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Saturday Night BBQ and Raffle


Member #616
NAXJA Member
Reno, Nevada
As in years past we are going to have a BBQ and Raffle on Saturday evening after the trail ride. Here are some of the details:

Hamburgers or Cheeseburgers
Hot Dogs
Hot Links
Potato Salad
Pork & Beans
possibly another menu item (will need to confirm with our chef SharkXJ, before I get any hopes up)
we will also welcome any other side dishes people would like to bring but this is completely optional and voluntary.
Bring your own drink.

Non-members & guests = $5 for food.
Members (red name) = free + 2 free raffle tickets.

Raffle Tickets
one ticket for $1
twenty five tickets for $20

All proceeds are donated to non-profit Land Use Organizations. With proceeds from last year's Sierra Fest, our chapter (with matching funds from national) donated $1000 to Friends of Fordyce and $1000 to California Off-Road Vehicle Association (CORVA).

Some of you may notice a change in the cost for the BBQ from years past. Red name members will eat free as a small token of our appreciation for you. I know it isn't much but its a start! Without the red name (paying) members, NAXJA would not be the strong organization it is. If you are not a paying member I encourage you to join and dinner will be on us! (You must join prior to the event as we do not have the means to process your membership at Sierra Fest)
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For the raffle I have already received numerous prizes and gift certificates from the following NAXJA vendors. I will update the list as more arrive.

In no particular order:
HD Offroad Engineering
JCR Offroad
JKS Manufacturing
Napier Precision Products
SoCal Off-Road
Currie Enterprises
Serious Offroad Products
Prime 4x4
WFO Concepts
Ruff Stuff Specialties
Brown Dog Offroad
knucklehead 61
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Sounds great Eric, I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again!

O yes i am also looking forward to some drinks Mr Ed.. :clap:
I have something I can donate as well.

Eric - If I can find them, I have 2 rolls of raffle tickets.

i have 1 roll of tickets if needed.
If anyone local to me is going I can offer up some JKS QD as a prize. I havent been able to sell them, and Im not sure I am going to go now that I had to buy a new truck. If I can swing it I will still be there but its not looking good.
How is there still 2 weeks to go?!?! I'm ready now.

XXXX, i am not. i have a boatload of work to do to get the red p.o.s. ready to go! :cry:
XXXX, i am not. i have a boatload of work to do to get the red p.o.s. ready to go! :cry:

I'm with you...I could use another two weeks!
As in years past we are going to have a BBQ and Raffle on Saturday evening after the trail ride. Here are some of the details:

Hamburgers or Cheeseburgers
Hot Dogs
Hot Links
Potato Salad
Pork & Beans
possibly another menu item (will need to confirm with our chef SharkXJ, before I get any hopes up)
we will also welcome any other side dishes people would like to bring but this is completely optional and voluntary.
Bring your own drink.

Non-members & guests = $5 for food.
Members (red name) = free + 2 free raffle tickets.

Raffle Tickets
one ticket for $1
twenty five tickets for $20

All proceeds are donated to non-profit Land Use Organizations. With proceeds from last year's Sierra Fest, our chapter (with matching funds from national) donated $1000 to Friends of Fordyce and $1000 to California Off-Road Vehicle Association (CORVA).

Some of you may notice a change in the cost for the BBQ from years past. Red name members will eat free as a small token of our appreciation for you. I know it isn't much but its a start! Without the red name (paying) members, NAXJA would not be the strong organization it is. If you are not a paying member I encourage you to join and dinner will be on us! (You must join prior to the event as we do not have the means to process your membership at Sierra Fest)

Not what you would call a vegetarian friendly menu :laugh3: :roll:
It sounds great, I cant wait to get my grub on..
Some of you may notice a change in the cost for the BBQ from years past. Red name members will eat free as a small token of our appreciation for you. I know it isn't much but its a start! Without the red name (paying) members, NAXJA would not be the strong organization it is. If you are not a paying member I encourage you to join and dinner will be on us! (You must join prior to the event as we do not have the means to process your membership at Sierra Fest)

Very nice!!

so how do we buy fix before hand ? or is it only at the spot?