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Physical fitness memorial

out here he have tons of bottled water so we use those little drink mix packets alot...sugar free lemon propel and tang are my favorite.

Tang, I remember that stuff. I first heard about it as a kid when the astronauts were first going to the moon. They still make that stuff? I hear it is good for cleaning your dishwasher to.
within this week I'd like to try this to see what kinda time I can get.

Can someone explain to me how they are doing their chin ups. Is chin up another saying for a pull up. When I do a pull up i go from full extension hanging on my arms to chin right above bar and repeat, is this what everyone else is doing??
yes sir. thats the proper way.

start with elbows locked out arms fully extended all the way up with the chin clearly over the bar is up back to locked out is one pull up.

pisses me off when i see the skinny little bastards throwing down 20 pull ups with ease.........

i had to work VERY hard to get my pull ups....

matt6669 said:
within this week I'd like to try this to see what kinda time I can get.

Can someone explain to me how they are doing their chin ups. Is chin up another saying for a pull up. When I do a pull up i go from full extension hanging on my arms to chin right above bar and repeat, is this what everyone else is doing??
I had a friend who practically lived in the gym trying to get big but couldn't He weighed 125 lbs. Could break out 45-50 pull ups. He was only maybe 5'2". Every one pullup I did with my long ol monkey arms was worth 2-3 of his short armed pullups...:)
We always differentiated between chinups and pullups based on how your hands were positioned...

Palms away - Pull up

Palms facing you - Chin up

either one to me is great. you're still pulling up your body weight, chin over the bar, then all the way back down, elbows "locked out".

My favorite way to do them always messes with people - take a wide grip, palms away, and pull yourself up - but pull up so the bar goes behind your head and the bar touches the base of the back of your neck. Works your traps more IMO.

It chaps my ass to see people using terrible form in the gym....the "bounce pushup", pullups where you're only going halfway down, and dips where you barely bend your elbows.
Or kipping to get up, bicycling, etc...My buddy always did his super wide grip palms facing him. Everybody else hated that way. Worked for him though. Shortened his effective reach by spreading his hands out and still included the biceps real heavily.

For the Murph, I do the traditional pull-up (palms facing away from me), and I go all the way down, and all the way up. I start out touching my chest to the bar on the up, and as i get more fatigued, I just get my chin up over the bar.

As far as the modified pull-ups (kipping), this is something that is promoted in some fitness circles. The Cross-Fit group being one of them. This group is dedicated to total body workouts for power, endurance, strength, stamina, as well as cardiovascular improvements. They claim that the kipping pull-ups help to develop the coordination for other power lifting movements like the Clean, and the Snatch; which they also promote in their WOD. I do both. When I do the Murph, I do the standard pull-up. For other Cross-Fit WOD, I do the kipping pull-ups. Both are good exercises depending on what you are trying to obtain.

It is very interesting which kinds of athletes seem to be benefiting from the Cross-Fit "Workout Of the Day" or WOD. Many athletes that are involved in mixed martial arts competitive fighting are using the Cross-Fit WOD as part of their weekly fitness routine. Many police and fire departments are also incorporating the Cross-Fit program into their training routines. Seems the WOD is a great way to train your body and mind to be ready for the fight of your life. Many people in the military SF community are also using the Cross-Fit WOD to keep themselves in top fighting shape.

If you are interested in getting yourself in the best shape of your life, consider trying the WOD as prescribed on the Cross-Fit web page located here:http://www.crossfit.com/ It may not give you the super-body builder physique that so many girly men seem to be after these days (so they can admire themselves in the mirror) but it will get you in a real functional fit for life shape so you can survive many of life's real challenges.

A word of caution, if you are not conditioned to this type of physical training, do not attempt to jump right in with WOD as it is prescribed. Start at a level you are comfortable with, and work your way up. There is also a section that has videos of all the Cross-Fit exercises so you can learn how to perform them. This really is a great fitness resource, and the best part of it is the price. Free-99!

Stay fit for life, and enjoy life to its fullest!
Just completed my WOD :

Start: 1630 hrs
(20) Perfect push-ups
(15) Perfect pull-ups
Run 1.2 mi
(12) Burpees
Run .4 mile up very steep hill
(12) Dive Bomber push-ups at top of hill
Run .5 down the other side of hill
(12) Pull-ups from signal light poll
(25) Sit-ups in the grass
(12) Box jumps 2’ high (Used a retainer wall)
Run .5 mi up steep hill
Run .4 mi down very steep hill
(12) Thruster push-ups (like normal push-ups, only alternate between wide and triangle while in the air. 1-rep wide, the 1-rep triangle)
Run .2 mi
(12) Thruster push-ups
Run 1 mi
(12) Perfect pull-ups
(12) Push-ups
(12) Dive Bomber push-ups
(12) 60 lb barbell curls
(12) 60 lb barbell bent-over rows
Finish: 1725 hrs

Hooyah! :)
Trail-Axe said:
You record how long it takes you to perform the following work out and post your time:

1 mile run
100 chin ups
200 push ups
300 squats (air squats, no weights)
1 mile run

Now look man, I know we don't agree on the whole gay marriage thing but you really want to kill me over it?!
GSequoia said:
Now look man, I know we don't agree on the whole gay marriage thing but you really want to kill me over it?!

LOL, not at all friend. But if ya can pull yourself through a tough work out like that, maybe you can prevent some punk from taking you down, survive an accident, or just live long enough in good health to give the grand kids a good run for their money.
This needs to come back up to the top
I just attempted this tonight, I did the 1 mile run, only half of the middle stuff and like 3/4's of the second mile run

I guess I am slightly outta shape luckily not really over weight thank god. I guess thats what sitting behind a desk at school and work will do to ya :(
Yeah, I need to try this too.

I run 7 kms every second morning before work but haven't done a chin-up or push-up in over 20 years. :(

Don't expect to see any times from me till I get down to something semi-respectable. LOL
I'm in for this...but I'm changing it to a half pack of smokes and 1/2 bottle of gin.

After all if this is a memoriam...he wouldn't want us to suffer.