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Never a good way to introduce yourself

Damn, a little slow on the draw,

and I guess I was off the mark.

Edit: Fwiw, five responses and nobody flinched. Just the normal "welcome and where's the jeep pics?" posts.
And this is why I try to stay away from these types of threads. For one people are always so FU#$ING picky about only agreeing with themselves, and two somehow SOCAL always finds a way to piss people off!

I'll bet you were a riot to watch in a physics class. Pssst, gravity is real too.

I think (correct me if I'm wrong Bent) you took this...

... the wrong way Justin. I think Bent was asking if your statement ...

... still applied under those conditions.

You sir are correct.
I think (correct me if I'm wrong Bent) you took this...

... the wrong way Justin. I think Bent was asking if your statement ...

... still applied under those conditions.

I did take it that way when I looked at it, and I stand by what I said. You cant change everyone in the world and stop them from doing what they do even if it is wrong. The world could not function if everyone did everything right.
How did he force his beliefs on anybody? Did I miss something?

So, your best bud from grade school shows up one day and he's all strung out. Do you accept his new junkie lifestyle as OK because he's just being 'true' to himself? Even if that 'truth' is chemically induced, it is his current 'truth'.
How did he force his beliefs on anybody? Did I miss something?

So, your best bud from grade school shows up one day and he's all strung out. Do you accept his new junkie lifestyle as OK because he's just being 'true' to himself? Even if that 'truth' is chemically induced, it is his current 'truth'.

Just because I said that he is "true" to himself didnt mean that I would accept it. But by not accepting it doesnt mean I am going to beat him down about it. If he wants help to change thats one thing but if he cannot stop well then he needs to go back to his acts without me.
So the guy is gay, who gives a damn.

The way he jumped into that forum and announcing it and trying to find a date, instead of just making friends seems to me that he was looking to start a fight.

From the responses I read it does seem that everyone blew off his comment, good for them.
i wonder if he recieved any "special" PM's like he was hoping for.
I could care less about the fact that he's gay. I do think the guy is a total dumbass though for combining two things in an introduction that have absolutely nothing to do with each other. It's the equivalent of standing in a gas station bathroom takin' a pee and looking at the wall..." For a good time be here at 2:15 a.m."

I am willing to bet though that the guy did by the MJ specifically for the bed:rof:
i wonder if he recieved any "special" PM's like he was hoping for.

I heard you asked him out already on a wheeling date. Since he most likely has a underbuilt 86, you could "tow him from behind."
haha wow im funny

No but really the whole gay thing doesnt bother me as long as they stay away from me. Common median, unfortunaly I live near Portland and even the mayor is swinging the other way so looks like im surrounded by it so I better get used to it.

But he is definitly trying to pick up tail on a Comanche forum and that has gotta be hilarious, it would be just as bad if I announced all hot jeep ladies on naxja pm me. One it wouldnt happen and two I would get flamed like crazy.
I'll bet there is an old and new book too.

Indeed. If this is the case, Bent, please fill me in on which verses explain that homosexuality is an obsessive/compulsive spectrum disorder. I'm not real up on my religious literature - been a while since I took those classes. I was a history major with a minor in world religion at a Christian univeristy for a couple years, but it must have been the upper division courses that covered mental disorder diagnosis.
This post intentionally left blank.
its called SAGE : http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=sage

from the japanese term, meaning "to put down" or "to lower"

UD said:
4. sage Within the context of text and image forums, "sage" or "saging" is the act of adding commentary that will not renew a thread's position within the forum.

This is done for one of two reasons:
-As a generosity to other posters - a long living but moot thread is not of aid to anyone, and this acts as a discrete manner to add complementary information.
-Exclusively as a harsh statement of reprisal - feeling that the content is inappropriate or that the manner of the poster is unsuitable.


i agree with fscrig75, who cares? does it effect you in any way? probably not (unless you sent him a PM ;)) so nothing to discuss.
I like how people will start flaming on someone's religion because it's different from them. Is his belief somehow less valid than yours if it's based on religion? Way to practice your "tolerance".
Yet again, the same exact parties are beating that poor dead horse.

One does not need to be tolerant or even accepting of Homosexuality. It's a personal choice on both sides of the fence. One just can't deny people their Rights under the Constitution because of their sexual proclivities.

Each of us is allowed his or her own opinion about Homosexuality, and what it's cause is. The activity is age old, and will be around as long as there will be people. None of us is going to change each others mind with pointed arguments, lables, or names. Some of us are liberal minded, and some of us are less so.

So, unless there is something further to discuss about the original post, perhaps it's time to let the thread die on the vine.