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Nice to see NAXJA got invited...

totally typical of CO4x4 -- we get accused of being mod nazi's at NAXJA, but they are out of hand over there, and its not based on rules enforcement, its based on personalities and opinion. Frank and I were already steamed, in that they immediately deleted the thread I posted for my wife's Avon Walk for Breast Cancer Fund-raising, and they did the same when Frank posted up for Daniel's school trip to Atlanta for robotics -- god forbid anyone should raise any money for a charity that is not 4x4 related (n)

COHVA does some good work, and it seems to me that Val legitimately could have lost sight of her responsibilities to keeping NAXJA in the loop - her bad, but we could forgive her. CO4x4 continues to tick me off though, and aside from taking advantage of their productive for-sale boards, I'll be skipping even participating with my free membership, let alone paying them for one. :gonnablow
Did they go and delete all of your posts over there? I tried to go see them and I can't find them... :dunno:

EDIT: Wow, lots of posts in the time it took me to post this response. Never mind!
COHVA does some good work, and it seems to me that Val legitimately could have lost sight of her responsibilities to keeping NAXJA in the loop one.

Puts into question how much work is really done "BY" them vs other orgs like NAXJA and other clubs groups do stuff and donate money from there efforts to have COHVA take credit for.
true enough.
Yeah, deleting our replies to that thread - very chickenshit.

Someone else from NAXJA sent a very professional PM to Val simply asking as to why NAXJA was left out...... I'm thoroughly disappointed and angered by her response. Proof positive that they (both CO4x4 and COHVCO) have their own personal agendas. Donating people/organizations apparently mean nothing to them.

From Val as to why NAXJA wasn't kept in the loop:

"No because I cannot heard cats, and trying to get everyone on the same page is like hearding cats. Sorry feelings were hurt but I had an obligation to the FAMILY not and I took care of that responsiblity.
FWIW the trail maintenence on Indy was in the Trails section on this board."

Apparently sending an e-mail or PM (she's registered on NAXJA) is too difficult and like herding cats....... :rolleyes:

I'm gonna chew on this a while, but I'm likely to get with the heads at COHVCO and voice my disappointment.
Now we all have a lack of class!!!! Whats sad is they wouldnt have even known who
Seth was if it wasnt for NAXJA!!!
Complete Bull... I am not and will never be a part of CO4x4. What a bunch of douche mongers.
My PM reply to Eric, Steve, and Camp:

You have got to be shitting me!!!
val made no effort what so ever to involve anyone from NAXJA. No time to send a single PM? Get ****ing real!!!:mad:
She planely stated that she had "The Rock" in the back of her car for god knows how long and in all that time she couldn't send a PM to myself, Planefixer, or Yellaheep. She's a registered user on NAXJA as well.
The Memorial was not her idea, and keeping the placement of said stone a secret shows a distinct lack of class and elevates her to Attention Whore Status like none other!
Contrary to what any of you may think, this isn't about NAXJA or me getting our collective feelings hurt. This is about being left out in the cold after we as a group contacted, consoled, and wept with Anna, her boys, and her entire extended family. This was a deeeply personal matter for more than just a slect handfull.
We gave birth to the memorial idea and Val used it as her own little step stool so she could stand up and make people notice her and her good deed.
I was not wrong in any way shape or form. She damn well needed to be called out for her stunt....because thats all it was.
Feel free to ban me, but be sure to delete all of the posts I've ever made on this forum.
IMO I think we should find another, more worthy organization to send our donations to. Screw COHVCO and their tactics they don't deserve another penny of my money also, screw CO4x4- that board is a joke.If you're not part of their "clique" the you just don't matter.The mods over there are very good at selective censorship.
Thats what I told him to. Here is his response via PM. I told him I would post it up.

from Steve at CO4x4:
Look, I can actually understand why they might be upset. Really, I do. The problem is that for some bizarre reason they think this board has something to do with it. It doesn't. Val chose to post here, but that was purely her decision. The bigger problem is that they want to hijack a thread here to argue and bitch about it. Val's a member of NAXJA, PM her there about it, or PM her here about it. Don't hijack a thread here to do it.

I lost a very close friend in Iraq. He was a member here. I know his mom very well. I know she'd be appalled if people here were arguing about who got credit for placing a plaque somewhere to honor him. I don't know if Seth's parents look at NAXJA, but I've got to think that the thread there about this wouldn't make them very happy.

The bottom line is that this is a matter between a few members on NAXJA (not the entire NAXJA board) and Val and/or COHVCO (not the entire CO4x4.org board). It should be handled that way.


I was going to post up there to remind everyone that this board is not a club, there are no officers, there is no organization, and that this board doesn't arrange, endorse, or approve of anything, it's simply a chat board. Period. This board had NOTHING to do with the trail cleanup and the plaque for Seth. If there's any anger, it should be directed at Val and/or COHVCO, not at this board or its moderators. Guess I won't do that since I'm banned now.
As I've stated to both Steve and Camp, this isn't about me or anyone else from NAXJA not getting credit for anything....but the fact the Val decided not to share the information with anyone from NAXJA certainly does piss me off to no end.

Credit? Really?!?!

This is what it's really about.
Three people (No names needed here) spent a huge amount of time, some of there own funds, and more tears than you can imagine for a truely worthwhile cause, Seth and his family. Yes we posted pics, had a trail run, attended the funeral. It wasn't done for any sort of credit. It was done was done out of respect, honor, and love. No more, no less. A mass trailrun to mark the day the stone was laid was never on the agenda, quite the opposite actually. A small presence from NAXJA and the Stanton Family was the plan then.


No, we simply wanted to be there....
To hug a mother
Talk to the younger brothers.
And celebrate.

Val's comments regarding the burden of keeping the stone in her car simply highlight her calous Me Me Me attitude.

I'd gladly carry that rock friends.

Yeah, I'm all about taking credit.
I agree. Here is my response to Steve and Camp:

I think it was a little over board deleteing the post, and kinda childish. I think the reason those guys are upset is cause they put a lot of effort into the Stanton memorial effort, raise money that was donated to COHVCO in Seths name, etc.

Whats sad is the people who are taking credit for this, who if it wasnt for those guys at NAXJA, had no idea who Seth was or would have even cared. Ask them how many were at his funeral and joined the long convoy of Jeeps for his funeral, or got his jeep running for the family.
This whole incedent has me very disappointed. For the record, here is my email to COHVCO.

The handling of this event has seriously put in jeopardy any future support of your organization.

Seth was a member of our club and our members are the ones who came up with the idea, not to mention raised considerable funds towards it and have supported the family through their grief. Failure to notify of this was unacceptable and was a breach of the most basic common courtesy.


Tom Houston
NAXJA Colorado Chapter President
former NAXJA National President

As far as I am concerned, they can go pound sand.
As I've stated to both Steve and Camp, this isn't about me or anyone else from NAXJA not getting credit for anything....but the fact the Val decided not to share the information with anyone from NAXJA certainly does piss me off to no end.

Credit? Really?!?!

This is what it's really about.
Three people (No names needed here) spent a huge amount of time, some of there own funds, and more tears than you can imagine for a truely worthwhile cause, Seth and his family. Yes we posted pics, had a trail run, attended the funeral. It wasn't done for any sort of credit. It was done was done out of respect, honor, and love. No more, no less. A mass trailrun to mark the day the stone was laid was never on the agenda, quite the opposite actually. A small presence from NAXJA and the Stanton Family was the plan then.


No, we simply wanted to be there....
To hug a mother
Talk to the younger brothers.
And celebrate.

You hit it right on the head- this isn't about "credit" its about being there for a family.Too bad those guys on the other board couldn't figure that out and deleted our posts.I ,for one, didn't personally attack Val.My post was deleted because she's good friends with Steve and Camp and they saw their Princess Diva having negative (negative comments/questions and personal attacks are 2 different things) posts directed at her so they deleted them.

Val's comments regarding the burden of keeping the stone in her car simply highlight her calous Me Me Me attitude.
And Camp calls our classiness into question- what a joke.

I'd gladly carry that rock friends.

Yeah, I'm all about taking credit.
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