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Never a good way to introduce yourself

Since we're all pals here, I'll admit it:

I've been a lesbian trapped in a man's body for as long as I can remember. It's a difficult deal, as you may well imagine... and talking the wife into indulging me has been a less that fruitful venture. But she's old. Um I mean old fashioned. And mean, now that I think of it.

So I am needing a soul mate. Preferably not old (fashioned) and certainly not some other freak like me. Must be -40, female trapped in a female body, carniverous, kind, compassionate and willing to travel, rich would be a plus, as would be a functional knowledge of high explosives... (we'll count digits first date... adult show & tell! Less than twenty, without a real good story and I'm bailing out)

Thanks for listening...

Edit: mebbe I should post a wanted ad in the Classifieds?

Wow...sniff, sniff, tears, trembling lip, nose starting to drip.......I feel for u pal and I applaude (sp. 2 hands clapping) your bravery in coming out on a forum like this!:worship:
:D You know I just got to wondering if gay guys can shift a stick better then I can and therefore would they be able to out drive me. what do you guys think....does practice make perfect? And do hetrosexuals tend to drive automatics? hmmmmmmm.
Is Buddhism a religion per se? I am on a computer now instead of in the car on my blackberry so I can ask longer questions.

I always thought of Buddhism as a philosophy or a lifestyle.

I think it depends on who you ask. Buddhists would probably not define their belief system as religious, as traditional Buddhism has no gods. There are sects of Buddhism that have gods (typically sects that have been intermingled with Hinduism), but they're the exception rather than the rule.

That said, since Buddhism shows up as a religion choice on surveys and the US Census, I'm going to slot it in with other religions.
I think it depends on who you ask. Buddhists would probably not define their belief system as religious, as traditional Buddhism has no gods. There are sects of Buddhism that have gods (typically sects that have been intermingled with Hinduism), but they're the exception rather than the rule.

That said, since Buddhism shows up as a religion choice on surveys and the US Census, I'm going to slot it in with other religions.

Well thank you. Buddhism is so much more interesting then gays. I have 2 buddies who are practicing Buddhism. (I wonder how much practice it takes to become 'one' [pun] ;>} ) Anyway I think you wrapped it right up when it comes to how they feel! Seems like Buddhism practices the Christian concepts more then most Christians. :clap:
P.S. I ask myself ..... would Buddha wheel? I think only if someone had cleared the worms out of the way first....even the gay ones....o wait worms are all gay aren't they?
Whatever flips his burger I guess.

Being "Gay" just doesn't have the stigma it used to. The kids nowdays are all taught that it's not only alright, but it makes you a protected being.

So, since it's been brought up...
There is an interesting mix of 15 to 50ish folks here.
What kind of reception would such a post generate here? Would you guys web-rape him, or would you welcome him with open arms as a fellow Jeep owner?

just because you own a jeep doesnt mean im going to be your buddy. i am easy to get along with but those type of people are sick imo. and it makes it more sick to try to push it out into the open saying its okay.
going out on a limb, but...

1. was searching "gay*" (which is ok, to each his own)
2. found this thread
3. read first page
4. suppresed natural tendencies/feelings
5. felt need to over-compensate for those feelings
6. wrote "blahblahblah those type of people are sick imo. blahblahblah"
7. didn't notice that the thread is over a year old
8. DOH!
hahaha how exactly did this thread get resurrected... I want to know what the search terms were!

Not gay, don't care if anyone else is, keep it in your bedroom and I'll keep it in mine, won't keep me from helping you fix your jeep or having a beer around the campfire with you. Just doesn't really matter to me :dunno: I generally stick with the "live and let live" mentality.