Saturday's 3D trail run
This trail calls for crossing several washes, Driving up Bartlett Wash, and down the next wash over, then the other half is a nice rim rock area wich we never made it to. After two days of solid rain we were asking our selves, "And this was supposed to be the easy run?".
Boy it got interesting real quick. After crossing the first small wash we came to, this quicksand liquified the moment my front tire hit it. There was a larger pool of the stuff just ahead covering the road so I had Lion winch me back.
Headed back to the highway we got a view of Slickensides Arch we had missed coming in.
I knew it would be bad but Blue Hills Road offered the only shortcut to bypass all the washes and get to the rim portion. The ditch was unavoidable, except for Paul, he just drove right past us.
the map said impassible when wet. It was passible so far, fun even.
After that we made it over a good washout with a one foot cut bank, about as much as Paul's Jeep could handle. Then drove another 200 yards and came upon a large washout with a Four foot cut bank straight across the road and no bypass.
Turned around and on the way back to the highway, Lion was bouncing from roadside to roadside with a mud spattered windshield, Paul was tracking true right down the middle, it was quite a sight. I had to feather the gas pedal to steer and left squirly tracks but avoided the ditch this time.
I don't know how but tuxxj is relatively so clean and lion...well he spent some extra time and money at the carwash let me tell you.
We were back in town for Lunch but felt like we had made a decent run out of it.