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Portland area Meet and Greet...........

mojojojo said:
called and got the back room reserved from 7-9 pm. see everyone there.:roll:

Sweet, you planned this better then I thought. Now all we need is for everyone to show up.
Maybe they had some private moments they don't want to share.:shhh:
Whats up Portland guys. yur makin us look bad. thats it! i'm moving to vancouver.

A wopping 6 people turned out. 4 from portland, 1 from salem, 1 from orchards. still was nice to meet a few new faces, and see a few familiar ones.

in attendance: Dvipercopp, posxj, nitrospeed, bohican, a new recruit Chris (yet to join), and myself.

This is what we accomplished, aside from downing a few beers and learning a bit about the Portland Police Cadet program. Ruled out a Port/Vanc snow run. Posxj and Dvipercopp will take on the roll of setting up a newbie run (TSF) sometime in late May or early June. I will be setting up an early winter run (for all skill levels) (site TBD) around the end of October early November. Forward any imput on these 2 runs to us as we begin planning. Also an update on the work party we disscussed at NWF. there is 1 coming up at TSF, but is way to soon to coordinate any decent turn out. as soon as i hear back from PNWFD i will post info.We will keep everyone posted.

Thanks everyone who showed up. as for the rest of you slackers :looser:
Well as mojo would put it, "I'm moving to Washington". For the first 20 mins or so it was just the 2 of us. 3 or 4 more guys showed up. And the 5 of us talked about a couple things we'd like to do in the next year. But I was pretty disapointed in the turn out.
mojojojo said:
Well....Dvipercopp did bring a cpl chicks. :shhh:

And you probably still went home alone huh.....

Just messin with ya. :D
XJLaredo said:
And you probably still went home alone huh.....

Just messin with ya. :D

I think they may have been a little young for Rod. Plus they ain't nothing special ;)

good thing they wont read this
It was nice to meet a couple of the faces behind the screen names. Every one was really nice and reseptive. I would recomend more of you newbeys to come to these gatherings. There is alot of helpful hints to be learned. Thanks guys.
mojojojo said:
Damn! now i'm old too. whats a guy gotta do geeesh.:smsoap:

Better old then a pedophile, that's ok to say in here right?
I was tempted to turn on my lights for Dvipercopp, but i did not know if he would give me a ticket. I only get to use them at races. incase he reads this, never on the street or pulling a friend over in his driveway hint hint.
nitrospeed said:
I was tempted to turn on my lights for Dvipercopp, but i did not know if he would give me a ticket. I only get to use them at races. incase he reads this, never on the street or pulling a friend over in his driveway hint hint.

I'm suprised he didn't ask ya.
It was pretty close to the road. Legally I can run them but if anyone crashes because my lights distract them, then I am responsible. Which is not good for my childrens colledge fund. that i am getting around to building after my jeep is done. Ha Ha their probubly on their own. Nobodys jeep is ever done.
It's nice to finally be able to put some faces with some names. Despite the turnout, I learned a couple of things. My stock XJ looks like a station wagon (passed a Scion on the way home, I think it's roof mighta been higher :rattle: ). Luckily, it doesn't seem like it's going to cost near as much as I had originally figured to get things into decent shape. Almost feel ashamed though that my only body damage happened mall crawlin...... in an actual mall parking lot. Oh well, look forward to trying to make it to a run with yall. :cheers:
We actually came up with some good ideas, dispite the low turn out. Maybe we'll get some more guys to show up to the next one. We got rough dates for 3 Portland area runs. We could use some new ideas on locations to hold them. We have to show those Wa. guys that we can organize things too.