Guys shave and grow their facial hair to raise money and to show their support for cancer patients. Movember has raised $299 million, up to date. That money not only goes into cancer research, but also goes into cancer awareness.
Along with raising money, it shows your support for those who have cancer. When you are down in the dirt and you see or talk to someone who has shaved their head or mustache because they care, it can make all the difference in your fight to survive.
I don't know about the pink football shoes. However, I'm going to guess that part of the money they pay for the shoes goes toward cancer research or treatment.
The people you see shaving their hair or wearing pink cancer awareness paraphernalia might have cancer themselves or have a close friend or family member who has/had cancer - i.e. wife, daughter, mother, sister, brother, husband, etc...
As far as sun exposure, wear sunscreen. That's what people use for other parts of their body that don't have hair.
Obviously the naysayers haven't been in the fight. It's called a fight because you are literally fighting for your right to live.
When you look at death in the face, you will be singing a different tune.