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Physical fitness memorial


I'll be trying this if I ever get out of work before midnight...
i dont expect the average person who hasnt been doing exercises like this for a while to walk away from this one.....literally.

ive been training muay thai and kickboxing for a few years now and our workouts consist of alot of squat jumps, lunges, one legged squats, push kick drills etc.....so my legs are ridiculous.

dont be surprised if you are sore the next day lol....

and if anyone beats my time i think ill have to post a video of me beating their time and ill have to see a video in return of their comeback!

who's up to the challenge!

JNickel101 said:

I'll be trying this if I ever get out of work before midnight...
Thant is an awesome time man!

My workouts have been more of the weight lifting type, with some running. I like this Murph type of workout a lot, and will be doing more in the future. When I did the chin-ups, each one was nearly full hang, straight up and down (no kipping). Push-ups were done in perfect form, chest touching the ground with each rep. The squats were as far down as I could go in perfect form. Also, I did not wear a weighted vest when I did mine.

Again, great job, and hopefully more will be challenged to get in better shape. If I ever get as close to your time, maybe we can get together and train (when ya get back from playing in the sand). If ya need a sparring partner to beat up, let me know. I was very involved in full contact kick boxing when I was younger.
so i did this in the gym last night.....

ran the initial mile at 9 mph on the treadmill......

10 pull ups

20 push ups

30 squats so my arms could rest

repeat ten times

ran the finial mile at 9 mph.......

36 minutes and 50 seconds

that includes the time it took to walk through the gym to the treadmill and get it started again.

keep in mind i do workouts like this on a daily basis pretty much.

Well props to you. I'll get there soon.
But just did the workout a half hr ago, took me 1 Hr 5 mins exactly. Dang that killed the ye old lungs, haven't really trained Cardio in a while, being I'm been training to put on size, but I will be training for conditioning now and ripping up. But this was a good workout, think I may use this routine 2-3 times a wk to help speed things up. But it was tough, and satisfying in the end.
Thanks for posting this, maybe someone can send me some more info on this routine.
ive been trying to cut down alot and lean up....

im 5'9 and i usually roll around 185....

right now im at 165.....best ive felt in soooo long.

i havent noticed any strength loss...

my running times have improved alot.

i lost a ton of muscle mass along with the fat i lost but i think empty or watery muscle mass is useless anyways, in other words......gym muscles mean jack.

ive noticed in my grappling that the weight i lost is a big disadvantage due to the fact that most of my training partners are 200 lbs plus.....

cardio/endurance/speed is all ive been training lately.

ill get back to strength training when i get to 155....

you ever hear of the bas rutten mma system?

MiNi Beast said:
Well props to you. I'll get there soon.
But just did the workout a half hr ago, took me 1 Hr 5 mins exactly. Dang that killed the ye old lungs, haven't really trained Cardio in a while, being I'm been training to put on size, but I will be training for conditioning now and ripping up. But this was a good workout, think I may use this routine 2-3 times a wk to help speed things up. But it was tough, and satisfying in the end.
Thanks for posting this, maybe someone can send me some more info on this routine.
Wish I was closer to ya - I'd give you a bit of competition. 5'8 165, started wrestling when I was 5, back in good ol' PA...:roll:
i wish i would have gotten into wrestling as a kid.....

its harder to learn now. :(

JNickel101 said:
Wish I was closer to ya - I'd give you a bit of competition. 5'8 165, started wrestling when I was 5, back in good ol' PA...:roll:
Yep, but once you learn the muscle memory, you'll never forget it....
ive been trying to cut down alot and lean up....

im 5'9 and i usually roll around 185....

right now im at 165.....best ive felt in soooo long.

i havent noticed any strength loss...

my running times have improved alot.

i lost a ton of muscle mass along with the fat i lost but i think empty or watery muscle mass is useless anyways, in other words......gym muscles mean jack.

ive noticed in my grappling that the weight i lost is a big disadvantage due to the fact that most of my training partners are 200 lbs plus.....

cardio/endurance/speed is all ive been training lately.

ill get back to strength training when i get to 155....

you ever hear of the bas rutten mma system?

No I have not, have to let me in on it.
I remember when I was in MOS school they did a thing where you were supposed to do 100 pull ups by the end of the day. It tok me the majority of the day while I was there to reach 100. How about we make a competition for all us fatties to see who can get into shape to make a competitive time the quickest. :D Hell, forget the competitive time, let's see how long it takes to get into god enough shape to complete it period!! :roflmao:
BlackSport96 said:
I remember when I was in MOS school, they did a thing where you were supposed to do 100 pull ups by the end of the day. It took me the majority of the day while I was there to reach 100. How about we make a competition for all us fatties to see who can get into shape the quickest and complete a Murph with a competitive time. :D Hell, forget the competitive time, let's see how long it takes to get into good enough shape to complete it period!! :roflmao:

Sounds good to me. Let’s get as many NAXJA members in top fighting shape as possible. Weather it’s fighting off future illness, or terrorists’, being in great shapes has it share of rewards. If you don't have time to stay, or get in shape; then plan on making time to be sick, or recover from a beat down.
Trail-Axe said:
Sounds good to me. Let’s get as many NAXJA members in top fighting shape as possible. Weather it’s fighting off future illness, or terrorists’, being in great shapes has it share of rewards. If you don't have time to stay, or get in shape; then plan on making time to be sick, or recover from a beat down.

I like that Idea, my main problem, is not the exercise as it is how much soda I drink. I'm addicted to the dew man. Slowed down a lot this year but still hammer the dew.
MiNi Beast said:
I like that Idea, my main problem, is not the exercise as it is how much soda I drink. I'm addicted to the dew man. Slowed down a lot this year but still hammer the dew.

I hear ya there. Sugar is evil. :skull1: LOL, but really, the stuff is bad. Kick it, and watch everything you do improve 100%. Here are some articles I came across in a quick search on sugar, and kicking the habit. Once you do, you may be amazed at how much better you feel when you are awake, how much better you sleep, and how much your training improves as well. For a really good nights sleep, try not eating 2-3 hours before you get in bed, and turn off the T.V. 2-3 hours before as well. Read a book instead.

Seems our brains get fired up from the stimulation it is exposed to while we watch our favorite show. The food we eat before we go to bed also amps us up, just in a chemical kind of way verses a brain wave kind of way. The result is we don't sleep as soundly as we could, and when we wake up we don't feel rested. We skip breakfast because we stay in bed too long, and then we eat something with sugar, and drink that black poison, (aka: coffee) to make up for our poor nights sleep. After working all day like this, no wonder most folks can't muster up the energy to workout. Before long we stand up in front of a mirror, and when we look down we can't see our toes. :tears:

“Why worry about sugar? Aside from providing empty calories, one of sugar's major drawbacks is that it raises the insulin level. An influx of sugar into the bloodstream upsets the body's blood-sugar balance, triggering the release of insulin, which the body uses to keep blood-sugar at a constant and safe level. Prolonged, elevated insulin levels can increase the risk for disease by causing inflammation within your body and by inhibiting key hormones that regulate the immune system. Insulin also promotes the storage of fat, so that when you eat excessive sweets high in sugar, you're making way for rapid weight gain and elevated triglycerides, both of which have been linked to cardiovascular disease.”
–Web article


myself im addicted to all forms of soda....

in high school my soda habit looked like this....

7 am wake up, stop at gas station get AMPM 64 oz....

10 am nutritional break grab a 20 oz.

12 lunch grab two 12 oz cans

in between 4th and 5th periods id grab another 20oz......

then id get home and grab numerous cans or if we were going out skateboarding...yes another 64 oz was in order........

nowadays i drink a diet 7up with lunch.

oh how i miss soda.

MiNi Beast said:
I like that Idea, my main problem, is not the exercise as it is how much soda I drink. I'm addicted to the dew man. Slowed down a lot this year but still hammer the dew.
Its good ya cut back on the soda. I never did drink the stuff. At your present age of 24 years, the sugar may not slow ya down that much now. But in 20 years, you may find yourself sporting a Keg, instead of a six pack in the ab department. :)
Trail-Axe said:
Its good ya cut back on the soda. I never did drink the stuff. At your present age of 24 years, the sugar may not slow ya down that much now. But in 20 years, you may find yourself sporting a Keg, instead of a six pack in the ab department. :)

True that, but not to worried, just don't like the fact of it having that effect on me when trying to be in good health and go and run a mile. And being that I'm training noe it don't help much either for my speed. I been switching over to flavored water, the carbonanated stuff from wal-mart, it still gives me that swwet taste without all the effects of soda.
MiNi Beast said:
I been switching over to flavored water, the carbonanated stuff from wal-mart, it still gives me that swwet taste without all the effects of soda.

out here he have tons of bottled water so we use those little drink mix packets alot...

sugar free lemon propel and tang are my favorite.