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My New Time Consuming Project

I'll save the congrats till you close.. but i'm stoked for ya!

Haha, I hear you on that!
The P&S is done but still a handful of weeks and permits before closing.
Where will the cleared area with a rock pile be? Where will the garage be? I didnt realize you were starting from scratch!! I call dibs on building your kitchen, it'll be badass. I can also make awesome man caves, even themed ones ;)
Little early for rock pile discussions. ;)
The barn will be just past the house. If you look at the 6th picture you can see how the cleared path continues a little. The barn will be back there.
Nice. :D

The house I'd like to build is drawn up already. Not official blueprints, but it'd take a real architect no time at all to straighten everything up.

Sucks that land on the side of a hill with southern exposure overlooking Lake Tahoe is kinda hard to come by. :(
I've got some pretty well set plans hand sketched/drafted now. Just need to get some other things going first.

Yeah, good luck on that one!
Looks great Bill. Best of luck to you and Angel with it. It looks nice and level, and hopefully there are some large rocks hiding under that snow. How many acres?

Pretty flat, it does slope a little in the southern corner. There are some large rocks in the way (I've been walking it since early December when there was only 3" on the ground. There is also an old stone wall running down the middle with some nice stones.

It is just over 9.5 acres.

Sick dude. I'll be sure to come by and drink your beer while you build it.

There will be plenty of those nights.
Congrats Bill, that is pretty awesome. When you said in the LOPT you bought land, I wasn't aware it was just land. I hope it turns out well for you since you have a blank slate. I definitely want to be invited to those nights as well.

This may seem like a weird or joking idea, but I would think about some sort of underground tunnel to the barn. Just think about those times when there is that much snow on the ground, or there is a blizzard, and you need to get to the barn. Walk outside, or go through a nice, dry underground tunnel?

Plus, you get to have a super sweet underground tunnel. I would recommend putting the entrance behind a fireplace or tall mirror, that swings forward when you pull a candlestick. (Alright that last part wasn't serious...) [size=-3]alright maybe it was[/size]
I will put jinxes on anyone who steals my idea for a house. Hogwarts castle is MINE!
Mark wants you to build your house like Hogwart's.
Dude, that would be awesome.

Sounds like Bill needs to become a master mason.
Alright who wants to put down bets on when he finishes the house?

Considering it took him 3 years to build an XJ...

I'm going with 7 years to finish the house.

1.5 years. He's got motivation to move out of the 'rents house.

Oh, and he's actually gonna wanna use the house when it's done.
I'll save the congrats till you close.. but i'm stoked for ya!

You don't have to save them any longer! party1:

After months of paperwork, bills, surveys, and plans as of this morning I now officially own the property!
congrats bill. not sure if you mentioned it already but how much land is it?
congrats bill. not sure if you mentioned it already but how much land is it?
Who cares? It comes with a FREE CANDY van!

'grats Bill! party1:
lets all go tear it up before he builds on it :shhh:
Congrats Bill!! All that paperwork/testing is a bit overwhelming, but 15 years from now, when your watching your 6 kids play in the jeep-shaped sandbox, you'll wonder how you ever survived without it (of course, you'll also wonder how your hair got so gray, why you can't sleep later than 7am, and why, whenever you get in your wifes car, is the gas gauge always on "E" with the light on...:dunno::jester:)
congrats bill. not sure if you mentioned it already but how much land is it?
Only just over 9.5 acres, but it'll have to do.
Yippy! When can I expect my room to be done?
Who cares? It comes with a FREE CANDY van!

'grats Bill! party1:
I'm very confused about that statement. :looney:
Congrats Bill!!

I think you'll be providing the firewood for Octoberfest this year.
I'll be bringing as much as I can fit.
Congrats Bill!! All that paperwork/testing is a bit overwhelming, but 15 years from now, when your watching your 6 kids play in the jeep-shaped sandbox, you'll wonder how you ever survived without it (of course, you'll also wonder how your hair got so gray, why you can't sleep later than 7am, and why, whenever you get in your wifes car, is the gas gauge always on "E" with the light on...:dunno::jester:)
Yay, congrats bill. Well that 1 thing off your lists huh...

One down, and the list just got huge. I'm ready for it.