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I've only had close calls. Was sitting on the porch during a storm when in was a kid, and a bolt came down to about five foot to the ground about ten feet from me. If it would have hit I probibly wouldn't be here now. I could feel the heat off of it and smell the ionized air.
Lawn Cher' said:
Which weekend are we talking about Gil? My schedule is filling up fast!

Either the Saturday the 15th or the 22nd...

When the new girl arrives is gonna affect it...

Her due date is the 19th...

Raven's birthday is the 17th...

Pretty sure the wife's not gonna make it past the first week of April if not the last one in march.

I'm leaning more towards the 22nd only because it gives me more time to prep...

and a few more days of rest for the missus before the stampede

I'm interested, and will provide homebrew :cheers:
lesslimited said:
I'm interested, and will provide homebrew :cheers:


That about settles it...

it's ON!


I'll prolly make the "Official date and info" thread in a week or two
In x2

You're going to have to come get it now, as I cannot ship. :D
Cool. I have permission for the Fall Fling. If I wheel prior with you prior to the start of the official event, does it still count towards earning the sticker?
Lawn Cher' said:
Cool. I have permission for the Fall Fling. If I wheel prior with you prior to the start of the official event, does it still count towards earning the sticker?

Yes, It does count. :thumbup:
I am grumpy!
I am tired!
I have been in front of the confuser all day and there is a bunch of 8 year olds wokr in this building!
They are painting the rooms around mine, sounds like romper room!
I want my old office building back!

I am loading a belt fed weapon right now, look for me on the news!