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I periodically consider ditching mine. Over time I find myself removing more and more personal information, and about the only real use it gets anymore is "Hey! I'm wheeling this weekend!" status updates and pictures of carnage.

Let's all ditch our social networking sites and hang out on midwestXJ. For some reason you fawkers seem trustworthy.
I disabled mine for a month, realized that all I had done was cut myself completely out of the loop with some of my friends who live fairly far away. So I re-enabled it and removed more info / set my privacy settings up yet again.
On the way back to Menomonie, stopped for gas... Grand cherokee was in parking stop gushing coolant... Went over and talked to the driver, asked a few questions. Found out he hadn't done anything to the cooling system in over 4-5years. I look and its all coming out of hose connected to t-stat housing.
I unbolted it, took out t-stat that was rusted ( 8-O ) mounted back together and filled it with some coolant i had in back of Creep. Told him to replace the t-stat ever 1-2yrs, went on my way...
hell yeah way to go! need a pit bitch? im dying to go out there for a race

Here's the deal. We will be up for anyone that wants to volunteer helping in the pits. We are going to have to cover more than one pits as the hammers usually has three or more, at least that's my understanding. We will also need help setting up a relay for our radio, which will be someone standing on the highest point with a battery and a radio with antenna to keep our radios working all across the lake bed. We are looking at bringing some rigs that are both the racing rigs and support vehicles. We'll probably need more support than what we can bring with us.

I'm probably going to be leading up the pits as I'm the "crew chief" That said, we can't pay you, it would be your money, your time, and your ability to get out there whether flying and a rental or dragging your junk, we'll still be interested in the help. Its the biggest off road race out there, and from what I've heard is one thing to put your list of things to do before you die. About the only thing we could offer is some good cooking (we are trying to get our team chef out there) and maybe a tshirt.

If you are interested this early, send me a PM and when we start putting things together this fall I'll contact you with details. I'm going to probably put another post together later on with details as well. Hopefully the MWC BOD won't mind a thread later this year putting details together.

The interested that this has already gathered makes me warm and tingly inside :)

mac 'the greatest spectacle in off road racing?' gyvr
callsigns can be accessed by anyone, so if it is on your plate, and your FCC registration is correct, someone can find your house by checking your callsign.

Vanity/personalized plates cannot be readily accessed, just like normal plates.

It does sound like KOH is one of those things you gotta see if you have any interest at all in off road racing (and I do). I would love to get out there... the biggest turn off is the 30 hour trip. It's a lot of fuel to get out there too, but I won't complain much since macgyvr has us all beat in the fuel cost department.
callsigns can be accessed by anyone, so if it is on your plate, and your FCC registration is correct, someone can find your house by checking your callsign.

Vanity/personalized plates cannot be readily accessed, just like normal plates.

Yep. This is where most people who care use a PO box nearby. I honestly don't care, I'm pretty sure I can handle skeevy old morbidly obese dudes on mobility carts without too much trouble, but if I had kids or a wife around I might worry.
Yay for prednisone!

It's still all nasty looking, but it feels much better.

I'm on the juice for 10 days.
I feel you guys itchy pain, i laid out a square yard of mulch last night and we got real bad mosquitoes by me, my back is like a mine field arms got a couple each even some on the head
If you get into the stuff, and haven't exploded in a rash yet, there's a soap called "Zanfel" that is really good about getting most of the oil off of you. I get systemic reactions just about everytime I get exposed to ivy, and the soap immediately afterwards is a lot more fun than the doctor's visits and shots and steroids and all that.

I was clearing some brush once, and stopped to take a leak without washing my hands. I'd been wearing gloves most of the day, so I thought I would be fine. The next two weeks were two of the worst weeks of my life...
If you get into the stuff, and haven't exploded in a rash yet, there's a soap called "Zanfel" that is really good about getting most of the oil off of you. I get systemic reactions just about everytime I get exposed to ivy, and the soap immediately afterwards is a lot more fun than the doctor's visits and shots and steroids and all that.

I was clearing some brush once, and stopped to take a leak without washing my hands. I'd been wearing gloves most of the day, so I thought I would be fine. The next two weeks were two of the worst weeks of my life...

I was dealing with the rash on my ankles pretty well. Some stuff called Ivy Dry was keeping it at bay for a few days. I woke up monday morning and it had broken out and started to spread up my calves. I decided that I didn't want it to get to my junk, so that's when I went in for the steroids.

I agree that it would probably be about the worst thing ever. I was trying to avoid that at all costs. I had even taken to washing my hands BEFORE using the restroom.
Really when you think about it, that makes more sense anyway. You're touching random crap covered in germs all day, shouldn't you always wash your hands before you touch your junk?

Yeah, but when you stop and REALLY think about it........his hands don't hold a candle to the places that his junk has been.
Zanfel is good if you catch it early. Once your skin is welted up it only helps for a little bit then you have to use it again. It sure does feel good when you're scrubbing with it! Not to mention that it's expensive! $40 for a 1oz tube.
Really when you think about it, that makes more sense anyway. You're touching random crap covered in germs all day, shouldn't you always wash your hands before you touch your junk?

I suppose so

Yeah, but when you stop and REALLY think about it........his hands don't hold a candle to the places that his junk has been.

I thought that was just between us? You promised to delete those pictures.

Zanfel is good if you catch it early. Once your skin is welted up it only helps for a little bit then you have to use it again. It sure does feel good when you're scrubbing with it! Not to mention that it's expensive! $40 for a 1oz tube.

Yeah, I was going to do that stuff that Travis mentioned, but it was $40. My copay and prescription was under $20.
I thought that was just between us? You promised to delete those pictures.
Pictures can be deleted... memories can't :gag: at least without significant quantities of alcohol
Tried taking the boy out fishing today. My motor on the boat decided to blow a head gasket, now to find out how much to fix it. (n)
Had the ivy a few times. I have a huge patch of poison oak on my back hill. Just never burn the stuff. I was going to cut it up before it leafed and throw it in the wood boiler. That could have been fatal. Good thing I read on how to dispose of it. They say the smoke is like touching it to your lungs and could kill you. Was always wondering why our wilderness fire training had us wear a mask.

Sorry to hear about your boat Kim.
Yay for prednisone!

It's still all nasty looking, but it feels much better.

I'm on the juice for 10 days.

I got a steroid shot in the hip this morning and prednisone for 4 days...mine is about 1/2 as bad as your looked. They said the prednisone would make me wired for a few days and little or no sleep..I said "Great, can I get a refill?" :D
remembered why I hate the Sears auto center. Went to take my Diehard platinum back to exchange it and waited for the guy in there to do a bunch of things that the shop guys should do. After about 20 minutes he finally got to me. He then told me the test for the battery takes an hour. WTF! He also quoted someone over the phone $576 to change the shocks in a tundra! :eek: anyway long story short I walked out pissed. Normally I would not be such a Dick but the guy was rude to me so f it. So I gotta go back and deal with this moron again in a couple days. Yay!