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Bent said:
Sorry, you may have just fallen off the turnip truck, but there have been countless in Indonesia that have died as a result of it.

There you go with that pinko left half a$$ approach again. Anything short of melting the whole sand box into a sheet of glass is a waste of time and effort.
I appreciate your position, as really, it has made my point for me and just to be sure, we are talking about the same thing, I said Islamic fundamentalism, of the Iranian flavor. The same struff, that´s making the Saudi aristrocracy so nervous. Not the kind we fought, in the phillipeans early in the last centruy.
Possible I´ve had more experience with it that you have. Turkey had a fundamnetalist movement, in the military, they ran them all out of Turkey, many showed up in Germany. Where do you think all of the middle class, out of Iran went, when the Iatola took over.
I worked right along side of a Turkish Coronal, of the Islam is the only chance we have philosophy, this guy was seriously under employed.
I personnally don´t think iraq, is a bad place to confront it, two birds with one stone.
I talk to the Iranian ex pats here, many are nervous about where they are gonna move next, if Iraq falls. Fighting Irainian fundamentalism in Germany, guess I´m from the moon, the English sure enough believe it´s here. Instead of taking a stand in Irag, I guess we could do it in Greenland.
Since Irag, Germany has gotten better, used to be whole sections of town, where you couldn´t drive down the street, unless you had an escort.
911 was a wake up call for America, guess some people choose to remain asleep.
Just to clarify a bit, many of the Muslims in the US (and Europe, among others), are there because they were running from the Fudamentalists (pretty much political asylum seekers). Others because they were run out of there own country by governments, that made it unhealthy for fundamentalists (pretty much political asylum seekers). And to be well rounded, another group, because they were looking for something better.
Do you feel secure now? How the heck are you gonna seperate the wheat from the chaff? The only possible solution, is to try and deal with it at the source. Close your borders and try and seperate the baddies from the goodies?
Does stability take on a new meaning for you. One of the main reasons, the US intervened in Kosovo, was to keep the Albanian Muslims, in Kosovo. But I still personnaly beleive that was a mistake, the Serbs, would probably be better allies than enemies. Who cares what the Serbs think? About one long days drive from there to here. Have you ever heard of a Serbian nationalist, suicide bomber?
The Croatian Muslims, were stockpiling weapons and digging bunkers, ten years before the collapse of Yugoslavia. Don´t know what I´m talking about, guess the "hunting cabins" I helped build (dig) in Croatia, were mostly undergorund, by accident. Guess my time in Nam was wasted, because I wouldn´t know a bunker if I fell in one. Nobody did anything, until way past too late.
Nice to live in a bubble. Is it possible, Bush is doing the right thing, at least he is doing something.
Germans and the French think they can make an accomodation, there society is so strong and stabile, there ways so right, the problem will be assimilated. The Dutch used to think the same way, really no place on earth, more accomodating than the Dutch. That´s changing.
Seems to be a serious culture clash, brewing. Is Iraq a good place to try and deal with it, time will tell.
The Mexicans, sneaking across the border every night. England has exactly the same thing going on, except they come in on trains through the Channel tunnel and stow away on trucks, going across on the ferry. Many are asylum seekers, of one flavor or another (wheat or chaff?).
In Germany, when you move, you have to register at the local police station.
World is a chit storm and you can argue, could have been, should have been, talk this theroy and that, argue about it endlessly and probably waste around till way past to late, to try and deal with it.
At least Bush is doing something. The morality of invading Iraq, nice sentiment, but not really very realistic.
Think about the word, Domino affect and ask yourself if a Domino, is what knocked over the WTC. And if stopping the Dominos at the begining, rather than the end, is the better policy.
When people say the US medaling in mid east policy is wrong or immoral, I for one beg to differ and appreciate what is trying to be done. Only time will tell, wether it was right, wrong or futile.
Just for the sake of arguement, if the US would have invaded Italy, and disposed a facists government in 1938, WW II might not have happened, not the real problem, but maybe close enough to the source to change history. Now let us discuse the morality of invading Italy.
Sorry about the length and the commas, this is hard to say in a blurb of a sentance or less.
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