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oh a dot contest is it?

i am the dot...

Don't ruin our meeting with a bunch of dots.
We just had a huge meeting at WF.
I'm not a bit surprised by the lack of posts in this one.
It'll pick back up.
Ramsey missed one hell of a meeting... there are monthly ones scheduled at least through June though, so maybe he can attend the one in KY.
Remote from St. Louis....after nearly getting hit by the tornado that went thru Springfield, IL this evening.

Thank my GOD for Garmin, and XM weather service.

Lawn Cher' said:
Ramsey missed one hell of a meeting... there are monthly ones scheduled at least through June though, so maybe he can attend the one in KY.

Where's the April meeting?

Gil BullyKatz said:
Where's the April meeting?


Someonetmabout a "meatfest" at Gil's house with all the free meat that I could eat...

Ill be there in April... :D
Woke up at 3AM to three loud blasts in last nights elect storm.
My son comes in my room to tell me there was a small explosion, lots of sparks, in his room.
Burning electrical smell everywhere.

Apparently took a direct hit.
Total carnage:
Two computer monitors.
Three TVs including my Sony front projector.
Two complete A/V systems including heavily modded classic MacIntosh amp & Threshold Preamp and (the really painful part) a pair of irreplaceable (company out of business) extensively modified Acoustat electrostatic speakers.
seanR said:
I hope you are in "Good Hands".
I'm hoping "Farmers" know the value of classic high end electronics.
Just renewed. Still planning on laying low for a while. Have not even been caving in a while. No, marriage has nothing to do with this...

Brad, sorry to hear about the damage to your AV equipment. Your set-up was really nice. Hope the insurance is easy to deal with for your sake.
XJFang said:
Just renewed. Still planning on laying low for a while. Have not even been caving in a while. No, marriage has nothing to do with this...

Brad, sorry to hear about the damage to your AV equipment. Your set-up was really nice. Hope the insurance is easy to deal with for your sake.

Good to see your still around Fang!
You were missed at WF!