, etc.). Yikes!

$800? Forget that, I could wheel a whole year for $800. I suspect all the real seasoned wheelers are there to help the newbies in their "right off the showroom" floor JKs get through the trail AFTER they break.
What other places do people want to get to this year?

Matts Snow Run on the 2nd.
I am not sure if SharkMark is going to host his Dear Vally run in late June this year or not, with his rig and all.
Swamp is late Aug. most years.
Goatfest is in November.

Anyone want to host a run in your area or show people up your favorite trail?

I most definitely still plan on putting together the Deer Valley Run this summer. I am thinking the second to the last weekend in June or maybe even the last weekend. This will happen whether I have a rig or not. The other build should be done by then.

I am cool with anywhere and any time for Sierra Fest.

We'll start a new thread some time in January for 2010 runs....